Why though?
Why though?
If you're posting on Sup Forums there's a 99% chance you have pirated songs, porn, comics, or have otherwise violated copyright laws. Yet when people do it with video games suddenly it's a problem?
This is an industry where it is now acceptable to openly LIE to your customers, just to secure their preorders for broken unfinished games. Once you become critical and have standards, you are no longer the target audience for games, your opinion doesn't matter, you're just in the minority, your neetbux are worthless etc etc.
The industry doesn’t care about fucking us over in the name of unproven piracy damages, so I don’t see why we should care about an industry that could not possibly care less about doing proper business with us.
Do you see people on Sup Forums bitching about pirating comic scans? No.
Do you see people on Sup Forums bitching about tv/movie pirating? No.
Do you see people on Sup Forums bitching about animu pirating? No.
Do you see people on the porn boards bitching about porn piracy? No.
Do you see people on Sup Forums bitching about music piracy? No.
Only on Sup Forums. Only on Sup Forums do you see people bitching about piracy.
wrong pic but whatever now
Which of these industries employs invasive DRM again? And why do they do this?
Ah okay, just checking.
Also boards don't share the same culture, posting a garbage thread like this would get you banned on /jp/ because their mods don't fuck around with retards like you.
>Also boards don't share the same culture, posting a garbage thread like this would get you banned on /jp/ because their mods don't fuck around with retards like you.
salt: the post
>why dont they BAN people like you!!
why not
Because the other industries aren't visibly harmed by the level of piracy, whereas PC gaming is dead because of NEETs who steal everything they can.
>Proceeds to twist what I said.
Why would I discuss anything with someone who is literally too poor to afford a 60$ disc?
We have nothing in common, you're a poorfaggot who's desperate for luxury items and I have a job and can manage money.
Always that one faggot pretending it's literally anything other than wanting some free shit. Pathetic.
I wonder why the PC software industry isn't dead if it's full of NEETs who steal everything
>people defend corporations, for free
>even though the corporations don't give a single fuck about them.
at least the thread has something good going for it:
Hey what's going on in this thread
>i have never had money in my life so my idea of not being poor is throwing money around for absolutely no reason, and being unable to manage my finances is why i'm poor in the first place
Why the hell would I pay for games when I can get them for free? Why would I spend money for no reason when I can save my money for things that actually matter?
>Which of these industries employs invasive DRM again? And why do they do this?
Ours, because they can. What does that have to do with your own views, against any corporation's push to deter, convict and censor the rights of consumers and piracy?
Because good vidya leads to more good vidya
Music industry is pretty fucked so album sales mean shit and there's better ways to support the artists, generally that applies to the other boards as well to some extent except comics who don't give a shit sometimes.
The problem is that Sup Forums has more underage retards than the rest of the boards combined and they fall for the "corporations are human too" marketing even when every game they look for a different way to take your money with the smallest amount of effort possible.
How the fuck would you put DRM on an image or a book?
maybe it has the same root as console wars/fanboyism?
idk people get it into their heads that hurr puhrayzee iz killing muh industry like or maybe it's people just trying to somehow rationalize the fact that they spend their (hard-earned?) money on expendable entertainment for no other reason than impulse and desire
>Because good vidya leads to more good vidya
nice non sequitur there
ebooks have DRM
Make it so it can only be viewed through 3D Movie Maker.
I mean physical, paper books.