When can we dispel the myth that weeb shit are good games?
When can we dispel the myth that weeb shit are good games?
We just need to get more people to play Mass Effect Andromeda.
Then the weebs will understand.
When can we dispel the myth that theres been a good game after the year 2001?
Reminder that this is a good game according to weebs.
A mediocre by the numbers shooter is a good game because it has anime boobs.
When you stop changing the definition of weebshit. In the next 5 years, I'm certain your retards will call Call of Duty weebshit.
Triggered weebs
Next theyll pull the "Sup Forums is an anime site" card. No it fucking isnt. You fags have your few containement boards like Sup Forums and bronies, yet only bronies stay on their shitty board.
>When you stop changing the definition of weebshit
Give me an example?
>No it fucking isnt
I want newfags to leave
The phenomenon of weeb shit can best be understood by entering the mind of the weeb.
The key fact that must be accepted is that they are tremendously sexually frustrated and their taste and discussion of games revolves around sex and women.
Why 2001?
What's the matter OP? You aren't hyped for the latest JRPG? I hear it features an angst filled teen with spiky hair and he struggles in school and he's an angel who's actually a demon that's secretly a vampire and he hates dad.
When western games rise above horseshit tier.
Don't worry OP, i used to think the "western games are bad" thing was a meme too, you'll learn eventually.
t. brain dead weeb
What a shitty retort
all fucking day
Breasts = Good character design.
The west hasn't produced a masterpiece within the past 6 months. V has a short attention span.
How about if you start by naming some "good" weeb shit games?
Can we finally dispel the myth that gaming hasn't been compromised? Gaming has definitely been compromised, find a new hobby.
This. small and flat chests = garbage character design
The east hasn't produced a masterpiece in 20 years though.
When weeb games stop being shit.
So never basically.
>weebs can only think of breast and butt size when it comes to character design
who is saying that is a good game
Lots of people on Sup Forums.
I found no threads about it so i guess ill take your word for it
I just want to dispel this notion that OP doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.
It's funny, a lot of my favorite older games are western games.
When western companies start making good games. No slavs do not count, Murica says so.