Thoughts on the future of video games?

Thoughts on the future of video games?

I wanna suck on her nipples if you know what I mean.

Wanna team up?

pc version when?

Its looking good if you ask me.

video games are the new movies

and movies have been mostly shit for about 30 years.

Looks good to me. Japan brought gaming to life and they'll be the ones to save it from these dark times.

Japanese games are going to be the only way we get attractive white women in games.

prove me wrong.

hopefuly in firmer conditions than these tits

Post more DoA whores. I need Christie and Rachel. Also, a DoA Discord that isn't full of autistic shitters.

the future is bright



Japs are the only people that want to fuck white women

They've been through a lot
Give Honkers a break

The greatest whore of them all

Is that pic doctored or is that her actual size? this is very important.

She's just gorgeous

also need to know

Heaven is a harem of Honkers.

Y or N?

It seems like people are finally starting to get tired of the cinematic bullshit. I think the dark ages might be slowly fading into the past. This year has been excellent so far and I'm hoping the trend continues.
Indie devs are also hopefully going to get past their awkward years inspired by Braid and the like, those story heavy platformers with a twist that think they're much, much better than they are. Indie devs have always had huge potential that shines through sometimes, I'm hoping it's not squandered by trends like that.

The future is a bit of a gamble, but it's definitely looking brighter than it once was, that's for sure.

>White women


Senran kagura is getting HD RUMBLE TITS so its pretty good.

Why do people post not-Milas when posting DoA girls?

>It seems like people are finally starting to get tired of the cinematic bullshit.
There has been no evidence of this besides the Order tanking, and that was for other reasons besides cinematic bullshit

They want easy sluts, not qt waifus.

Fuck off.

That is not a nice thing to say about not-Milas.
They may not be Mila, but they can still be good.

Just not as good as Mila.

I've just noticed less of it in recent years, or rather it's been segmented off to its own genre. Games like Life is Strange and all that. I'm fine with those existing, I just want actual gameplay to exist in other genres. When they poorly try to mix in "Well this is popular" shit they make garbage.
I just feel like a lot of the most popular games in the last little while have been gameplay heavy. Hoping it leads to better trends in development.

We left the age of cinematic third person shooters full of DLC and entered the age of shallow first person shooters full of microtransactions.

Mila is a raqing slut though

*cuck sounds muffled by wife's son moaning in the distance*

They like cute, pretty, sexy, or at least interesting girls.

Then why don't they post Mila?

how do you pick mai in beach paradise

>The Brown Worlders are always trying to rape white women.
>Darkies always "Where da white wimmen at?"
>Gooks make white women have the best breasts in the chinese cartoons.

Yeah, White women are just disgusting, no one wants them.

Fun fact though: Humans are biologcially programmed to find the opposite sex in different tribes more attractive because of genetic spread. There's a reason "American Browning" is a thing, and we're slated to be the land of the mixed races within the next 100 years.

>500 years into the future
>technology advances to the point where we can see and feel video games
>hot topic for debate is still how women are portrayed
>one side models hyperealistic ugly women because they're more real
>other side models QT waifus that are mathematically beautiful for enjoyment
>SJWs and wymyn have to realize that the virtual world is now more attractive than them and they havent been accepting that ugly girls arent wanted by men

its possibly a great future

>t seems like people are finally starting to get tired of the cinematic bullshit

Uncharted 4 still sold good and TLOU 2 will most likely do it too, peopleĀ“s taste is as shit as always.

why the fuck do retards post DOA5 and DOAX shit here

the games were panned failures and sold like shit.

they're barely even games and 100% serve more as fanservice fapbait for thirsty virgin teens.

you LITERALLY have to be 18 years or older to post on this website.

Switch is gonna DOMINATE, glad I have mine already tbqh

As opposed to being figuratively 18 or older?

It will stagger along like a dolled up corpse of its former self for the next few decades with mostly casualized and generalized garbage coming out each year with a few odd gems to be found amongst the refuse, until another medium (maybe pure VR or something you can actually plug your brain into) shows up for the mainstream to move onto and ruin. Let it crash.

I don't mean those types of games have stopped being made, I mean they're no longer the only games being made. Having their own little sub-genre is fine, if people like them then they should be made. It's that other genres are finally freeing themselves of their pollution. Not just triple A games either, with indies existing now you can find some gems among the shovelware they usually produce and with their low budget they can't make cinematic nonsense.

Aren't people bored of shooters by now? Maybe my eyes have just been trained to ignore them so I don't notice them anymore. Doesn't seem like nearly as many are being made these days though.

It's exactly why they don't post her you braindead fuck.

Mila is a mistake, literally no one but subhumans like you are fond of her, I wouldn't be surprised if she completely vanished if a DOA6 ever got made.

>and sold like shit.
DOA's DLC profits keep growing every year and DOAX3 outsold 2's lifetime sales in Japan in one month.

They don't post her because she's cute, sexy, pretty and interesting?

That doesn't make any sense.

I'm just thankful I can still play games from the past


We are going to see more and more reboots, remakes, remastered editions and sequels that play it safe. The industry is out of ideas and the consumer seems perfectly ok with it.

The future's bright.

I'm brown with a white gf :_:

They don't post her because a pile of shit is neither cute, sexy, pretty, nor particularly interesting.

Mila is a pile of shit. Your fecal fetish has deluded you into believing she is a girl, but I assure you she is not.

Wow dude, relax. Did a spanish girl stole your crush or something?

You seem pretty hurt by Mila, user. What has happened? You can talk to me.

It's difficult for deluded people to hear the truth. You have to speak plainly to them.


But you have not spoken truth user.

Mila is not what you have said. Mila is cute, sexy, pretty and interesting.


>like the models for HS
>get bored with the positions
>don't want to get autistic and do my own with studio

VR gloves that let you slap around big booty

The western scene is going to falter without strong management keeping tabs of the autistic pieces of shit that make up current day game development majors

I've never seen such smelly retards in my life. Spend the whole time disrupting quiet labs and watching overwatch videos

It's fucked.

>not embracing the autism

pessimistic for AAA as they want to ape cinema, optimistic for indie devs as the tools to make video games becomes more and more prevalent.

Looking better now that Japan put out more good games in three months than were released in the previous three years.