A billion cross-dressing Link threads are allowed

>a billion cross-dressing Link threads are allowed
>Roll not allowed

Wait a minute, are you a certain Canadian?


just go to gelbooru or paheal or something you dumb shit


Loli goes to Sup Forums, OP.

Roll posters will not be detained!

Sissy girl (male) threads are supposed to be Sup Forums shit too but mods have been allowing them since BOTW came out

there's no porn being posted you autist

Die faggot

I just want to post cute Roll pics

and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that
newfag janitors need to fuck off from the board, or the site in general and stop ruining shit

thank you

Roll was literally the most fun character in TvC, she was always on my team.

I've seen so much porn and fan art of Roll that I can't see her innocently or as just a cute robot girl anymore

>loli pedo shit


Roll a best

I want to bite her butt

she needs to be in more vs games though. Im hopping she'll make it into mvc:i

Go back to neogaf