Where the fuck is FemMC? I need to teach that little boy in the arcade a lesson

Where the fuck is FemMC? I need to teach that little boy in the arcade a lesson.

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would fug

>that hanekawa hair
jesus christ my dick

>you will never be a beautiful slutty anime girl

I want to stick my dick in that

You'd play as her, there's no way to stick your own dick into yourself.


>play as FeMC
>Getting deep dicked by Iwai as he impregnates your womb

How long would it take anons to fuck their r63 clone?
I figure about five seconds for me.
>So, you wanna do it?

Only if I can do this.

What males would even be worth romancing?
There are only like 3 guys that would make sense.
Even if they changed the twin lolis into shotas they still wouldn't be romance-able.

Iwai, Sojiro, Mishima, Ryuji, Yusuke, shinya and maybe swap hifumi out for another guy or give her the /u/ option.

Why not? Persona games have a storied history of /ss/.

Think of all the shotadom bondage potential.


kek no

>male High School mc dates older women

>Female high school mc dates older men
>banned in 8 countries

>Think of all the shotadom bondage potential
I'd rather not, that's too saddening


I'm sure a girl would have been treated entirely differently when coming across a rape attempt. Otaku would rage at her being beat up in the interrogation scene.

Who said you have to romance males

FeMC is always non canon. Dont give me that shit about Maya either. Tatsuya is mc you cucks


>tries to stop Shido raping a woman
>gets raped instead

Oh yeah, that's why theodore was in other persona games, right?

>let us fuck so we both won't be virgins

Tatsuya erased himself from existence.


Persona Q is not canon user

imagine if you could keep goro alive like you can keep shinji alive

Except it is.

I suppose Dancing all night is as well too

Yeah, it takes place after the Persona 4 Golden epilogue and the girl introduced in that game (Kanami Mashita) appears on a subway ad along with Rise in Persona 5

It is. Why do you think there are posters of kanami all over town in P5?


Kanami is mentioned in 4. Thats like saying DAN is canon cause it has Yosuke.

Best girl

Kanami was not designed until Persona 4 DAN

shit anime

Will never happen. They'd have to completely remove just about all their animated cutscenes. Also the whole point of the opening sections of the game is that MC is a "delinquent" stereotype, which in Japan doesn't exist for girls the way it does for guys.


How is it ever going to be possible to walk on whatever the hell those shoes are.

ORA lol

you know you are giving him the reason right, as daidouji is dressed as a male delinquent.

The problem is that justice wouldn't work the same way, I doubt a teenage girl would have the same sentence for "assaulting" a man.

they couldn't have a customizable mc because of those pointless shitty 20 second anime movies in the game

>This will never be the real MC

ur all gay lol

gib steam id

doesn't japan have like a 90% conviction rate because the judges don't give a shit and just wave everything through?

>ywn fuck a rule 63 version of yourself

persona has never had a customizable MC. The design team likes the MC being a fixed character. Go play western trash instead

There are better additions that could be made to the game. Besides, Potter is perfect as is.

Yes. Up until 2001 or so torture was still legal in obtaining confessions, and to this day the accused doesn't necessarily have the right to see an attorney during interrogation.

The animes are actually worse than in engine cutscenes a lot of the time.

Do people genuinely find Iwai and Sojiro attractive?


I don't mind her being non-canon, but why do they go out of their way to so vehemently deny it?

Best, CUTEST Persona mc

He's like a father-figure or an uncle-figure. Ew and no.
Already married? He has a kid
Is gay and pervy

>No FeMC/Makoto yuri

Why even live?

quick question:
how many hours of game do I have left? I'm currently on the 18th of december
I've already advanced Mementos as far as i could.

>Already married? He has a kid
Play the fucking game you retard

>not being into incest
Normies leave

>maleMC in mask
>just a guy in a mask

>femMC in mask
>femdom vibes

How is this?


Even if we got a FeMC in an updated version of P5, she'd probably look significantly different from the original design.

It means that she's a big girl

I want this to be real. I want to date Iwai.

>>just a guy in a mask
you mean twisted fucking psychopath

Is this a Bobobo Bo Bobobo's Wacky Quest reference?

So considering that P3 femc was the total opposite of MC, would this mean that P5 femc would be a shy moeblob?

I'm at casino now how many more hours would I have left?

A lot.

His hair is too fluffy to take serious.

I have. I just fast-fowarded through his boring ass s-link so I could get back to maid-kun.


That's just you projecting your desires on her.

final episode was great.

Smiles like a confident bastard in her daily life, but the moment she puts on the mask she acts kinda shy and normal.

So how do you change the intro so it works for a FeMC?

FeMC pulls out a rape whistle and he can't do anything the cops obviously believe a schoolgirl in the moment and then later you get sued for a "false report" and defamation?

ATLUS probably wasn't willing to pay for two sets of animated cutscenes.

Oh shit, Freud'd.

except DAN is canon boyo

nice animation
shit song

It'd have to be someone that could still have the 'assault' happen to Shido and make sense.

I was thinking a less composed, delinquent girl that actually decks Shido in the face instead of just pushing him.

yakuza dad is great fuck you

Don't be like that. ATLUS worked very hard to find a Korean girl who sounds like a Black soul singer.

Except tatsuya literally erased himself and not doing right either. Maya had to clean his mess.

DAN is canon

All the fucking spinoff games are canon, even Q

>that actually decks Shido in the face instead of just pushing him.
are you retarded that would undermine half the story

She hit him with her bag

>Fucking Polygon and other shitty journalists saying there's NO REASON to not have a female MC
>None of them playing the game far enough to get to know Sojiro and how he sees himself in you
He couldn't see himself in a girl (other than literally your classmates I guess)

Make it self defense. Shido starts coming onto her when she tries to intervene.

FemMC had different S-link in 3

it would be astronomically harder to overturn the court ruling if Joker actually hit Shido, so no your suggestion is retarded

>he sees himself in you

You could still do that with a FeMC Sojiro Slink but polygon/kotaku would probably like that even less if you know what I mean

Whatever. It's not going to happen anyways.

>he couldn't see himself in a girl
If he was shallow, maybe. Sojiro's a cool dude, he could easily see his personality and capabilities in a Fem MC. You could also change the social link to a different relationship or romance option.

They probaly will make a chick the next MC of persona. It would be a cool change up, but i liked p5 so idc.

P5 was the first game to do older relationships so they could just go back to it being between class mates.

nah not gonna happen
how much of the discussion about this game is about the romance options? can't have that with a female protagonist
I also seriously don't think the writers would be able to do a female mc justice.

Im not gonna say never but you may be right. Idc either way, also i kinda of agree that im not sure if the writers can write for a female. They may not be good enough or ill say flexible enough to write for the opposite sex.

>I also seriously don't think the writers would be able to do a female mc justice.
fuck off, femc was great