Game company goes indie after getting buttfucked by microsoft

>game company goes indie after getting buttfucked by microsoft
>starts a kickstarter
>2 years later delivers on all of its promises and delivers a unique, colorful, good game
>is met with autistic backlash, sabotage and boycotting because of a political decision

I am truly disgusted and disappointed. You all harp on about the vidya industry being ruined and then go on and do your best to ruin it yourself. If you wanted vidya to really be good you would support indie creators. You would boycott the corporate shovelware that ends up best-sellers every year like Battlefield, Horizon or Watchdogs. But no, instead you went ahead and crushed it all. And for nothing but sick satisfaction that you took part in yet another tortanic stunt.

Next time you're sick of games I want you to remember you're partly the reason.


>Sup Forums is one person

That aside, the game ended up mediocre. It wasn't bad, but it is clearly lacking the polish of the originals. Everyone expected the second coming of Christ and when their impossible expectations weren't met some people sperged out.

TlDr; The Hype hurt it.

I loved it in spite of its flaws, here's hoping there'll be a bigger budget sequel that addresses them.

Maybe they shouldn't have made a shit game

Sup Forums has been comparatively positive about it. It's the media that did it in. They're the ones who magnified the Jon Tron fiasco to begin with.

>Sup Forums has been comparatively positive about it
are we browsing the same board?

Playtonic invited the backlash when they decided to jump head-first into a dumpster fire rather than letting it burn out by themselves. In the end, because the game was underwhelming and mediocre.

Sup Forums hates video games.
They constantly shit on everything

unless it's nintendo or japanese

without the jon controversy it was a mediocre game

with the controversy it is still a mediocre game.
Its also quite sad because you can see they put a lot of work into it, they just failed on the world design aspect.

Or maybe... just maybe sweetie, the game's just really mediocre?

>and delivers a unique, colorful, good game
>good game
Back to tumblr rainbowkin.

>remove jontron from the game because they disagree with his opinions
>at the same time one of the programmers constantly spouts SJW bullshit on Twitter
>shit all over your customers when they ask for refunds
>be surprised when your game fails

Maybe having an intelligent businessman calling the shots is important after all.

Fuck you and your feelings

Yooka-Laylee is shit

>everyone hates it
>except for the people who have actually played it
really gets the noggin' joggin'

Just a daily reminder that the guy who actually did most of the design work in Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie still works at Rare and Playtonic just has the programmer and some artists from the old days and a bunch of newbies who never touched Banjo.

There was a ton of shitposting over the Jon Tron bullshit. And there were threads posting negative youtube reviews. But threads talking about the actual game itself have been pretty positive.

Basically: the media circus surround the game has been a clusterfuck, but legit game discussion has been fine. The problem here is the professional shitposting that passes for journalism, not Sup Forums, although the idiots who sperg out at every bit of drama or negative news don't help.

More like
>A group of people from a company that made some nice games 15 years ago decides to split from MS in order to create their own projects
>Said group promises stuff that reminds us of their previous works
>Final product is very similar to what they promised but, because of the industry , the current perception of 3d platformers and overhype from media etc, people are disappointed

The devs, the industry and the consumers all have their share of the blame. YL suffered from the Twilight Princess syndrome: people wanting X, devs delivering X, people complain because X was too similar to what they wanted.

Don't worry, here's your (You).

They got a publisher and aren't really indie.

they really need to fire the fuck out of the PR people they were working with. The political climate now is an unbelievable mess. Just. Don't. Touch it.

>because of a political decision
Don't bring politics into the game then? Dumb nigger

>company goes indie
>still has a publisher
yeah ''''''''''''''indie''''''''''''''

and sony

>unless it's nintendo or japanese
Well that's because they understand what "Fun games" are.

this is what any sane person would decide. You don't stir up shit right before launch. You don't even involve yourself with the shit. Distance yourself and wait for the outrage babby's ADD to kick in and for them to latch onto something else. Common sense 101.

Unfortunately that'd be their publisher, Team17.

But people shit on Nintendo all the time
>muh Metroid
?muh X and Y
>muh Sun and Moon
>muh 3D World
>muh Color Splash
>muh new Pikmin

I bought the special eidition.

I love the tears of drones crying for the Switch/Wii U vertion and poltards whining about muh Jon while I play this game.

