>30$ for 128gb, largest and cheapest storage ever available for a portable

What did Sup Forums mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread: sd memory card


still retarded that extra controllers cost $80 and eventually you have to pay to play splatoon 2 online

It comes with two controllers out of the box and the subscription is literally half the price of XBL/PSN

>Ugh I wish Nintendo caught up with the times
>Nintendo does just that

If you believe that Nintendos online service has "caught up with the times" you're actually retarded, the PS3 had a better online service for gods sake and that was free.

>Refreshing and synchronizing trophies
>couldn't download in the background for years

nice ref link

If it's so fucking cheap for consumers on Amazon then how come Nintendo couldn't strike a deal with a manufacturer to get 128GB for each console?

Hint: it's because Nintendo's cheap as fuck


>switch doesnt have any of those things
>nintendo will still charge for it

Even my chink phone got 64 GB of storage.

what if I just want a normal controller to use in smash bros switch or another game.

it's going to cost me $80 for a pro controller

No you put it in the grip dumbass

>128GB micro SD compatible with many devices is $30
>64 GB Vita Memory Card is $120

How the fuck did Sony think this was okay?

The switch downloads in the background and in sleep mode

what if I want to play 4 players locally you cocksucker

Then why force me to pay $300 for a console with only 32GB?

same with ps3 as of the latest update

Get a job, white boy.

You'd have to buy 3 more controllers, like you would with any other console.

$80? Where? It's only $70 in the USA, which is only $20 more than the DS4. Seeing as the Switch Pro controller has better analog sticks, d-pad, better face buttons and should buttons, and has much better battery life, I don't mind paying an extra $20 for a far superior controller.

>I have to buy extra controllers to play 4 player

Oh the fucking humanity won't anybody bundle a system with 4 controllers

Brew yourself a cup

32gb is still the largest a handheld has launched with, because for some reason portable consoles get the shit end of the stick in this department

>Couldn't for years

If you want to be an asspained autist, you pay the autismo tax.

Dont like it? Stop being autismal.

wow it's fucking nothing

It got no games!!!!

Fucking drones

I put my spare 64GB Micro SD in the Switch. Will probably be easily enough considering most of my games will be physical.

Although I have broken this promise by getting I am Setsuna off the eShop and Disgaea 5 complete off the Japanese eShop.

answer the question mcfaggot

It's 80 bucks in canada

at least other consoles have cheaper third party controllers and even the first party controllers like xbox one controller costs 50 bucks now. 80 bucks is a complete ripoff

32GB is fine for DLC, updates, and minor e-shop games. Just buy physical if you don't want to get an SD card.

Trophies are cancer now, it was supposed to be a Universal Skill Points system like R&C and now it's just a glorified progress report.

Nintendo is doing just fine with game dedicated achievements like Kid Icarus uprising.

>$20 more
>no analog shoulders
can't even be used to play gamecube games wwwwwwwww

>Just buy physical if you don't want to get an SD card.
Nope. Nintendo charges per filesize of cartridge. So far everyone has opted to choose the smallest size and then have a 20gb download of the actual game.

$30 128gb car will probably stop working in a month. SD cards are significantly less reliable than SSD or HDDs if they are used as frequently.

>at least other consoles have cheaper third party controllers
sounds like the fault of the 3rd parties then.

>one game
>Lego city undercovwr

>only 128 gb sd memory card

Why yes I'm sure amazon would partner with SanDisk to offer an official amazon fire SD card that dies in a month and you're not just being a stickler over nothing

>analog shoulders
When will this meme die? Racing games aren't even that exciting.

more like nintendo's fault for scaring them away, no wonder they jumped ship to sony.

I have a Wii U for that

Dies in a month if used as a permanent HDD to run programs off of.
Lasts for multiple decades if used to store photos and show them off once every few months.

Actually it turned out Lego City did not need a download/install after all.

>So far everyone has opted to choose the smallest size and then have a 20gb download of the actual game.
What games actually do this?

Not even that. WB confirmed it was a mistake on the box and they only need for the internet was to download standard patches.

>20 bucks
can't be real

>being a leaf
I don't know where I should laugh or feel pity

that ref op
get out

You know people use SD cards for cameras right?

I can't believe there are people who actually sit here and defend Nintendo having payed for online. I don't even think me paying for playstation plus is all that worth it.

i'd be surprised if any developer (except for cheap indies) wouldn't be scared when you come up and give them such a piece of junk in 2017 to work with

Wait, Switch use a common SD for storage? I honestly didn't know that.

That is actually pretty great, I am now considering getting a Switch when it's library grown a little.

they use common micro SD for 3ds why wouldn't they use it for switch?

Apps can be installed to an SD Card on a fire tablet, like OP'S card is suggested for

You really seem to think SD cards are still as bad as random no name brands from 2006

Micro SD but yeah

expect more when the console is older than 2 months

also nobody gives a shit about leafbucks, US and EU prices are the only ones that matter.

