Would this idea make a good video game?

Would this idea make a good video game?

15 Wolves

human > all animals

Could a gun even kill half of these things

I'll take the rats.

If you can give them orders, 1000 rats in an urban environment are broken as hell.

do they attack all at once?
can you communicate with the animals protecting you?
if i can control the animals and get them to fight as a unit then i'd pick the bulls for sheer size plus wicked fucking horns. however, if all the animals charged at once i'm sure i'd be fucked no mater what i choose

This is an impossible question if all of the animals are attacking at once, no possible answer will save you.

However if it's just one at a time, Mice seems like the best option. Nasty little faggots, and if they actually are motivated to protect you, your enemies will only experience a horror movie.

Won't protect you from the hawks of course. But the rats should take care of everything else.

Its already been tried, its called Evolve.

Its available for only $129.99, pre-order now at your local Gamestop.

The hunter is your best bet. I'd probably take the Bears after that.

Top tier
>15 wolves
>7 bulls
>9 crocs
Situational tier
>1000 rats
>50 eagles
Low Tier
>3 Lions
>2 Gorilla
Meme tier

human is useless because of sheer numbers

human is also guaranteed to kill you because he can snipe you from a mile away. to beat the human you'd need something that is agile enough, and numerous enough, to keep him occupied, limiting you to the rats, falcons, bulls, and wolves. alligators are too slow, and the rest are so few he would be able to shoot them and fuck you over.

then you have the problem of the falcons being able to fly, there's nothing that would be able to stop them from attacking your head. but if you pick them, they aren't powerful enough to stop more than one or two animals.

basically you are completely fucked and going to die.

That is literally Tokyo Jungle.

You are retarded. 50 hawks attacking simultaneously will fuck anything up, even a fireteam or maybe even a section of marines armed with assault rifles.

I stand with my human bro

fuck off with your shitty meme choice game
here's a true one

This is dumb, a grizzly is approximately twice as heavy as a silverback or lion, and the gorilla doesn't even have claws or sharp teeth.

I paid $60 for it.
It wasn't even a bad game at launch desu, you just get sick of waiting 15 minutes for a game.

1000 rats

>crocs in top tier

Crocs are fucking useless. A fucking horse can kill a crocodile. The only time they are useful is in water and during the evening. Otherwise they are lazy pieces of shit.

>Rats situational tier
1,000 rats. The longer you hold out, the more they breed and rats breed fast and can chew through almost anything. 1,000 rats is terribly OP.

I'd take 2 of these.

bears are OP mother fuckers
when they used to do animal fighting they got bored because bear would just fucking destroy anything they put it up against, they even tried importing lions and shit and the bear just fucked everything up still
3 bears is plenty to keep safe

It would make a fun little simulator game
>thousands of options
>gives you a random assortment each level
>choose and watch the results
>endless randomized mode
>pre-selected level mode
I'd pay $5 for it.

For the image though, would the attacking animals aggro onto the ones that are protecting, or will they just ignore them and instantly bumrush me? Because if they just charge at you you're pretty much fucked no matter what. I'd choose the hawks, they are surprisingly dangerous and a swarm of 50 can fuck up everything else on the list. The rats would just run the fuck away since hawks are a predator

Just go indoors what the fuck.

"B-but they can get inside!"
Go in a tight space and proceed to neck-snap them as they can only attack you 1-3 at a time

I need to know the environment I'm fighting in.

Open field? human
Warehouse? wolves
Abandoned building (walls and rooms)? rats or gorillas

Rats get stomped fast. Unless you are in a defensive place where you can create a stronghold to let them breed the others are going to steamroll them

but this one is easy as fuck

>3 Bears = 2 Gorillas
This pic is retarded

I think you're fucked no matter what. The rats are clearly the strongest but against all 8 others even they wont be able to protect you.

Hawks can't do that much damage it would probably take 50 Hawks hours to bring down a single bull. You're talking about death by a thousand talon cuts.

who the fuck really thinks rats can protect them? they'll get trampled long before they have time to breed or gnaw through all the other animals. i'm not saying there's a good choice, but fucking rats is bottom tier garbage

>low tier

are you actually mentally challenged?

I would probably take wolves.

