Why are white men not allowed to be the main characters anymore?

Why are white men not allowed to be the main characters anymore?
We buy these games.
We play these games.
We are the target audience of these games.
And yet this happens.

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why are you triggered

>manchild cant play a game that doesn't let him self insert

It's called a disconnect. Girls don't play shooters and I'm not sexist for saying that. Do black girls play FPS's? The only reason I think they did this is so the SJW journalist would have to give the game good press.

>post woman face
MMMMMMM subtle shitposting

>stronk womyn in gaymen XD

"To the privileged, equality feels like discrimination"

Link and Mario is white, no?

At least she isn't ugly

youre experiencing what it has felt like to be something other than a white man for billions of other people for years. not just in video games, but in all media. you we're catered to. now, you are beinging to matter less and less.

get used to it

gay people play FPS's so maybe they are the demographic? I don't know why Disney and EA keep stiring the pot with progressive shit.

Sup Forums pls go

Because you keep buying them anyway

You're just as bad as the SJW's you whine about

To maximize profits that's why. You'll keep buying games with poc female protags like the good cuck you are.

>Chocolate stormtrooper elite command who wants to avenge his emperor palpatine husbando

what are you gay, son?

I'm more disappointed that people will actually buy this crap. I don't give a shit about what color or gender you make the story mode's protagonist, but the game'll launch with bare bones bullshit just like the first game.

And this "across all eras" bullshit is a fucking joke. I seriously doubt they'll be adding droids and clones, yet they're tugging on idiot fan's strings with Darth Maul fan service, yet all they've shown is a space battle above Naboo and the generator room. So what, we're getting Naboo? That's it?

Star Wars was always like this, kid.


Not in Japanese media
Not in Korean media
Not in Indian media
Not in Nigerian media

Gas yourself

>Why are white men not allowed to be the main characters anymore?
Because you created an industry of inequality. You now need to unravel your mess and level the field.
You can be white again, once the field is leveled.

>getting this triggered
I don't give a shit if the protagonist is a half black tranny midget if the game is good

What I wonder is...why are all these female protagonists so doughy looking? Your OP pic, that girl from Horizon Zero Dawn, and the girls from Andromeda all have potato faces.

Because social justice is a strong force in Western media. Cater to minorities and you get good publicity. Don't do it and you get bad publicity.

It might not be exactly like that, but that's the way marketers see it, and it's all about business in the end.

Unfortunately for you, the SJW influence in the media isn't likely to end soon unless a big war starts soon.

Videogame sales have stagnated while videogame costs keep going up, so they are desperate to find a bigger audience.
They desperately want new people, and girls are some of them.
Very few games manage to do things like GTA V, where you sell like 70 million fucking copies, meanwhile, most franchises have peaked in sales long ago.
Battlefield peaked with 3, Call of Duty peaked with MW3...

Why would the video game industry need "equality"?

The market is not an equal playing field.
Most of the people playing (real) video games are white males.
Sure, everyone's mom plays Candy Crush. But FPSs are dominated by white dicks, not black chicks.

Nice bait nigger.

It's problematic

Maybe they should just make cheaper games instead of shit that people who actually play games aren't interested in.

>We are the target audience of these games.

Not for much longer, lil baby boy ;)

>Why would the video game industry need "equality"?
Because it makes the world a better place

>bitch about women like Anita Sarkesian with "If you want female protagonists in your games then make games"
>bitches about a devteam with a bunch of tumblrs on it that wants a tumblr protagonist

Pot calling the kettle nigga

They'd sell more by trying to appeal to white males. In reality it's to do with the fact that developers are a bunch of low-T cuckolds desperate for approval.

I like her. I think she's cute.

So, one of the only games in recent memory that seems to unapologetically cater to its base, with no social justice bullshit, plenty of politically incorrect tendencies, and demographic representation also happens to be one of the only games that continues to make profit.
The solution is to do everything the opposite of the way GTA does it, then, you say?
Battlefront II will bomb. And it will bomb because it is unappealing to the people it should be appealing to.

it's not trendy anymore
get with times faggot

>Star Wars VII
>Rogue One
>Battlefront II
So obvious.
Why it's always a white girl and not a real minority? :^)

Yes, but the reviewers are all progressive and costanly bitch about race/gender. Haveing a black Women gives them cover and gives the journo's incentive to praise the game.

Or maybe they really actually think they can get black chicks to play shooters.

I don't get the image.

How? How exactly does forcing people who are not interested in a topic to be "included" making the world a better place? Black women are not lining up to buy first person shooters.

They should, pretty much because the increase in costs is not due to development budget, is due to the retardedly high marketing budgets, not to mention their greediness.
Japs don't do any of that because they are comfortable with earning what they do right now, meanwhile EA, Ubisoft and the others just want more and more.

They wouldn't, you are not going to sell more because all the people who are willing to buy are already doing so.
You think sales can just keep increasing more and more out of nowhere?
What they can do is lower retardedly high marketing budgets to increase profits.

>it will bomb because it is unappealing to the people it should be appealing to.
You think any of those care about this political stuff?
Battlefield 1 was still a massive success, Mafia 3 sold 5 million copies, Overwatch sold a shitload too.
Pandering to SJWs has no effect on sales.
They don't reduce them, but they don't increase either, because the vast majority simply don't give a fuck about any of this, and the ones who do are a vocal minority on the internet.