Nintendo likes to flip-flop on being user friendly.
For example, save data is real easy to back up on a computer with the Wii and 3DS, but you can't do that with the Wii U.

The grip IS a normal controller. It just looks weird but functions 100% like a normal controller.

looks like one of those madcatz controllers that breaks within a month

you can't transfer save data on the switch either. I fully expect them to come out to come out with a cloud save transfer feature locked behind a paywall like PS+

Daily reminder it took literally over a year for the ps4 to get third party controllers that weren't arcade sticks

Probably because the Wii was hacked wide open with edited saves.

Same as why switch has no web browser. 3DS, WiiU and Vita all cracked wide open with browser exploits

in the unrealistic situation that actual content rich games larger than a single gigabyte get released on the console, you're looking upwards of 10+GB per game.

but that's never happening so 128GB has got you covered, senpai.

>I want a cheap 3rd party controller!
>Why is this controller so cheap it looks 3rd party

Cool, I maybe Vita memory cards went down to...

Or maybe games get audio and video compressed to fit better on small storage

or maybe you don't understand how compression works.

I have considered buying a Vita multiple times.
This is what always stops me

what gives a flying fock about gigabytye this and gigabyte that when tha s.h.i.t.s battery life is around some 3 h.o.u.r.s take ur three four or five games and...

>Not buying a shark from Ali express

Funny thing is that Switch has a web browser, but it's not accessible by normal means. Someone already accessed it and is in the middle of reverse engineering the Switch OS

Too bad it's not a handheld it's a home console and a console launching with that many gigs of storage this gen is pathetic

Game filesize is still mostly video and audio

>looks like one of those madcatz controllers that breaks within a month
What cheap 3rd party controllers have you been using that you expected something high quality?

Where do you live? Costs $70 here in the US.

Why not just buy a PSTV and hook up a USB stick to mount it as a memory card

What Switch games do you have so far?

For me:
I am Setsuna
Disgaea 5 complete

Looking at LEGO City Undercover but I could pirate it on PC

>+ tax
>+ shipping
>+ tip

>or just get a ps4 with a 1tb hard drive for LESS MONEY

textures and audio, realistically. FMV sure but few games use that.

Making the audio shittier and the textures more blurry is doing no one any favors.

>Most games were around 7-10GB at the very most in 7th gen
>PS4 and X1 have default 500GB drives
>Suddenly game developers feel like leaving in completely uncompressed audio and multi-language tracks to drag game sizes above 50GB regularly

paid online is taking away 50% of the games experience, and in splatoons case 90%

if you don't want to pay for online, you are purchasing half a game, Iwata did not want this, but oh well.

it's a handheld.

Nintendo has two handhelds competing against each other.

Nintendo killed their home console to introduce a second handheld to compete against their other handheld.

think about how retarded this is.

t. shitskin hue

>Sony-sama rapes everyone in the ass for specially branded knock off SD cards for Vita
>"What Sony-sama demands, I will strive to honor"
>Nintendo lets users slap bog standard dirt cheap SD cards in their system

Sonyshitters stay shitting

1. I don't even think you can do that
2. Why the heck would I want to be stuck with Vita games on a TV?


That ability only happened after PSTV was discontinued worldwide.

You can, look up vitashell.
Paying $50 for a Vita on your TV is a lot better than paying $300 for a portable vita with a shitty LCD screen+memory card

Their home consoles weren't selling anything, so they did away with them. Really isn't a bad move, especially when you consider how well both are selling and the support 3DS is still getting.

You are the reason why M$ poisoned video games.

So? Barely used PSTVs are dirt cheap

>-59% discount
>$80.00 regularly
Here's a great filler item for free shipping

3DS is in its twilight years, outside of a last minute price slash for cheap parents to toss one at their kid its lifespan is ending. Nintendo was going to need to introduce another handheld soon, why not do a combo package?

If it enables consolidation of dev teams and increased output, go at it.

My console came with 500GB out of box

So it's basically a gimped console without any portability. Think I'll just buy a Wii and mod it instead. About the same price and it actually gets games via emulation.

Don't Xbox one and PS4s come with 500gb-1TB now? 32GB internal is pathetic. Even $30 for 128GB SD card is still bad when compared to other consoles that let you use a USB or external HDD as storage. I got a $40 1TB external hooked up to my PS4 right now.

>cancel the console that is most like the Switch with the most potential for easily porting internal games
>not the old piece of shit that has been blown wide the fuck open by hacking

Nintendo secretly loves hackers and offering garbage security cause that means more consoles sold and more profit for them, even if it destroys anyone else publishing games on their junk.

but seriously, Wii U -> Switch porting would have been enormously more consolidated.

Get a battery and a portable screen that accepts HDMI, there's your Vita TV on the go.


Physical, I own BotW, BoI, and Bomberman, with MK8 preordered.

Digital, I own Blaster Master 0, Fast RMX, Shovel Knight and Snipperclips.

that's quite a lot don't you think?

You're not really doing a good job of selling this thing. And holy shit nigger you've never heard of homebrew? Jesus Christ.