The game just has a lot of puzzles that simply aren't fun. In the second world there was a cave full of narrow paths that you had to navigate across with limited vision and the slippery rolling controls. There are like five or six different sections and any time you fell you had to start all the way back at the beginning. As I was trying to clear that area, I realized that I just wasn't enjoying the game very much. There are just too many inconvenient design choices.

The problem with the game is that it is just average at best.

The game has nothing special and with a $40 price tag it is just not good enough. Combine this with the political shit show and the game goes right into the trash.

Have in mind that The Witcher 3 costs $30 on sale for the whole experience with everything added (and $30 for the base game).

Can Yooka compete against this? No.

I actually liked that part because it gave me a challenge, not much else in the game did that really.

Shut up faggot

I'll support good games. This is just yet more open world trash.

>why does every game nowadays have quest markers and giant waypoint arrows and handholding this is shit
>why is this game not holding my hand and coddling me this is shit

I enjoyed the challenge, but it needed a midpoint or something. It got so monotonous having to walk all the way back every time you made a slight error.

>Because of a political decision.

They happily took money from people without asking their political affiliation, so by getting rid of jontron for the reasons they did after he did them a favour for free, they're essentially telling backers that agree with him, that their political opinions are bad/wrong. They're not a fucking advocacy group, nobody gave them money to do that, and to attempt to publicly throw someone who did you a favour like that under the bus on social media is horrendously vindictive and shitty behaviour.

I don't think the game should be rated down, that's not what ratings are for, if you're pissed off with what they've done, just boycott it.

>why do 3D platformers not have functional cameras in 2017

But I have been playing it. It's just not very fun

>met with autistic backlash, sabotage and boycotting because of a political decision

Screwing over your costumers deserves punishment.

I'm missing 3 quills and I don't hear any whistle

The game sucks. It's bland, has shitty controls (gotta love that QA on the snowplow), uninspired levels, no sense of wonder, excessive adherence to something that needed to be updated but was deliberately held back.

The music is shit too.

It was actually pretty fast to get through the parts you'd already mastered, though the lip before the first jump tripped me up more times than I'd have liked.

real talk though, I don't remember any nintendo game ever on Sup Forums receive nearly as much shitposting as Witcher 3, Horizon or Mass Effect or Battlefield

very annoying to have an autist like you dismiss criticism with "you just haven't played it"

i have played it, it is mediocre.

-zelda styled backtracking to solve a puzzle you couldn't have without a specific power (worst case of this is invisiblity in icymetric palace)
-enemies aren't a threat and might as well not be there
-bosses are laughably easy
-bland worlds so far (only been through TT the ice place and the swamp
-the "humour" is the same meta joke 50 times "lol us old gamers huh xD"
-soundtrack sounds almost exactly like BK & DK64 this is a negative because it isn't memorable and sounds frankly, generic rare.

>I dont like this game because i'm shit at videogames
>videogames need to pander to my casualness

YOU are the problem

>no sense of wonder
because you're not 6 anymore

fuck you OP. They banned me in the forums for telling the truth. I hope this jew game dies and makes the ground irradiated

>is met with autistic backlash

Because it isn't a very good game and certainly not better than the N64 titles it is based on. A few key member from the old Rare team and a bunch of SJWs thrown at a keyboard doesn't make for good games.

Cry me a river, cucko.

Every single one of your criticisms could be applied to Banjo-Tooie.

I never played Banjo.

t. blue haired nu male

Damn so triggered

>few key members

>Sup Forums visits Sup Forums again


3 million made before the game even released. How is that a fail?

You right now.

Banjo-Tooie was significantly worse than the original for most of those reasons. Those, and the huge worlds that make it hard to figure out where you haven't been yet.

Not entirely untrue, as mentioned

Eye cancer

Tooie was fellated pretty hard before Yooka dropped

It's kind of a cucky game. If you knew about the Jontron betrayal and still bought it, you are implicitly saying you don't support white self-determination, which is kind of cucky. And if you are a center-of-the-road type guy, you evince cuckold-like qualities and should fuck off to GameFAGs, NEOFAG, or reddit.

Not him, but games should be see inspiring. Intense moments and beautiful areas. That's what I've always played for. That or something magically other worldly.

