Zero Time Dilemma

Be honest, his motives can be summed up with one word and it isn't the C word.

Other urls found in this thread:

Manifold? Elaborate?

>Manifold? Elaborate?
Lord no. The one word starts with a B




I do my best to forget this game, and Sup Forums always finds a way to remind me of it


>inb4 "it is Bullshit"
Just like this thread.

BANAL as heck to be quite honest, my close relative. Especially considering they were literally Akane's motives repeated.

>there are people out there right now experiencing zero escape through the nonary games
>they're excited to see the conclusion in ZTD
Those poor poor bastards

>experiencing zero escape through the nonary games

Poor bastards indeed.

Anime doesn't start with B





>mfw I thought 999 did a better job with the twist in the nonary games than the DS version

That shit tripped me out even though I already beat it once.

I finished 999 like a week ago and I got excited at the idea of playing VLR and ZTD, but then I remembered the last summer's shitstorm on Sup Forums about the latter and now I don't feel motivated anymore to continue it, since I've already spoiled myself that I'm never going to find out what happened to most of the original cast.

VLR is worth playing for the characters.
ZTD is worth playing if you go into it expecting a trainwreck and a laugh.


>I've already spoiled myself that I'm never going to find out what happened to most of the original cast.

Are you talking about the 999 cast?

If so, you do


Is the voice acting in the Nonary Games version of 999 able to be shut off? Cause if not I'm just going to replay the DS version.

I don't know Senpai

I heard that VLR ends in a cliffhanger and the fate of some characters is a giant question mark which was supposed to get answered in ZTD but in fact it didn't happen.

yep that's the gist of it

Here I'm gonna spoil ZTD so you don't have to endure that shit

>it was aliens

yeah really

The whole "alien" thing in ZTD was more worthless storywise than the alien thing in Automata. The real truth was that it was MINDHACC

The alien thing was so unnecessary. It served little to no purpose.

Sort of. VLR had a secret "true" ending that took place immediately after the main game, which elaborates on the motivations and futures of several characters, along with setting up many plot hooks for the sequel. I could tell you what they were, but spoilers, obviously.

Anyway, this secret ending was really fucking good and everyone was insanely hyped for ZTD, since basically the entire purpose behind VLR was to build up to an incredible finale. But when ZTD actually came out it ended up not including ANYTHING from the secret ending, and instead took the plot in a completely different direction. Uchikoshi eventually emerged on Twitter a month after the game came out and said out of nowhere that the secret ending was actually noncanon all along.

So basically as long as you finish the normal end of VLR you'll be fine, the ending flows decently into ZTD. Skip the secret ending though, it'll only disappoint you.

>I find human decisions... fascinating.
>That's why I'm going to use MAGICAL MIND CONTROL to force you to choose what I want you to choose, instead of letting you decide yourself

non-canon metafiction


>ayy lmaos
>mind hack
>true ending is suddenly not canon
>characters disappear and never get mentioned anymore
Just reading this makes me mad, what the fuck seriously. One gets emotionally invested in the story and characters only to have everything get crushed by a hack writer.
I suppose he isn't planning on doing a Q&A about the unresolved plot points either.

A single, solitary game broke the spirits of six billion Sup Forums users. Life is simply unfair, don't you think?

That's only so they can make further decisions so it's not a contradiction.

>Hey btw zero found a fax machine that can send humans through time and space
>oh yeah seems like he stole it from bird-like aliens

>Ah ok I see thanks for explaining this

What the fuck were they thinking
The game revealed that aliens are literally real and advanced beyond comprehension

and everybody in that fucking game is pretty much >oh ok

It's doubly stupid, because both 999 and VLR heavily imply that the player was aliens all along.

It would've been so easy to explain it away with the morphogenetic field which already exists in the series rather than bringing in fucking aliens.

>This device couldn't possibly exist in this time, where did you get it?!
>Oh, this? Well, one of my researchers is able to access the morphogenetic field. I had him SHITT into his descendant's body 600 years from now and memorise blueprints for cool shit so I could mindhacc them and bring them into the present. That's where all the sweet traps came from too. Honestly I don't know why you guys didn't take advantage of the field sooner, this shit is crazy

Abusing the field like that is as much of a hack as the ayy lmaos were.

It would've been very easy to make a better story. Just don't copy your previous game word for word like an idiot.

Please stop talking about this game. It's worse than MGSV or ME3 when it comes to disappointment and hatred

No. The meem potential is too high. Basically every single thing Delta says is a super-quotable goldmine of comedy.

Not really, expanding their abilities like that would've been a Shonen tier asspull but throwing an alien fax machine in the mix was complete bullshit.

What happened to Clover and Alice in the end? Are they still stuck in the shitty future? Were they released from hibernation, or ayylmaofaxed back to their original timeline?
What happened to Snake anyway? I can't believe that he would keep living his happy musician life while his sister is missing, his disappearance was so suspicious.
Also why am I even asking these questions? Like I didn't know that they're going to be forever left unanswered anyway.

I waited four years for this garbage game.

VLR era Clover and Alice are still stuck in the bad future, I doubt Akane and Sigma somehow managed to grab the ayy lmao fax machine to send them back, since otherwise they wouldn't have had to do all that convoluted shit to get Sigma back to the past. ZTD era sluts were never grabbed in the first place, so they never even knew anything was going on. Snake was probably one of the six gorillion who died in the first outbreak.

There's way more unresolved plot questions than that, though.


what didn't you like about it other than graphics and voice acting?

>trivial escapes with no difficulty escalation
>absolute shit cast, old characters retconned into shit, new ones underused and dumb, except Carlos
>story is the same as VLR, except worse
>densly packed Deltas
>Delta overall
>le snail
Fuck this game

Ironically Delta is also one of the strongest points of this trainwreck.

>ZTD era sluts were never grabbed in the first place
Perhaps my brain is already subsconsciously trying to erase everything about this series that isn't memes, but doesn't ZTD technically take place while Clover and Alice were already kidnapped and put under ice?
In any case even if the two of them are fucked in the VLR timeline it would have been nice to get an official confirmation instead of just speculations.

He is. Delta looks and sounds wicked, they've ripped the "old pseudo-Soviet smart guy" aesthetic straight from The Sorrow. But he's stuck in a retarded game with a retarded motive. And his constructions are significantly worse than at the time of the First Nonary Game, for which he was directly responsible. That could only mean one thing — his mind is failing.


He's never going to do a Q&A, because this time he can't get away with "this will be explained in the next game :^)" when faced with questions he doesn't know how to answer.

What is even there to Q&A anymore? Is he gonna talk about how Delta spent the rest of his days with his mommy and daddy being a good boy and helping them find the real bad bad terrorist? Or is he going to finally admit he didn't think about a sequel for VLR properly because at the time there was zero chance for it to ever exist? It's all fucking pointless.
Forever21 when?

Didn't he answer everything about Kyle and the Another Time end on twitter? AKA that none of it was canon?

What is there even left to ask?

Friendly reminder that in another timeline ZTD turned out great, but we're stuck in the one where it's total dogshit.

This timeline has reached the point where if I was given a single wish I would wish for every single sequel and adaptation that turned out to be shit to be good

You know what you need to do, user

Yeah, and in that same timeline Uchikoshi wrote Ze4o Escape: Paradoxes And Shiet, that literally killed Sup Forums by being the worst game of all time. It's good that producers from Chunsoft managed to mindhacc Uchi into submission.