Why was pic related not as acclaimed as the original?

Did it screw things up compared to the PS1 original? Did it adhere too much to an outdated game?

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not enough flipping and jumping through the air

This game needs a remaster

twin snakes is the simulation raiden used, so it has wacky shit like this

at least thats my headcanon

It released on the Gamecube and had Snake doing a bunch of flips and other action movie type things.

Autistic MGS fans screech anytime anyone brings it up because MGS is a super serious series no fun allowed.

snake jumping on top of a missile and running on it was a little too anime for my taste

So these things weren't the same in the original? Was the original more serious?

If I'm looking to get into MGS, which would you recommend?

Play the original. Twin Snakes' voice acting is uniformly poor, a bunch of features from MGS2 added in breaks the game (they added first person shooting but didn't change the bosses or level design to accommodate, which makes it way too easy) and the cutscenes are generally worse.

metal gear solid is full of stupid shit but kojidrones go into chimpout mode because snake jumps over a missile

Cutscenes are just like my japanese Devil May Cry's.

Definitely the original. Twin snakes is fun as a curiosity but shouldn't be your first experience of it.
They also changed the voice of grey fox to an inferior actor

The MGS series is retarded. But that does'nt take away from that particular game any.
MGS is better than TTS. Even if TTS fits the mood and tone of the rest of the series better.

>The MGS series is retarded.

Especially MGS2

>add 1st person aiming
>don't adjust any of the environments or enemy a.i. to accommodate this change

they took mgs2 mechanics and added it to mgs1 which doesnt really mesh well because it makes the game way too easy. tony hawk pro skater 2x had the same problem because it gave you THPS1 campaign but with THPS2 controls which made it ridiculously easy. plus, the over the top scenes make it seem like its a parody.

It's unbalanced
Music is worse
Voice Acting is worse
Setting feels off

MGS1 is just the better experience.

its not about being super serious, it just made snake too much of a superhero instead of a flawed man like in the original. unless your taste is so shit that you like gary stus


>Ryuhei Kitamura

>Bring in mechanics from the sequel
>Don't adjust anything in the game design to accommodate these changes
>Break the fucking game
>Inferior soundtrack
>VAs all sound like they're phoning it in
>Stupid cutscenes

it's still better than TPP

MGS1 > MGS3 > MGS5 > MGS4 > MGS2


Twin Snakes is the definitive MGS1 experience, if you can afford it.

Its detractors are usually kids that grew up on the original and are blinded by nostalgia. That and brand loyalty making the Gamecube literally Hitler, if it were on PS2 things would be different.

I was an idort and I couldn't even play MGS1 because the graphics and controls were absolutely shocking.

You can always ask for someone to spoonfeed you a side by side comparison video of these grand canyon tier faults TTS supposedly has and decide for yourself. Play on Euro Extreme if its really too easy, I know nobody that ever played MGS for a challenging single player experience though.

The reason TTS is trash it because it lets you go nonlethal. That shit ain't canon and if you play it like that, its' going to ruin the story for the entire series.

Integral had first person aiming.

the original had fps aiming though, why does everyone pretend like it didn't? just press triangle.

All the Substance versions were trash. Especially Subsistence.

It makes Liquid's cutscene when he gloats to Snake nonsensical if you were playing non-lethal up to that point.

Which was pretty shitty compared to the first-person aiming featured in MGS2 and TTS.

The ridiculous shit in Twin Snakes became par for the course after MGS1, so it really isn't that "out there"

There's nothing wrong with Twin Snakes outside of the inferior soundtrack.

Holy shit the amount of underage ignorant fucktards in this thread. Neck yourselves.

The original game aged like fucking water, twin snakes changed literally everything for the worse.

Seriously, name one (1) thing improved by this game.

>It makes Liquid's cutscene when he gloats to Snake nonsensical if you were playing non-lethal up to that point.

It's not much better when, in the PS1 version and you don't ever get caught, the only enemies you fight at all are the FOXHOUND bosses (all of whom survive at least one round, and Ocelot survives all the way to the end), Gray Fox (who you don't get to kill), a single squad of Genome Soldiers, and a big stompy robot piloted by Liquid. Lethal force or no, Snake could have easily racked up a higher body count if he really wanted to.

>all of whom survive at least one round

And just now, I realize that I forgot about Mantis. He's the only FOXHOUND boss that dies after you fight him one time.

"you enjoy all the killing" isn't directly talking about MGS1 but also includes the MSX games, so snake suddenly putting people to sleep people removes that.

Either way "a single squad of genome soliders" is still a good 12 people

You couldn't actually shoot in first person with anything but the psg1 and stinger

You have to kill people when you save Meryl, the invisible guys in the elevator, and when you have to run up the infinite stair case.
Those stairs had way more than a single squad.

There's the people in the car chase at the end and the two guys in the tank too

you're an idiot

"Twin Snakes was a mistake" - Hide Kojima

Well from a continuity standpoint, MGS4 uses Twin Snakes VA for Naomi and Mei Ling, which fit the characters better than the original VA. Plus for every silly cutscene with snake, you get really good ones like the redone Psycho Mantis scene, as well as the Grey Fox scenes which really take advantage of the new direction.