Those are mice

No matter what you choose, the human would snipe you.
If you chose the human, the others would completely overrun you.

>Hawks can't do that much damage
Da fuq? If this shit gets anywhere near your eyes you're fucking done for, regardless of whether you're a bull or a fucking T-Rex.

>getting paid 10mil to be a NEET for 10years

whats the downside?
30 points would even get me better living than what i have now
pure trash image

You underestimate how much 1000 means. An average rat is large enough to cover your entire palm. Now imagine 1000 of those all over you. The birds are the only ones who can fuck them up (which is mitigated by not being in an open field) Everything else can be swarmed to death, although only one species at a time.

Would love to see, how human would fight pack of wolves.

>2 Gorillas
>3 Lions

Disregarding the rest of the image, the person who made this obviously knows nothing about animals. That is a mismatch of balance.

How does the puppy get exercise?

That human seems to have a single shot or at least the 6-7 bullets are under the barrel like a Winchester (though I don't see a lever) or a Henry revoler rifle (still only six shots) human may be able to take out the gorillas ore even the lions, but six shots will probably just piss off the bears if you don't land a headshot.

>cannot download
retarded list

Yes, it's well-known that wolves are experts at fighting in warehouses, they are less dangerous when they enter the incredibly broad category of "abandoned buildings"

why anyone would not pick zyzz is beyond me. I miss him so much. no homo, but I have dreams where he's still alive and shitposting on /fit/

Gorilla is one of the weakest things on the board. They would be most effective for killing the mice that's about it. 15 wolves lions bears and bulls could all beat them


Not to mention 3 fucking grizzlies. Should be something like 1 grizzly, two Lions, and 3/4 Gorillas. Gorillas aren't even in the same league considering they're both smaller, and non-carnivores.

>7 cows
Cows are fucking deadly in groups, that's OP as shit. I'd take them or the rats, they're both easy to train and good company. Also, Tokyo Jungle is similar to this and it's pretty good

it's easier to close doors on wolves than run from them in a warehouse

Full kitchen
Surround Sound
Workout room
Hygiene products
Medical Care

Better living conditions than I currently have, get to emerge a rich, healthy wizard.

>Gorilla is one of the weakest things on the board

Oh yeah, you're actually retarded.


>gonna download or stream

so its 16 points wasted literally just to shitpost on Sup Forums for 10 years?

If you pick the human you're fucked since he can't protect you from everything else at once

If you pick anything but the human you're fucked because he's just going to shoot you

Nobody says they are all equal faggot. If that was the case you could never win by picking one

That's a stupid fucking game. Everyone would pick the microwave, the pc, the games, and the slut.

Are all of the animals attacking at once? Either way, rats are the best choice. It only takes 25 rats to overcome a house cat.

>climbs a tree

one of these can create a fire, tell me this. Which one of these animals pictured are fireproof?

This list is bad and you should feel bad.

Girl + Gourmet Food + Hygiene + Gym = 5 mil for a 10 year vacation.

Because he's a hack. Also, he was weak. Also, his routines were retarded and only worked if you were on gear. Fuck zyzz, rip in piss.

>takes 25 rats to overcome a house cat.


That hunter's going down first.

Is this the stealth/an/ thread?

>If you pick anything but the human you're fucked because he's just going to shoot you
This is not true in the slightest. If you can give orders to animals the human has no chance even if he hides inside buildings.

>choose 50 eagles
>split them into small groups that observe the human in shifts 24/7
>once the human hunter leaves the building to get food or take a shit, call the other eagles and just claw his ass to death by attacking all at once

or the 50 fucking hawks will destroy you

No, the point is for them to be all viable choices, you cum-guzzling homosexual. The two gorillas is an invalid choice.

>No medical care
>Unhealthy fucking diet
Have fun dying in your basement, at least you got to have sex, right?

go for the birds

no choice can straight up win a fight against them all but the birds can scout the best so you just gonna stay on the move and try avoid conflict
they also counter rats the best which is one of the more problematic creatures to deal with in theory, your squad will be well fed at the very least.

Nice reading comprehension.
I did say picking the human would net you a lose.
The fact that not picking the human means certain death comes from the fact, that the human wouldn't even fight the wolves, he'd just snipe you.

