So what's the deal with this game?
What's with all the hate?
So what's the deal with this game?
What's with all the hate?
Only thing I know is that it ropped off the face of the earth.
>people who really like a series that was a spinoff from metal gear arguing that another spinoff of metal gear is doomed to failure incoming
I forgot it even existed until this thread
oh shit is that still coming out? it looked like it might be fun to play with a few friends.
I enjoyed MGSV mechanically but hated the game itself. A boring world with no real objectives.
I like the idea of the survival genre but I fucking hate how everything is just an unpolished piece of shit done in Unity with pre-made assets
In short, I'm looking forward to this because it combines the best aspects of both.
I'm genuinely looking forward to it, so long as it has single player. mgsv had really nice mechanics and gameplay that I'm sure this will retain
the mgs narrative and timeline is retarded anyway, so I don't care if this makes a mockery of that
It's not a Kojima game.
The main complaints I've seen are:
Nobody asked for it, AKA I'm mad about something else
It's raping the franchise because le zombies, even though a stealth game surrounding zombies makes perfect sense
It's a shitty cash grab, again, people mad at Konami
I haven't seen one actual complaint about it.. (And it's pretty funny too, because if they didn't come out with the game people would be bitching about them letting the Metal Gear franchise go to waste)
you know they could have just added co-op to normal MGSV and people would have been fine with it. Kind of like a peace walker.
why the fuck would you do this...
Anyone who says anything positive about a full price asset flip needs to kill themselves. The gameplay they showed of this thing looks horrendous.
>a stealth game surrounding zombies makes perfect sense
How does it make sense?
I'm looking forward to it a little bit. It's less of a cash grab than Portable Ops Plus at the least, and if it's only $20, then it'll sit decent as a standalone expac. We already know it's not going to be a full $60, and they're already bringing back a lot of things that were missing from MGSV (Static Life, Food, Cure, etc. etc.). There's definite negatives like item durability plastered on top, and zombies are about as generic as you can get for a throwaway "what if" enemy, but gameplay-wise, it could be more Metal Gear than Splinter Cell Conviction 2: The Phantom Pain. With co-op on top of all that, it could easily be fun.
The hate is a bit justified though when they told everyone they wanted to win back Metal Gear fans and then plopped out an open world survival game with zombies.
There's no way this isn't going to get cancelled
>not muh kojima!!
>implying this isn't exactly the game kojima would make if asked to make a spinoff after binging stranger things and the walking dead
I'm not saying a Metal Gear game has to be made by Kojima to be good, I think Rising might be my favorite MG game.
I'm just saying this looks like dogshit.
A survival co-op game with open world tacticool stealth would be fun, but fuck zombies. Zombies are the lamest shit.
What survive? What continuity? What lore?
Nothing after GZ is real, every play through ever is a person strapped into VR by Big Boss to choose the one that will become Venom, TPP is the leader course, MGO is the battle prowess course, Surv is a survival course. Online capabilities are a metod of weeding out players-slash-candidates by BB.
Before anyone cries autism, feel free to provide a consistent alternative with memeholes, memedimension and capabilities of Sah, original MG and rex.
Can't wait for the rise to be revealed and this game is revealed to have been a Kojiam joint all along and all the non believers will have to roll back all the shit they've said about this game.
The acid of our generation.
Acid was at least a neat idea with its own kind of gameplay.
This is just a mod for MGSV banking on the current meme genre of survival zombieshit.
They can't make it work without Kojima. His direction is what made MGS
It's COD zombies-tier laziness. It adds nothing new, it's basically a mod for MGSV online which flopped anyway.
it won't be, but either way kojimeme has said he wanted to do metal gear zombies before