When is the line drawn when a video gamer's opinion overlaps with the fun they offer...

When is the line drawn when a video gamer's opinion overlaps with the fun they offer? When they put that opinion on their main channel of consumption, or is there a degree of severity that can not be tolerated?

It literally doesn't matter.
You can agree with their video game opinions, and that doesn't mean you agree with all of their other opinions. The end.

The fact people think that one unpopular opinion is now reason to boycott and destroy someones career is ridiculous.

Companies also need to start backing people. The fact Disney and Youtube backed out of Pewdiepie deals because the WSJ called him a racist is retarded.
I'd double down and fuck over retarded reporters.

When that "unpopular opinion" is literally that blacks should all be put in prison...
It's a bit different, sweetie.

Everything Jon said was right.


but sweetie he said that all blacks should be burned alive
dont manipulate the truth

I don't understand what's wrong with that opinion.


Oh, sweetie, did you not actually watch the whole debate?

It is okay. I am sure you are really busy these days, sweetie.



Feel free to debunk anything he said.

Pro-Tip: You fucking can't.

Just because someone speaks the truth and it hurts your feelings doesn't make things less true.

You should

video games are my favorite type of video games


I will do everything in my power to avoid listening to the voices of those whom have spake racist utterances unabashedly.
Jontron's abhorrent behavior and bigoted worldviews should NEVER be tolerated or encouraged by companies and what Playtonic did should set the precedent for all other game developers when faced with this kind of disgusting prejudice.

If given carte blanche over a video game's development I would scour each of the employee's social media accounts thoroughly to make sure they have no right-wing sympathies or any undue support for less than liberal causes (ie gamergate).

This is would ultimately result in a much purer and safer gaming experience for all gamers I suspect.

I dare any of you to prove me wrong.

Doesn't matter if it's true.
He's making people feel unsafe in their own country because the color of their skin.

Imagine how it feels to live in a place where someone can shoot you down if you're black and can probably get away with it based on that fact.
It's pretty much open season on black people when individuals like Jafari state outright what amounts to "You don't belong here, none of us like you, and we want you dead". They aren't allowed to defend themselves?

You're really cute desu

>arab kid says some real shit
>gets branded as "white supremacist"
only in america

>Imagine how it feels to live in a place where someone can shoot you down if you're black and can probably get away with it based on that fact.

Good thing I live in America.
Maybe if he was talking about Saudi or some sandcity you'd have a point.

Also, as for being gunned down for the color of your skin, that only happens in dindu cities in america where cops only respond to death calls and store robberies. The only time a white man kills a black man is when a cop shows up to a scene while the killer is still at large and they have to take him out.

>actually giving a fuck about a youtuber's political opinions
he's funny, just shut up and watch his videos
I want Tumblr to leave

>Part Iranian
>Arab kid

Only in America

When you're a company, you're dealing with the masses, and the majority of them are fucking dumb.
So if you still keep showing your ads when these retarded masses think pewdiepie is a nazi, they will boycott you and you wont make that sweet, sweet dish.
You have to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

>I don't understand what's wrong with that opinion.

Asperger's, ladies and gentlemen.


Not until every alt right personality is off the internet

I haven't seen a more blatant display of white privilege since Trump swore in.

What the hell was I thinking when i wrote dish?

>he's funny, just shut up and watch his videos

How about no?

how is he not an arab?


>Tfw I just realized I'm not white



>he said stuff I disagree with waahhhh I hate other people's opinions ;'''''(

Haha very funny now stop trolling.


tell me

There's absolutely nothing wrong with disliking other people opinions and refusing to give them your money because of them.

I know this is bait and all but the fact that so many idiots are parroting shit like this is ridiculous. Half the people mad about it don't actually know what he said or why he said it. Just that someone on twitter is mad about it because they heard from someone else on twitter that he's racist.

It's like echo chambers are being fucking weaponized these days.

>say stupid shit on the internet
>get called out
>post salty tweets
>act surprised when there is consequences when your own words turn against yourself

Stop, Iran isn't an Arab country you might as well be calling Poland Russia.

Amazing how not being a criminal and a piece of shit is white privilege. I will gladly take the privilege of not being scum because I can control my emotions and plan ahead so I'm not a jobless and broke dindu. Black people don't need your condescension all they need is to take responsibility for their own lives and for the Gubberment to stop handing out free shit to them.

>I will do everything in my power to avoid listening to the voices of those whom have spake racist utterances unabashedly.
"I will exert considerable effort to not listen to people I disagree with!"

You're a fag, like a grade-A cocksucking fag.
Do you run background checks on every member of every band you listen to? Oooh boy they may have said something racist and you don't want to listen to that now do you? You're a fucking dumbass. It doesn't matter what a content creatir's opinions are. What matters is their content. It doesn't matter if a band are actual communists, the epitome of evil itself. What matters is how good their music is.

>He's making people feel unsafe
Oh yeah and you can't ever


Never ever let people """feel unsafe"""

Can't ever let that happen, feelings are the most important thing in the world after all

>Iran isn't an Arab country

>What Free Speech means
>Can't be arrested for your opinions

>What retard right wingers think it means
>You can spout whatever hateful shit you want all the time and no one can criticize you,hold you to account or stop giving you money and fame for saying it


Fuck all of you. Just leave. Take your ignorant "diddnu" and "white pivege" bullshit somewhere else.

> WAAAH why am i being punished for being a shitlord

You're not giving Jontron your money, you're watching his videos. Or are you some retard who mails him an envelope of $1 for every video you watch?

Don't try to move the goalposts, it's really obvious when you dipshits attempt to.