>It only takes 25 rats to overcome a house cat
>only takes 25

That's a lot of fucking rats to take a house cat. That's actually more impressive on the House cat's part.

Warehouses usually have have smaller rooms adjacent to the bay.

Also, wolves would clearly be better suited to fighting in a field than a lone human.

>3 bears should equal 2 gorillas
Which retard made this?

You're assuming you're not just thrown into an arena with you and the 50 eagles vs all the others at the same time.

Gorillas aren't fighters. They are super passive. Chimpanzees are the ones that act like niggers and cannibalize eachother.

I assume that if I'm fighting in a field, that I will have time for my team mate to shoot off some rounds.

best case scenario is we take out the lions and birds first, then climb separate trees and take out the rest

Why are birds such awful animals?

It doesn't require 25 of them to "take" the cat, but at 25 or more they feel sufficient in numbers to attack larger prey.

Can I have sex with Barry Bonds?

stop it user we know you know absolutely nothing about the world you inhabit but you don't need to keep proving it

t. 6/10 manlet

Why are mantises such awful animals?

Wow, it's a bird attacking some other bird for whatever reason. This NEVER happens with ANY other species EVER, especially not FUCKING HUMANS.

>skylight (2 points)
because else it'd get incredibly depressive

>library and study (4 points)
this is already enough for me to spend my entire life there

>18yo girl (18 points)
I just want a companion, no need for sex even, but it's a nice addon if I am into her

>medical care (2 points)
Another opportunity to see other humans if you're feeling depressed

>all video games that have been released (4 points)
because vidya

There you go. Fine food, unlimited books, unlimited vidya, top tier healthcare and a cute girl with you, not to mention sunlight to keep your sanity up. What else could you ask for?

Why do you think your teammate can deal with 1000 rats or 50 hawks?
Unless the human is a Space Marine he's not doing jack shit

money up front and investing
Doctor with mayo clinic.

Shut up, bee.
Eat or get eaten.


Are you stupid? You realize whatever you don't pick is trying to kill you. Which would include the human plus all the other animals.

Yeah 50 hawks may be impressive, but if it's the choice of having a human with a gun with me or against me plus a ton of other fucking animals, I'd rather have the human with me.

>have all vidya ever released
>didn't get a system to play it on

enjoy staring at the box and starving to death retard


It is you who is eaten.

>1. workout room cause there's no way i'd make it 10 years without some sort of exercise. also, it adds more room to the basement -- 5
>2. computer + all video games -- 10
>3. all movies and tv shows -- 4
>4. full kitchen -- 6
>5. unlimited tobacco products (for all the finest cigars and pipe tobacco plus accessories) -- 4
>6. pool table -- 1

What can the computer do? Without internet I'd be limited to whatever apps came preloaded so maybe that's not a good selection. However, if it allowed me to have any software available then I could have fun with that.

I'd like to have the books, too, but I'm sure there's a loophole where if I have the computer I can have ebooks preloaded on it.

As long as I could busy myself with cooking (which is pretty fun) and working out I can kill almost half my free time right there. Without any distractions I could finally get swole (right now I'm never gonna make it) and I'd have some pretty nice entertainment options. Also, I suck at pool and would like to get better.

I feel like I could take on a thousand rats if I was in a tree and would wack them to the ground as they climbed up

Yeah well their real life behavior won't matter much now because they'll be conditioned to fight fucking lions and bears on your behalf, to the last one.

He can still play board games and choose your own adventure novels user.

>Oh yeah, you're actually retarded.

He's right, they are sedentary animals who sit on their ass eating and shitting all day, they are strong, but the lion is approximately the same weight and is faster, has deadly claws and jaws, and can spring with great force.

A grizzly is approximately twice the weight of a gorilla or lion, and is build for brute strength and resilience.

A bull is multiple times heavier than a gorilla, faster and has deadly horns and bone-crushing hooves.

>Are you stupid?
No. The point is that you can just hide or barricade inside a building from the animals. The human can snipe you, so you need to take him out ASAP even if you're planning on hiding and the birds are perfect for that.

Who said I need a system?

Well, throw the unlimited fast food into the deal + the pool table so that I can play pool with my girl