It's gonna fucking suck and you know it
It's gonna fucking suck and you know it
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Curse you, scam man.
If I press X.. will I be sucked, or will I be fucked?
Whats the point of your pessimistic thread?
Assblasted Megaman fan
I can't say I'm optimistic for this anymore as a donor and seeing how little progress has been made and how every other crowdfunded game has turned out so far. Really wish I could go back and change my mind on investing in it now cause I definitely feel like I've been scammed. Like 75% sure roughly. I think the 25% confidence probably has more to do with how we've been getting some updates and dialogue about it again for the last month.
it will definitely suck. hopefully between this, MN9 and yooka laylee people will learn that kickstarer is a ripoff
THe only people that donate to kikestarter don't actually play these games. It's a virtue signalling thing. The same kind of people buy NES minis. So what if it's going to suck? They wouldn't have bought a good game either way.
Yooka-Laylee is pretty good though, I wish people on Sup Forums would get their heads out of their asses for once and be able to formulate their own opinions.
Seriously pick one and only one.
dropped $100 for the slacker backer option when the demo came out. very much looking forward to it. no matter what I'm going to get a few good monstergirl faps out of it
Luckily you can "wait" until after it's released to buy it should you choose to.
>mfw MN9 kickfarters got codes for the wrong platform
I'm not saying there isn't a tendency for any group of people to echo the same opinion
but surely you must realize there are people with different opinions from you
yooka laylee is mediocre at best
Nah 5 empty soulless levels, slippery awful controls, terrible music and sounds. I wish Sup Forums contrarians would just fuck off already.
It's boring and bland.
I want to fuck and suck Miriam
they heard neogaf and are removing the giant boobs from the first boss
enjoy those faps
I'm not saying everybody should think it's a good game, there's an audience for this kind of game and even back then with Banjo Kazooie that was very clear, the problem here is a bunch of people going the way of the reviews and calling the game a failure because the reviews are bad without even playing the game like this guy For what it was set to do (be a spiritual BK sequel) it was definitely not a failure and most of the people who liked the collectathon games back in the day like Yooka Laylee but I guess it's impossible to please everybody.
It's not good, unlike BK. So stop comparing your soulless trash to masterpieces like BK.
Post yfw you didn't back Bloodstained.
post yfw you didn't back Bloodstained
gonna have to source that, buddy.
even then I still have the demo
and the boss model in XNA
Is this a Japanese version of Bloodborne?
post yfw your ready to meme big
Obviously. I don't want another sidescrolling game, a low budget one nonetheless.
This is what I want from the Castlevania series:
>open world
>play as Alucard or a dhampyr in general
>world design based on historical Transylvania with a fantasy edge like Vampire Hunter D
>complex castle design like SOTN but now in beautiful 3D, tight design and interesting unlike Lament of Innocence
>scrap Lords of Shadow and create a new canon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 it'll be absolute shit
0 it'll be a blockbuster hit and become famous
>open world
>3d castlevania
So Ys or Dark Souls (with speed)?
You can't watch this video and keep thinking the game will be good unless being under some heavy nostalgia filled delusion. Like seriously, this bit of gameplay shows us everything we need to know about the game right here.
How about "yes now go fuck yourself"
A Castlevania/Vampire Hunter D inspired open world game would be awesome if done well.
Nah, it's gonna be pretty good.
I'm sorry you got bamboozled by a businessman and a few people superficially involved in Banjo.
>open world
Fucking kill yourself, please.
Any updates on Shenmue?
If the game was 2D it would be perfect but as it stands it's 3D so I don't care about it, guess I'll stick to Rondo of Blood.
When they brought in the third party company that was literallywho on the game I got really worried. I like most of what I've seen but it seems like it's progressing really slowly and things have changed a lot from the initial Kickstarter already.
Like DMC combined with Witcher 3 except not flawed to fucking hell and back like Witcher 3.
I dunno man, the game looks very promising compared to Megaboy No.9.
Does Witcher 3 even have combat?
There are parts where I press a button and Geralt slices a dude in two, yes.
Why would you want that in your Castlevania?
Kickstarter is a meme, there are very few people who can do good games with small budgets and for those reasons they're all employed already, the ones asking for money in Kickstarter are doing so because no company wants to trust them, people who support these people on Kickstarter are literally retarded.
You might think so, but I'll be the one laughing when Barkley 2 comes out.
Not that guy, but the combat is one of the things I wouldn't want from Witcher 3. Mounts and some of the art design though, yes.
Why not name the thing that Witcher 3 took its 'inspiration' from then instead of Witcher 3?
>if done well
It won't be. You're a dipshit, and open world is a meme.
>It won't be.
Obviously, since it won't be made at all. We're just talking hypotheticals and dreams here.
>"open world is a meme"
>calling others dipshits
k, enjoy your shitty low budget sidescroller that lost its appeal over a decade ago.
There was a playable demo and it was good
Fucking fight me op
>it was good
Wow, how convincing. I take your opinion over the ones of people that play 2d games for a living.
I would certainly take the opinion of someone who's fucking played the demo over someone who hasn't and is basing all their criticisms just on the way the game looks.
You're making too much sense, what are you doing on Sup Forums?
So these people that play 2d games for a living haven't played the same demo you did?
Talking about games rationally on Sup Forums? You're just asking for trouble.
What are you even talking about.
Who plays 2D games for a living? What the fuck are you referring to?
Your poor attempts at deflection don't work on me. You still haven't given me even made a single statement about Bloodstained.