>low quality bait

>game has bad mechanics so it's a legitimate challenge

You do the pics BEFORE you do the thread


What the fuck is a marty poster?

well maybe the developers shouldn't have that political decision then if it's apparently such a big issue

>promise a game to live up to banjo levels
>realize near the end that its pretty average, you did not work well on it, dont care more, fuck it
>what's that? neofag is complaining? (as usual)
>eh, people are saying the game isnt good? well you just a racist,xenophobic manchild,jontron fanboy, mysoginist, etc

>I am truly disgusted and disappointed

Not sure if neofag or troll. either way here's your gold star

>muh games that don't exist
that's not shitting, that's voicing disappointment that nintendo doesn't cater to them specifically


well i honestly wouldn't know, its been ages since I've played tooie, but i also didn't like DK64 for similar reasons

It was already starting to see some downsides when they went to Unity than properly making their own engine or you know, something like Unreal 4 with their company assets and kikestarter budget.

The mister ECH has a factor to the backlash, but there are more critical reasons to dislike the game.

For starters, it feels like an amature homage to a series golden in it's time than a comeback of sorts. A lack of polish here and there, little optimization made, when it doesn't look like nor is it a graphic intensive game, drop frames on older hardware. Level design can either be really impressive or barebones and uncreative. The music is alright, Dunkey is sorta paddling it a little too far, but I understand when most of the time in your hub, spent jumping from world to world is spent in a bleak and dark environment.

People want to bring back the collectathon platforming back in fashion, not pander to an old audience that kids today or in their teens will either discard or talk shit of.

Somebody make BfBB HD already. Fucking get THQ Nordic to do something about it.

You have a point, but you gotta remember that Yooka belongs to a dead genre. There is nothing else for you if you like collectathons, there is plenty of RPGs though.

>Lying on an anonymous imageboard


Not really. This is a common stereotype when reality is A) Sup Forums likes to ride the negativity bandwagon they want to be proven RIGHT and B) Sup Forums is generally pessimistic aka realistic about video games instead of buying into pre-release hype. Don't mistake marketing plants and shills for regular Sup Forums dwellers.

If they didn't want their product to be "ruined by political sabotage" then they shouldn't have decided to publicly go political...

That being said, if it was actually a good game it wouldn't have mattered and would have sold on it's own merits. The fact that anyone would blame its so-called failure on "politics", what's more - on people who are "right-wing", says to me they tried to bank on the "muh leftist victim" marketing strategy. Fuck 'em, and fuck you too.

>those fucking lips

Well what do liberals always parrot? "Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences", well that goes both ways sweetheart.

>he wasn't here for /vint/

>i-it's not Sup Forums
>i-it's those dang canadians shitting up our board!
fuck off m8

>he wasn't here for /vint/

Yes. And?

also got a ban, my first in my 11 years old account. Also liked how the "dev" read "community manager" banned people in waves who did not agree with him before posting the sticky about jontron

>anime avatar
>sperging the fuck out and boycotting a developer because their publisher's blue-haired community manager banned you
and nothing of value was lost

I was, that's why I'm calling you out on it. Shitposters like you cherrypicked a couple of posts and kept spamming the leaf meme. If anything I saw most of the low quality posts trying to bring political shit into threads were made by americans.


Charging back on a product delivered to you that is also exactly what they advertised is fraud and will damage your credit rating.

Only idiots refused to buy it because of the political controversy

Normal people refused to buy it because Banjo Kazooie exists and Yooka is a pale comparison to BK. Kickstarter games are never worth it

/ourboy/ supports the game
reminder if you're against the game you're against /ourboy/

I think that everyone forgot what BK and BT were like when criticizing YL, because its flaws are mostly the exact same flaws held by its predecessors. That's honestly the worst thing about it, so if you genuinely still enjoy the first two games then you should like Yooka-Laylee too.

What it fixed were things that people forgot about, like Talon Trot being so good and on-foot movement being so slow that you had to play the entirety of both games with Z held down.

DK64, on the other hand, was pretty lousy for its own set of reasons entirely.

>and delivers a unique, colorful, good game
there isn't a single aspect of it that can't be described as "knockoff banjo-kazooie"
a game whose only identity is referencing a different game cannot possibly be unique

you Sup Forums fags are the worst not because i disagree with you but because you keep bringing up shit that nobody cares about anymore

i want to shit on this game for its actual flaws not because of a controversy that only serves to shut down discussion every single time.

>a couple of posts

Every single SJW post was Canadian and Australian and every console war wojak posting shitter was a Brazilian.

It's pretty obvious you weren't there.

>t. Canadian


You think after 17 years they would be able to fix the flaws the N64 games had.