First time playing Demon's Souls.
Played through all the other Souls games.
What should I expect?
First time playing Demon's Souls
Other urls found in this thread:
A Souls game
A dragon.
a prototypal Souls game with drastically varying degrees of content quality and difficulty
it'll be sort of like watching the original Mad Max after you've seen Fury Road
A Souls game without some quality of life improvements but with a charm no sequel was able to capture.
>pcu ck got his first console 15years after it was released and plays on a 720x180 screen
>ASUS brand
>Compared to controller in lower left it obviously is maybe a 25" screen
A slightly aged and IMO more difficult Souls game but very worth it because the boss battles are dope, especially the final one
The best atmosphere and level design. A lot of interesting encounters and design choices, that not all worked out like intended. Item carrying limit. The most contrived upgrade system.
it's more like watching mad max 2 after watching fury road
watching the original mad max would be like playing kings field
>Item carrying limit
This shit annoyed me more than any enemy. Im so glad From didnt stick with this
Bumping with fanart/concept art jazz
It was still pretty standard for rpgs back then. OP just has to get used to drop everything he doesn't need off when he enters the Nexus and aside from 2-2 he should have no problems.
Frame drops
Read about tendency and you good to go.
I cant think of anytime the frame rate gets bad.
Sure you aren't just thinking of Blighttown?
Only disappointment if you play DeS for the first time after DaS/BB. Also 10 fps and 240p.
It's like Dark Souls except without jumping and estus flasks.
You have to kill the fools idol 4 times before she actually dies so don't be shocked when she comes back.
Also read about world tendency because if you don't you'll be fucked.
A game that is extremely underwhelming after playing DS1 and Bloodborne. Had it been my first, I'd probably jerk it off as much as everyone else here does though.
Utter shit easymode bosses.
Lots of stunlocking of defenseless enemies.
Single digit framerates.
Not really, DeS was far from my first but I still consider it one of the better Souls games
>ou have to kill the fools idol 4 times before she actually dies so don't be shocked when she comes back.
Someone is retarded.
It's not a bad game by any means, but I'd honestly just put it slightly ahead of DS3 if we're ranking them.
DS1 > Bloodborne >>>> DeS/DS3 > DS2 SotFS > DS2 Vanilla
>DS1 > Bloodborne >>>> DeS/DS3 > DS2 SotFS > DS2 Vanilla
Oh boy its the time in the thread for these
I mostly agree with that but I would but it
DS1=Bloodborne>DeS>DS3>Both DS2's