Yall are fucking embarrassing. Take your mayonnaise and smooth jazz loving snowflake bullshit and do something else with it. If you're SOOOOOOOOOOOOO worried about men being cast out of society, than fucking march. Start a group, do ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHINING ABOUT IT TO OTHER MEN WHO FEEL THE SAME WAY. You're in your own fucking personal bubble here JUST as bad as you'd be on facebook with all of your like minded friends.

This is an example of what happens when you allow women into a discussion.
Do we really want this cancer in video games.
Answer: no.

Women are not welcome here.

Exactly this. Only 20% of women in the USA identify as feminists and how many of them do you think play games? You are alienating your core audience for a tiny fraction of people that are simply very vocal on social media. Most guys won't consciously think "it's got a women in it so I won't buy it" but many will be less inclined to.

> one of the only games in recent memory that seems to unapologetically cater to its base, with no social justice bullshit, plenty of politically incorrect tendencies, and demographic representation also happens to be one of the only games that continues to make profit.
Yes, but it keeps selling because of GTA Online.
Besides, GTA V makes fun of both sides of the spectrum.
You have the ''OUTRAGED LIBERALS'' section in a radio station, while you also have THE ''REPUBLICAN SPACE RANGERS'' show on TV.

The message of GTA is libertarian in a sarcastic way, not right, not left.

Didn't the first game suck? Why are they making a new one?

If you want to blame somebody, blame corporate meddling and focus testing. Generic white male protagonists were everywhere because that's what they decided would sell the most units.

>make female protag
>give her manface
>give her wide nose and thick lips

Literally what is even the point

Speak for yourself, white boy

I'm a man. I'm just so tired of all the fucking butthurt over a woman or a fucking brown person being in a video game. You people are softer and more easily provoked than actual babies.

Because it sold?
Since when does quality matter?

>They wouldn't, you are not going to sell more because all the people who are willing to buy are already doing so.

How do you know that? Do you think 14 y/o boys buying games with their pocket money get every game that comes out?

There are literally more women on the planet and more women play games.

EA game trailer comes out, gaymergate shitposters appear from nowhere

Considering even the most casual game's sales have stagnated, I do.
We have reached a thereshold.
It's as if Hollywood wouldn't accept a movie that makes less than 3 billion bucks like Avatar.
This industry needs to learn that there's just limits.
You can keep throwing money, but the income won't increase.


nice meme



You autists are just as bad as SJW's

How is that not a manface? Look at that strong jaw and cheekbones

Actually, there is absolutely no black girl on the cover of a video game, because it's always white girls. SJW are a bunch of hypocrites.

You're also missing the fact that literally anyone who wants to can make and sell a game with relative ease, which has really led to a wildly swinging definition of what quality even is anymore. Not all kids want the traditional game experience either, so single player games have been on the rise and fall like crazy over the decade. We're in a bubble, one i'm not sure can ever really crash because how do you stop people who do this all for free in the first place?

Get more sales with a girl protag.

Men are already interested in SW and have enough incentive to buy it.

>get to play as the tools of war for a white supremacist organization
>as a woman of color
>all this does is show just how inclusive neo-nazis are


I haven't bought a game from an AAA dev studio in 3+years.
If you don't like it, don't buy it.

>I'm a man
>typing like this
Nice try, bitch.

Too many cucks in the industry just like in Sup Forums


Piracy doesn't make you noble.

Black girls are very ugly though. Even a black girl doesn't want to play as another black girl.


here is one of 400 articles. I can find one that doesn't have a gamer gate flavor to it if you'd like. I wasn't being controversial, there are numbers to back my claim up my dude.

have you ever seen a human before you retard


Yes. Manface girls aren't cute and shouldn't be leading characters in a game

It's a fucking image board where fat men get together to either cry about how they can't touch women or cry about how there are women in the things they love. I'll type however I want.

>I seriously doubt they'll be adding droids and clones
They are though

Both the new Star Wars films have female leads too.

>Why are white men not allowed to be the main characters anymore?
I don't care, I moved on to Japanese video games.

except the light skinned black girls with white features.

The girl in trailer who I think is the main character of the campaign is black or hispanic. But yeah, the left her helmet on in the cover on purpose.

Stop pretending to be retarded.

Just enjoy being someone else for a while ffs

Ok sweetheart
Let me know when you break your candy crush record, ok?

Oh yeah, fellow man. These guys who want their franchise back are all big babies!

>It's important to bring women into the neo-nazi fold.

>Muh white features meme
>so retarded to think that dark skin, full lips, non-straight hair are white features

Dem mental gymnastics mayne

Nothing was stopping those people for making games depicting themselves. Get fucked Ahmed.

It wouldn't bother me. It honestly wouldn't bother me if it wasn't for the fact that she is only there to push an agenda. It's not like other main characters like Bayonetta who are decent and happen to be women, she is literally only there to grab the femenist/"too many whites in -insert medium here- audience and it's that little fact that prevents me from buying this shit.

They are nice.

hay fool not every character needs to look like they just stepped out of a anime fuck off fool

she's pretty white

Cultural Marxism. Forced diversity main goal is to eliminate the white race. It's pretty fucking obvious.

In order for the new world order to finalize, the people must be kept stupid. We all know whites and Asians are the smartest race.

>Non-straight hair
Nigga that hair is straight. Black people don't have white people hair so fuck off nigga.

Lara Croft is pretty cute and doesn't look anything like these doughy female protags we get these days.

vote with your dollars, they'll learn.


>playing shit games in the first place

We created an industry that sold units. Whites still make up 65% of the US, they should equal representation at the very least.

Pleeeeeeease don't let her switch sides and join the Rebellion. That would be so cliche.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Nigga are you too stupid to understand what I'm saying? You are a retarded nigga.