I have looked all over the internet and it has been a persistent issue for years now. Why is there not more outrage that a lot of us pay for playstation plus and we are getting 0.001 mbs per second on downloads? My internet isn't the greatest, at 20 mbs per second, but still better than decimals per second.
This issue becomes more and more prevalent as day one patches for games get larger and larger. I had to wait til the day after I bought Zero Horizon Dawn to actually play it. My friends and I had to make a coordinated effort to install everything necessary for ghost recon days before we planned to play together because the amount of time we would have available to play was limited.
The PS4's download speed is fucked
"It's ok when Sony does it" isn't something people shout randomly.
People literally let shit slide because they paid $400 to play Bloodborne so they have to defend it at every opportunity
Spoiler: for best download speeds on PS4, put your console into the sleep mode where it's still downloading.
Because i don't have that problem? It's not Sony's fault you live in a shithole, nigger.
because you are a retard that pays to use an internet connection that you already pay for
Use cable; wireless is comepletely fucked.
This is bullshit.
Are you using Ethernet? Had a similar issue with my Steam Downloads and using a Powerline Adapter remedied it.
Just plug your console directly into your router with an Ethernet cable.
My speeds were instantly 8x faster and it also reduced wifi load in my house
Every platform has fanboys who excuse their platform's shortcomings, dingus.
>This is bullshit.
Its not though. It forces PSN to re-route to a different server for downloads, often giving you better speeds.
When mine slows down I just restart it and it picks back up again
>not using Ethernet
Kids these days. Wifi is for porn
So it is ok when Sony does it?
>people literally in 2017 don't understand that wifi is slower than a hard line
it's absolutely baffling that these fucking retarded babies grow up surrounded by technology, yet comprehend absolutely nothing about it
No, and it's not okay when anyone else does it. Stop being a braindead fanboy jackass who argues about which video games people should hate.
PSN downloads seems to max at about 1.6MBps, which is bullshit.
I can download from Steam at 18.75MBps just fine, Sony are cheaping out on servers.
My PS4 stands literally 3ft away from my wireless router and it doenloads at ~10% of what my connection is capable of.
I feel the PS4 pro is significantly faster downloading games
>People actually pay $60 per year for a service which is far worse then steam and with far, far worse free games
You cannot make this up
I consistently download at 100mb/s
If your ISP is shit, or you use wifi, it is your fault for being a retard
But you can pretend to be retarded and post frogs.
>My PS4 stands literally 3ft away from my wireless router but I still don't use a cable for some reason
WOAH hot a what babhabbhiat
I can almost smell the fresh odor of feces coming out of your diaper you little man baby.
Doesn't matter how far away it is. Wifi on PS4 is just garbage. With wifi my PS4 does maybe 10down/1up and connected it jumps to 60down/10up
Microsoft and Steam dont do it tho
Some people don't like to clutter their rooms with wires.
WiFi is plenty adequate unless you're a Comp CS autist.
Sony can't afford good servers.
0/10 bait apply yourself next time
>PSN plus
>Worse than steam
150mbps, get the same download speeds connected or wired on my PS4.
I use Ethernet though because it plays better with my Plex server.
amerifat can't afford decent ISPs
>people will unironically reply to this
>it's absolutely baffling that these fucking retarded babies grow up surrounded by technology, yet comprehend absolutely nothing about it
I'm sorry are you from the past? Because that hasn't been a thing on most machines made after 2012.
At least not in the civilized world. Not sure what shithole you're from
nice reddit spacing cake boy
you will not provide proof of your argument so this convo is over
>shit download times
>shit free games
>$60 a year
>non shit download times
>free games (actualkly no catches free) about 1 million x better then psplus
another thing for the list is that steam and even fucking ea's origin allows for refunds on your digital games. even the fucking xbox one allows this now, as well as keeping the free 360 games forever. sonygros instantly dismiss this with "lol theres nothing to buy on those to refund in the first place!". it really is OK that sony doesn't allow refunds to these people.
Nice meme, reddit spacing isn't a thing.
nice knowyourmeme filename fuckboi
no it's not.
> being this retarded
digital allows refunds for 2 hours
physical allows resell or trade FUCKING FOREVER, on top of being cheaper and available before day 1
Change your DNS, and hardline into your router. The reason people see vastly improved speeds while the PS4 is in sleep mode is because it uses a different DNS. That should fix your issue.
Even with ethernet it's not that great desu
and what if it was a digital only game and it turned out to be shit?
Not him but the PC equivalent of used games is just piracy. It honestly feels weird knowing console users still buy discs when almost everything else has moved past it e.g. netflix for tv or phones for music
because sony can do whatever it wants because you're going to keep paying for it regardless
I like to own my games, not a revocable license.
If you call someone a nigger on XBL they literally lock you out of your digital purchases for example, but they can't lock away your game disks.
You can buy better games with the money you pay for ps plus. Then you can actually download them
>If you call someone a nigger on XBL they literally lock you out of your digital purchases for example, but they can't lock away your game disks.
They already lock you out of online unless you pay $60 a year. Steam is NEVER EVER gonna get to that stage.
>physical refunds
>"i'll give you 30 bucks for your $60 game, goy"
It's okay when Sony does it
steam already jews 30% of developpers profits for absolutely nothing
sony, ms, nintendo provide SDK, dev support, cheap hardware for consumers, advertisements, etc...
steam is already the plague
>$30 bucks
>Implying gamestop will give you more than 10
your fault for going to gamestop and not selling directly to people
I've played a ton of games for free when I was younger by just buying/playing/reselling directly to people
>Provide SDK
Yes a dev kit they need to pay large amounts of money for. Your delusional or very misinformed if you don't think sony/ms/nintendo have a fuck ton of fees and cuts for using their platform.
They could if they wanted to, but there are ways around it. At least right now there are. You'd have to be connected to the Internet for it to work as well. A fully offline device couldn't be disabled. Although they could change the console OS' in the future to require periodic online authentication and updates.
Whether they'll do it or not, I don't know, but they certainly can. They have the ability to do it. If they want to fuck you over they will, and physical media will not save you from having your games revoked. It's not really harder to revoke those on a modern console than it is revoking digital games because the modern consoles depend on patches and an updateable firmware, but the difference is that for physical games the infrastructure for access control isn't inherently already there like it is for digital games, so you'd first need to deploy the infrastructure.
SDK are now a lot cheaper, since x360 and indie games
you can even get nintendo SDKs for free now I think
Any recommendations on a Powerline Adapter? The most popular one on amazon is full of 1 star reviews at the top (and yet it still has a 4 star overall rating somehow)
>Microsoft and Steam
>Xbots and PCbros don't exist
I mean, Xbots are rare nowadays, but saying that there's no PC Master Race faggots on Sup Forums is just an outright lie.
>people literally in 2017 don't understand that wifi is slower than a hard line
>it's absolutely baffling that these fucking retarded babies grow up surrounded by technology, yet comprehend absolutely nothing about it
Myself still got teached about radio modulation in high school to get a basic understanding of how it works and what using a shared carrier medium means.
Nowadays with Common Core it's not a thing anymore, people see Wireless as some kind of magic dust, which makes stuff appear somewhere.
Idiocracy is real!
>Myself still got teached
I hope english isn't your first language otherwise you really just made an ass out of yourself