Oh god, it's happening, isn't it. Bloodstained now has its own ACK/Barneyfag-type schizo. God help us.
Still nothing.
FTL and Shovel Knight were pretty good though lad
>shovel knight
Probably the worst Megaman game out there.
you clearly have not plumbed the depths, because there are some very bad official Megaman games
Now that's a hot opinion. It's better than classic Megaman.
Such as? Even the gameboy megaman games are miles ahead of SK.
I didn't back it so who cares
SK has funner movement, bosses and powers.
Deal with it, it's actually better.
I want this to be good. But:
>bad graphics
>terrible art design
>terrible monster design
>terrible colors
>Unreal engine
>Same team as Mighty Number 9
>Nostalgia driven crowd funding.
>huge delays.
I backed the Wii U edition but now I need to change it to PC or refund. The early demo was fucking boring and the enemies looked like shit, but I'm hopeful it'll be better by release. Should I just get the refund?
weaponized autism
Like I'm not crazy, right? I read a bunch of reviews of the demo and people were praising the art. It looks like absolute garbage to me.
wow its almost like we're on an image board where people post the same picture/webm wow
Missing the point much?
>I want this to be good
>meanwhile repeatedly posting the same webm while going HAHAHAHAHA, trying to get Sup Forums to shit on it every single day
Unless your point is that more than one person is posting that exact webm, with the exact same name. Come on now. We're on Sup Forums. What do you really think is the most likely possibility?
you must be new here because i'm going with the former
It could be worse.
Oh man. That totally blows my argument of level-design out of the water.
Doesn't make any difference.
You would literally have to be new to assume the best out of Sup Forums.
If it ends up sucking it effectively destroys any and all chances of any crowdfunded title being decent because this was the last big one outside of Shen Mue 3.
>lots of people shitposting is the best of Sup Forums
now you're just being a retard
i know you are but what am i?
>open world
>play as Alucard
>open world
What it should be is like is a mixture of Soulsborne, the N64, and the PS2 Castlevanias. This big inter-connected castle you can run around in, including areas outside and below. A big difference over the Soulsbourne games is that you can jump. The camera is fully rotational. You play as a vampire hunter, and they can equip all sorts of weapons not just the whip.
Open World is the worst meem ever. It usually means big empty areas.
honestly they should have just tried to make bloodstained 2d
>falling for kickstarters
There is this idea that 2D is cheap or bad, and that to fufill the demands of the backers, it needs to be modern, professional, game. That means HD 3D. Which just adds complication and annoyance. They had to hire another team just to add little details in the graphics and shit using procedural generation. Totally a waste and not needed if it's 2D.
It should have been a 3DS game with a PC port. Then worry about other consoles if they're interested. That keeps it 2D and low resolution.
People fucking love SotN, and it's only 256x240. Same with the hand held games.
The only good things I've gotten from Kickstarter now has been Shantae and Shovel Knight
Please be good, Bloodstained.
2D is more difficult and expensive than 3D now because sprites have to be individually made by hand and highly detailed, unless you're going for a "retro" look which everyone here hates due to being associated with indie devs.
Oh god I thought those types stayed out of vidya threads.
in b4 he starts complaining about Vivid strike, too.
>It usually means big empty areas.
Except not always and being "empty" usually means the player is just a retard that doesn't understand how to play it properly.
GTA3/SA, RDR, and BOTW for example do not feel empty at all and are great open world games.
Hand drawn HD sprites are pure bullshit.
That's why you make it a 3DS game. Inti-Creates own Gunvolt looked great.
>GTA3/SA, RDR, and BOTW for example do not feel empty at all and are great open world games.
They fucking are. I stopped playing GTAs like 15 years ago. I got bored half way through Red Dead Redemption. I stopped playing Zeldas after Twilight princess.
Open world = worst meme that needs to DIE. MGSV would have been great if it was a series of military bases. Instead of the vast emptiness of Afghanistan's plains.
>dev releases alpha WIP shots to show backers they're making progress
>retards from Sup Forums cream their pants because they finally have proof the game is shit
RDR sucked dick, you should try playing the game again once you've gotten over the "omg a western-themed game" hype.
Open world only sucks conceptually if you're one of those people who don't think exploration counts as gameplay. They are exploration-based games so if you don't like exploration then of course you won't like them.
If any of those games, ALL of them no less, felt empty to you, then you just don't fucking understand what open world is about.
There are people who play games primarily for their settings, you know. They pick up a game because they hear it takes place in X location in Y time setting and with Z as the story/premise and that is the sole reason why they decide to try a game. All of the other systems like the combat and the exploration or crafting or whatever are also important, but they are important insofar as they contribute towards keeping the player drawn in the game's setting.
THOSE people are what open world is designed for, and open world is fucking GREAT if that's why you play video games. So GTA3/SA, RDR, and BOTW don't feel empty to me at all because I'm one of those people. I absolutely love the settings in all those games and I love the open world format that gives me the freedom to go where I want to go and do what I want, depending on what I feel like doing in that game's world at the time.
An open world Castlevania that looked like early Castlevania / Ayami Kojima's style or Vampire Hunter D would be sexy as fuck to me because I love that setting and style. Now, the game could still suck, like Witcher 3 kind of did, but that's an example of open world done poorly. Anything can be done poorly. Doesn't mean open world is inherently a poor design.
>the ones asking for money in Kickstarter are doing so because no company wants to trust them,
I agree that might be the case with Capcom/Inafune, but when we are talking about konami/anybody it becomes hard to agree with them.
you don't even have an argument, it's just hot opinions kekketh