Be honest with me doc, how much time left?

Be honest with me doc, how much time left?

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Hopefully until late 2017. Ever Oasis is coming out in June and the new Pikmin game is coming out in July so I don't think Nintendo has gave up on the 3DS yet

Given there are major first party releases scheduled for 2018 it could be getting smaller first party titles up until 2019. Don't know how long third party support will last. Could drop like a rock then or keep going into 2025 (hey, the PS2 was still getting games just a few years ago).

Another 2 years minimum. Time after that will depend on competition.

About a year. But let's be real, it had a hell of a run.

Will Nintendo make a new Handheld tho? The Switch is doing good and Sony doesn't have plans for a Vita successor. Would it be smart move of Nintendo to stop the Handheld line of consoles?

I think they will. It'll be based off of the Switch in some way (the NX was originally supposed to be two separate devices) but they will, since Nintendo's handhelds have always been successful because they've been under powered but cheap.

Yes because third party support still looks bleak on the switch and this unifies all their teams to one platform, pushing out more games.

Hard to say really because the switch is marketed as a handheld in Japan.

An infinite amount of time.
The 3DS will never stop being a thing. Your 3DS won't crumble to dust on some arbitrary date.

If you want to know when support will stop, probably sometime late 2018 or so. The thing's still got a little bit of life left in it.

But god, I hate the idea that a console can "die". Practically speaking, having a console at the end of its support lifespan is the absolute BEST time to own any console, because then there are actual games to play, and you know 100% what you're getting out of it.

>the NX was originally supposed to be two separate devices

It's all gonna be over soon

Can't find the specific interview but they talk about it and quote it here.

Any quality titles in the pipeline or was SMT4 the last one?

>weeblus games

You must be joking.


Even it's sequel shit all over that garbo.

they'll start selling the switch without the dock for a cheaper price. screencap this.

Should i buy used or brand new 3ds

New mainline is coming to switch and strange journey remake was announced for 3DS so don't expect much else from Atlus on nintendo soon.

Atlus themselves has remakes of SMT: Strange Journey and Radiant Historia. Etrian Odyssey V and Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2.

At least until DP pokemon remakes release. When gen 5 came out I thought the games were great but realized it'd take forever for the games to get a remake. The only upside was that it'd probably be in HD. Let Sinnoh fags get their remake in 240p while gen 5 comes to the switch

What major titles are coming in 2018?

Western release of Detective Pikachu and the SuMo expansion.

End of 2018. There's plenty of games coming out this year but they'll probably start to run out by next year thanks to devs eyeing the Switch's sales.

I come from 2011, and I just wanted to see how badly the Vita Raped the 3DS.

>Sony doesn't have plans for a Vita successor
See you this e3.

The thing has been in drought since 2014

vita has more games scheduled for 2017+2018 than the 3ds at this point

Don't even bother. You won't be able to afford any of the games anyway. 5 year old games for a fkn handheld sell for full price.

Nintendo normally keeps a system going until there are literally no games releasing. By that metric 3DS has probably until spring 2018

so less than a mimium wage days a worth?

>Buying 3DS games

A lot more. At least in my country.

I sometimes forget this board is crawling with poverty workers.

If a game isn't below a day of your wage. Then don't bother buying any of them.

Can I play DS games from other regions on a 3DS?
The DS was region free if I remember, so does the region lock just apply to 3DS games?


It's still selling well, so I doubt Nintendo will stop supporting it so soon. I say sometime in 2018.

Buy used only if the seller lets you check the firmware or it comes pre-hacked.

Buy new otherwise. A brand new 3DS will always come on a firmware that can be hacked, so you'll be good to go.

Brand new. used ones almost always have broken L/R buttons.
if you want to hack it get a small new 3ds from japan, you can run US games on it.

2017 has been surprisingly packed for 3DS.

Already released and upcoming for this year include

>mario maker
>mario sports
>Dragon Quest 8
>Yoshi Wooly World
>Ever Oasis
>blaster master zero
>Etrian Odyssey Mystery Dungeon 2
>Dragonball Fusions 2
>SMT Strange Journey Deep
>Radiant Historia
>Lady Layton
>Monster Hunter XX
>blaster master zero
>Dragon quest XI
>Like 3 Kirby games
>Fire emblem Warriors
>Fire emblem echoes

so my plan is to get a new 3ds xl and pirate the shit out of all those cool zelda and mario games. how accessible is piracy on the device?
Can you follow simple instructions? Then incredily easy. At the end of the hack you'll have native custom firmware and you'll be able to download games straight from nintendo's servers.

at least another year and a half

>mario maker
If you just going to include anything on your list it's not worth reading. Next time develop some tastebuds

6 months to a year imo. Maybe 2 years at most

>he thinks sony will announce a new handheld
Holy kek

>If a game isn't below a day of your wage
Nobody gets payed in the same day

if you live paycheck to paycheck you shouldn't be buying games

Few months MAYBE is the end of year. Time is gone of 3DS is dead for Switch is the now.

Awww baby doesn't like game and got mad? Awwww

>Dragonball Fusions 2
What are you smoking? Can i have some?
>Not including Miitopia

It's not even a game. It's a glorified amiibo commercial. The 3ds version at that.

I don't think anyone in their right minds would buy an underpowered expensive handheld, when they already have a console with the same portability in sales. Then again, I didn't think anyone in their right minds would buy a Switch.

i can see them selling a smaller handheld version of the switch where you can't remove the controller parts. Maybe even foldable or something.

I can't see the system getting any smaller, but selling a version without removable joycons and no dock would be a good move. People who are only interested in portable systems and demographics with a younger age than millennials would eat it up.

They should have put a gun in its mouth on March 3

>Blaster Master Zero listed Twice
>Wii U ports
>Switch multiplats
>Mario Maker 3DS
>Mario Sports
>2 of those new upcoming kirby games are rehashes of planet robobot's minigames
>fucking hey pikmin