Now that the dust has finally settled, with all it's DLC included, is this game good?

Now that the dust has finally settled, with all it's DLC included, is this game good?

(I have personally never touched as I had no time for video games until now)

One of the best games ever made.

It's alright

I can get it with all it's DLC for 25 europoor dollars, sounds pretty gud to me

It's good, hard to find anything better if you ask me.
The start is slow and boring, but after the first few quests you'll spend hours immersed in skellige and novigrad

It looks nice, gameplay is dogshit.

the best game ever made and its expansions are easily the best ever made for any game, no contest

>Now that the dust has finally settled, with all it's DLC included, is this game good?
Game of generation unlike, you know, some weeb shit like Persona 5 and Nier Automato

>It looks nice, I'm dogshit at the game.

Yes. It's fantastic. I don't even like triple A games like this, or fantasy games, and I'll tell you this fucker is amazing.

Honestly, it's Assassin's Creed minus the parkour but bigger world, better enemy AI, combat, writing & presentation. Oh and to date, it also has the best cast of characters put in a game but it has no emergent gameplay whatsoever. You go somewhere, you kick ass then get paid, either with money or more talking with the colorful characters that litter the game world. That's about the gist of the game. The main story is practically a love letter for the book fans so you'll like it better if you've read the books/played the prequels.

It's deeply flawed and has some glaringly bad design but taken as a whole, it's one of if not the best in the market in terms of character centric RPGs like Mass Effect, Gothic series and probably the rest of JRPGs.

PS. Game is 5% better with mods like "Set Weight Limit", Friendly HUD and "Scabbards for Everyone".

official witcher 3 review.

all non-quest related things you can find on the world are copy paste boring shit
no one will talk to you unless they are quest related and you have the quest that requires them
awful ui made for consoles and only 2 consumable slots, making alch spec a chore
no resource management, you just instantly get all your potions back for whats essentiallly free
enemys have 1, maybe 2, attack that they repeat over and over, making fights absolutely boring after an hour
level system only works to the games detriment, as youll quickly outlevel everything you have to do and it will all be easier than the game already is
coming across a SKULL WARNING SIGN monster should be exciting but it's not, because you know it fights exactly the same as all the others of its kind, only with more hp.
"cinematic" controls that ignore accuracy in favor of looking more natural
even death march is easy as fuck due to a lack of enemy attack variety and every ability you can spec into being way too strong
ciri sections are boring and unneeded and only serve to rob you of what could have been the one interesting boss fight in the game.
the final moments of the story seem rushed as fuck, from oh hi crones now we fight, to im eredin i have a secret, im dying my secret is this guy tricked us and i had no plan to deal with it, to oh actually geralt i didnt trick you
majority of loot is randomized and scales to your level. Nothing you find really excites you.
all enemies have an extremely short tether that you will cross unintentionally more often than not. At this point they ignore you and start walking back to the center of the area or hang around to get hit easily
witcher senses are only ever used when the quest requires it and is just hold right click to follow quest arrow. you cant actually track monsters or anything out in the world(and why would you need to? theyre all tethered to a small location and never move away)

6/10 game. Had potential, wasted it.

>only 2 consumable slots
It has 4 on my end. Did it just have 2 on release?

It's a good game, but don't go in expecting GOTYAY, masterpiece of modern gaming, that people make it out to be.

Top notch atmosphere/music. Average gameplay. Typical open world issues (Repetitive content, poor narrative structure/pacing, quantity over quality etc). Bipolar as fuck writing, with tons of incredibly well written characters/quests/moments, but also plenty of utterly terrible ones, extremely inconsistent. Mechanically terrible quest design, almost always relying on the use of 'Witcher Senses' which is essentially just 'follow the red trail'. Gorgeous art direction and visuals. Solid voice acting.

If you've never played a Witcher game before and mostly stick to AAA titles, you'll probably love it.
However if you're very finicky about either The Witcher or really tight, quality gameplay, you'll probably find yourself not enjoying a fair few aspects of the game.

The real question is it the best game ever made, and the answer is yes. Yes it is.

Seriously 10/10

the gameplay is by far the worst part of it. but everything else is more or less solid


It's skyrim for people who want to act like they have good taste without admitting they want to play skyrim.

4Cereal!! Da bestest game ever, ever, ever!!!

turn off the minimap and get some mods that balance combat if you find it bad

>turn off the minimap
Enjoy turning it back on if you ever want to finish a quest.

It was better than most things. Neat sidequests, great graphics, combat mediocre and empty world.

it's alright if you don't expect to be challenged in any way, but then again you would probably enjoy a good movie much more

It is a fine game.
The greatest ever not so much.

Better than most games but still not an instant classic.

clearly it's good, even if your mileage varies beyond that. what a retarded thread