Is it even worth pirating, Sup Forums? I hated ME3 but I'm bored.
Is it even worth pirating, Sup Forums? I hated ME3 but I'm bored
this wont solve any boredom unless you have super fast internet
the danm thing is 50 gigs will take at least overnight by then you will have found 1000 other things to do
Hi Australia.
i live in ohio the most i get is 3 MB/s and im lucky to get that
I was bored and pirated it. Didndt get past 2 hours now i regret using up the hard drive space.
Go learn an actual computer skill or workout.
Playing video games is pretty cancer senpai.
>I hated ME3
Then skip Andromeda. Simple as that. You might find some enjoyment out of it if you were able to tolerate ME3 somehow.
>Tolerate ME3 somehow
ME3 wasn't even inherently bad, the only thing bad about it was that they threw all your decisions out the window, but the game itself was good.
OP Andromeda is not a bad game, it's just that it isn't all that you would want it to be and some of Inquisition padding issues are here albeit to a lesser degree. Like you still get pointless fetch quests but at least they have a shitty story alongside them, unlike Inquisition which was literally just walk here gather this and the quest was completed .
Why not play your games backlog
maybe in year or two with more patches and all the dlc but right now its terrible
>ME3 wasn't even inherently bad,
Yes, it was, on many fronts. Writing and lore were awful from the first minute, and RPG elements were butchered even more than in ME2. Pacing and level design were terrible too, and overall the game feel like it was rushed.
The ending wasn't the only bad thing about it. It was the most glaring flaw.
Combat was kind of OK and MP was great, to be honest.
This. Why don't you just play games that you might actually like? Or ask for recommendations of stuff you might like?
The 1.05 patch added more glitches than it fixed on PC so it's safer for now
If you hated ME3 you def won't like andromeda, more of the same but just worse in some areas.
i hate to sound like a shill but the game really does get better 10+ hours in but its understandable that no one is gonna waste that much time when the beginning sucks
>but the game itself was good.
Fuck off, no it wasn't. Some new shooting mechanics don't make up for the shit carnival that was the plot and the dialogue all the way through.
I played about 8 hours and it's kinda of meh. Combat feels pretty good though. I uninstalled it though I don't really feel like continuing.
according to my roommate who bought for ps4, no unless you can play online. he said the campaign is unbearably shit and only plays MP
which part? we get speeds of around max 4mbps when downloading. my buddy in downtown cleveland has fios or whatever and its like a 100mbps connection, but not sure how fast his shit downloads.
im near akron in a small city called barberton
the only reason its even called a city is its larger than what is classified as a town we might have 4 high rise buildings here
Fuck you, you're not my real mom.
because it has Aliens: Colonial Marines, in it.
>ME got me hooked instantly when u see that Saren is a traitor and that first Reaper sighting
>ME2 got me hooked with that intro cutscene where shepard dies
>ME3 got me hooked when i saw that the reaper war finally started
I'm not gonna play 10 hours just to see the game pick up
>ME2 got me hooked with that intro cutscene where shepard dies
Funny, that's when the game lost me.