Psp thread

Was there a cooler handheld than the psp?

>easily hack able and can play 80% of older games
>can play psp and ps1 games
>1-4gb of memory, which was a lot in 2006
>fucking awesome hacking scene
>someone ported Cave Story and Doom
>lots of really fun games

Why hasn't there been a hacking scene as cool as back then?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Why hasn't there been a hacking scene as cool as back then?

Psp was the shittiest console I ever had. Literally garbage.
I never felt like this about videogames before the PSP.

I didn't think about smartphones because I really don't play on them since no buttons. The psp was about the size of most phones nowadays but it actually has built in buttons, and the buttons are pretty top tier.

Care to elaborate? Did you only play the shitty games?

>Was there a cooler handheld than the psp?
Nope. PSP is still the GOAT when it comes to retro handheld emulation. I got my Gen 1 PSP back when it was released and I still have it today. That thing kept me entertained for years. It helped that I could also watch porn and listen to music on it.
I don't use it much anymore because it's no longer convenient now that I have a 9-5 and a smart phone.

There was so much good shit on the PSP. There was even a homebrew version of Counter-Strike called CS: PSP.

Smartphones are the reason the hacking scene for handhelds died. Look at stuff like dsx86 for example, some really impressive homebrew software - the developer stopped the development because he wanted to develop for android because that nets money. All of the creativity that existed back then is now behind ad/paywall on android.

Can the Vita/PSTV play PSP games?

did you accidentally type that on Sup Forums reply window instead of google?


I legit had no idea you could do this on the DS.

I remember using SCUMM on the PSP to play Sam and Max, but I really didn't know DOS games were different.

Vita at this point is pretty much a better Vita once hacked. It just got full PS1 support today.

wait what? got a link. Have my henkaku vita with me

thefl0w github

>There was even a homebrew version of Counter-Strike called CS: PSP
>look it up
>those controls
>that framerate

i really hope people didn't actually play this

Was just about to say the same thing. Works like a charm. Just convert your games with PSX2PSP and plop them in the GAME folder of the PSPemu.

>Vita at this point is pretty much a better Vita
meant to say better psp but you get the point

I'm on 3.63 though.

Literally no excuse to hack your VITA.

It was pretty neat when I was in HS. My friends and I had fun with it.


a 3.60 vita motherboard goes for the price of 1 3DS game online, it's easy to replace if you know how to use a screwdriver.

So Adrenaline can run PS1 games now?


Adrenaline v3 Changelog:

Changelog v3 –
– Added ability to launch PS1 games from XMB and play them with full sound.
– Added ability to save and load states using the ‘States’ tab in the Adrenaline menu.
– Added possiblity to connect USB in XMB and added ‘Toggle USB’ option to recovery menu.
– Added ability to return to livearea by double tapping the PS button.
– Added Adrenaline startup image designed by Freakler.
– Added option to force high memory layout. For ‘The Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion’ Demo.
– Added option to execute ‘BOOT.BIN’ in UMD/ISO. For ‘Saints Row: Undercover’ Demo.
– Added correct enter and cancel buttons assignment.
– Fixed volatile memory allocation bug that made ‘Star Wars: The Force Unleashed’,
‘Tony Hawk’s Project 8’ and maybe more games crashing.
– Fixed bug that was introduced in v2 which caused some games to crashed at PMF sequences.
– Fixed NoDrm engine bug where fan translated games couldn’t load PGD decrypted files.
– Fixed msfs directory filter bug that caused some games not to recognize savedatas.
– Fixed compatiblity of base games, any game should now be able to use Adrenaline to the fullest.

Is there a site like for PSP? Mine is on a really old version so it should be hackable but it also has the default mb memory stick so what's the best size for that?

PSP was really ahead of its time as it seamlessly transitioned from a very basic physical only media/game player into incorporating digital games and online programs.
Its actually pretty fucking amazing when you look at its growth and history.

Crap, where may I get the new adrenaline?

Anyone installed the new Adrenaline to a PSTV? How many Dualshocks will it take?

>It just got full PS1 support today.

No it didn't.

come on nigga

Yeah, im sure the new gameboy is gonna reel in plenty of hot girls

It works great
It's kind of shit that it took this long just to get PS1 support to the same level as the PSP though. The Vita scene is fucking dire

>adds every promised feature and even releases the source
has a scene dev every become not a shitter this suddenly?

i already reeled in your wife with it

PSP was a mediocre handheld, but Sony made it amazing with their marketing. It was THE handheld to for a time. Shame Sony didn't even attempt to try lromoting the Vita. I can't think of a single ad for the Vita, but PSP was memorable as fuck with shit like Marcus.

Vita scene doesn't have as much developers as the PSP did as most of them moved onto hacking smartphones and other crap.

>have 100% functional psp
>no games to play

Larry wtf is this shit?

Dragon Quest Builders on /hbg/ was a demo. anyone got link to full release maidump?

literally every Vita Ad I saw on TV here in America shown the device as a remote play companion device for PS3/PS4. They never once shown it off as a dedicated handheld with its own games. I think Sony got sued for that too.

>Active thread discussing PSP
>Guy asks question about PSP
>Act like an asshole instead of helping him out

Stay classy you fucking autist

>wanted a portable device to play retro games
>bought a psp at the end of its lifespan so it was cheaper
>shit played retro games pretty well, plus gba emulation

It was good for me. Still played some psp games though, but main thing was retro stuff. Playing psx at portable format was great, some also had psp versions like BoF3. There were was unexpected ports, like fucking Power Stone 1 and 2

Is my PSP rare?

we all know its you, gtfo retard

protip: even if the livearea says it's a demo, it's often not. Soomtimes you can even rip the demo and end up with the full game.

Upon reaching the portal, game stated it was a demo and did not let me advance

Ah, just wasn't sure if you made sure.

Nah, I see a buy-it-now option on ebay for $45.

No, it's probably the most common special edition model. It's also ugly as shit.

It can, but the compatibility isn't 100%.
see here:

Because it's a forum for like minded discussion, asshole
if the person asking just googled it, it wouldn't help other potential people wondering

Its catalog is a brush

Is there a decent Super Nintendo emulator yet?

There's tons of stupid outdated info so just use the 6.60 firmware psp hack on nicoblog.

I just hacked another psp because I needed a nice controller for playing games. Did anyone besides me use Fusa Gamepad? I fucking love the psp as a controller

monster hunter/tekken machine

why, when you can have 6.61 Infinity?

plugin support I think, though it's never affected me

Too bad don't went full retard with gimicks

>bought god of war red psp when it came out
>it's now scratched to shit
>back paint is peeling off
>plastic screen is scratched up
>I've replaced the screen twice
>memory card flap thing is cracked in half
>battery cover doesn't stay on unless I stick it on with tape
>analog nub constantly moves even though it actually doesn't
>had to completely disable it

I still love my psp though but I never beat cave story

I didn't even know it went past 6.60.

I was looking at a graph yesterday that said don't go past 6.35. There's tons of outdated info that won't be updated.

Yeah. I better make a pastebin for /hbg/ soon.

6.61 is a nothing patch, and no game requires it to play.

Yeah, but the permanent patch for unpandorable PSPs only exists for 6.61. It's worth upgrading just for Infinity desu

If I buy a PSTV and hack it, can I play all PSP, PS1, and vita games on it?

yes except for 3.61+ vita games

Some Vita games have compatibility issues - perhaps a small number of PS1 games too.

But for the most part, yes.