It's probably not the perfect remake but its worth a playthrough.

I like both :)

I'm between that and the Hollywood adaptation of the book in MGS2

Campbells voice actor sounds so bored in TTS, he arguably has more emotion when it's the Patriot AI freaking out at the end of MGS2.

Yea, I get what you mean. Snake's voice also seemed like it deteriorated after each game. From what I understand Hayter was sick during MGS1 and ironically it was his best performance.

that isnt irony


>Play The Twin Snakes first since I didn't have a PSX or PS2 at the time
>A character explains "The Genome soldiers are these intelligent soldiers genetically modified to be better than the average soldier"
>AI is exactly like that.
>Play the original years later
>Same speech about the Genome Soldiers.
>AI is fucking dumb and completely ruins the credibility of the speech
I mean, I still liked the original and it was barely different except for the general tone and lack of pacifist option, but that plotpoint always bothered me.

Retard opinion discarded. Notice how you're the only one in the entire thread shilling this garbage?

Him not being in peak condition but producing his best work isn't irony?

>MGS4 uses Twin Snakes VA for Naomi and Mei Ling,
Only in the US version (which has never been the "canon' version kojima cares about) and only because back in the day konami used really cheap microphones and did the voice acting in a fucking closet or something so there's tons of background noise on the voice tracks that would be super obvious when played on modern equipment (you can actually hear a bit of this during iirc a natascha codec if you have headphones)

The lack of accents "fitting" is extremely debateable when A: every character in the game is a huge sterotype and B: naomi in particular is intentionally using a fake identity so her using her regular voice makes no sense and C: everyone else sounds way worse objectively, in particular snake and grey fox

>Plus for every silly cutscene with snake, you get really good ones like the redone Psycho Mantis scene, as well as the Grey Fox scenes which really take advantage of the new direction.
First, the wacky ryuhei kitamura cutscenes are far from the only problem twin snakes has.

Second, you thought wacky laughing developer portraits and masturbatory action scenes that don't fit grey foxes character as someone who's insane with pain from being cyborg'd (because he does all kinds of calm ninja shit that would require a calm mind, like when he slices a rock a dozen times in one second to break it instead of just moving away) are improvements?

>It's probably not the perfect remake but its worth a playthrough.
This I'll accept, it was kinda fun to just completely break the game using the MGS2 mechanics and giggle at the stupid cutscenes

>Hayter was sick
Sounds just like his normal voice. Over the years he turned Snake into Batman, which is why it kept getting worse and worse.

>That and brand loyalty making the Gamecube literally Hitler, if it were on PS2 things would be different.

meanwhile resident evil remake is considered one of the best resident evil games

ok, i guess it is irony.

to be fair the MGS1 AI is a genius compared to the guards in the MSX games, stuff like following footprints made because you stepped into a puddle was genuinely impressive for 1998

You can get past the stairs without killing anyone if you saved up your stun grenades.

>You have to kill people when you save Meryl, the invisible guys in the elevator, and when you have to run up the infinite stair case.

I also forgot about the saving Meryl and elevator parts, but I remember just running past the soldiers on the staircase.

you literally don't even know what shilling means

Well I think the case for Mei Ling makes the most sense. Her accent shouldn't have been so thick in the original, the Twin Snakes voice is more in line with what you'd expect.

With Grey Fox, I'd argue that you can just chalk it up to weaker voice acting rather than the new cutscenes. They had Greg Eagles on hand, but I'm guessing they opted for the other guy because the black voice doesn't fit a pasty white guy.

Not him, but that other user did shill it. Wtf do graphics matter? Only if you're a PCfag.

MGS1 is deeply rooted in a lot of 90's anime cliches, among them being that the token chinese is VERY chinese

That murrican cover though. Jesus Christ.

I just think the atmosphere was worse in the remake. Having Snake do super moves in the cut scenes created a sense of diminishing returns the original didn't have - when you do flashy stuff all the time it becomes "so what?" rather than impressive. I think the tone was off in the Twin Snakes - the original was like a cool 80s action movie set in this dark and foreboding place, the remake was like a post-Matrix action film; way too much style which glossed over the inherited substance. Not to mention how easy it was thanks to all the new controls.

I own both, but TTS is a game that rarely comes off the shelf, whereas I play MGS1 often.

>Specifically requested whoever the fuck directed the Twin Snakes' cutscenes to be over-the-top

>Gameplay made worse both because of actual changes to the game and poor implementation of the MGS2 controls make it super easy and less interesting

>Soundtrack is worse, full of the worst kind of early 00's techno music and airplane jet whoosh noises in cutscenes

>Story is worse because the voice acting is overall a lot worse and superhero snake goes against one of the main themes of the game

>Made by a hack dev and rushed to completion, doesn't even have everything that the PS1 game did in terms of features and has a couple half-assed extras like dog tags that literally do nothing if you collect them.

>The gamecube doesn't have enough/proper buttons for the control scheme so it had to be altered in an awkward way