This is the Filename thread

This is the Filename thread

OC and rare filenames preferred. No one wants to see the same thing over and over.








Fresh OC


And what a surprise, not a single fucking thing here is funny.

Let me fix your shitty thread. The reason we post the same filenames over and over for years is they're still funny, you autismal fuck.


Yours is shit m8

never forget

I can't stand dogs, but I'm happy he got well.



haha i get it its funny because its a dog haha






how is this supposed to be funny? its just a reference to a video game with no further context than "remember that video game where you climbed things?"




Isn't it weird that the number of posters in the thread isn't rising?

Someone has to say it


It's almost like... people can post more than once in a thread!

That's the joke

I hope everyone in this thread gets bone cancer.

The worst part of playing games like elder scrolls and fallout is having to install a long list of mods to make everything not complete shit.

>Desert women have to cover up so much that they don't exist because the men literally can't see a millimeter of female without going into an unstoppable rape frenzy

All that heat must've fried their brains.


I mean, its on you if you want to broadcast that you don't get the connection between climbing a tower and listening to an in-game radio station that you don't get to listen to until after you climb towers.

Given the esoteric references in filename threads you should be complaining about how easy it is to figure out.

Also since when are filename threads funny?




That shit's crazy. One of those things where they make something really amazing and intricate, then ritualistically destroy it to symbolize the impermanence of all things.

Always had a weird respect for that kind of stuff.





Same here.


They quite obviously got the joke dude. This damage control is getting pretty weak. You should give up now before this turns into another cringey screencap.

What is Kevin? Also I wanted sexy witches.

all unfunny kys



>no filename

well you're not funny for posting a PS3 games joke

agree totally




This made my day

OP here, do you think the person you replied to is me (it's not)? Are you sticking around in the thread because you're mad I said your pic was shit?

Here's hoping we start the 10th crusade for real and save all the mudslime women from those animals.

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
here we ago again



it never ends


But you weren't disagreeing with me you were disagreeing with someone else.

>This damage control is getting pretty weak
Implies you think it was the same person doing "damage control".

needs a name

I'm not that same user. You're speaking to someone else dude. Ironic, given the whole
>OP here, do you think the person you replied to is me (it's not)




Political discussion on the internet


We're about 3 layers deep of people thinking they're talking to the same person but they're not

Can't change filename im on my phone so guess u fuckers


never gets old, it was like seeing through the matrix that day

Fuck you

I miss sprite comics like Bob and George. Those were simpler times.

thats not nice

"Beached whale" also would've worked

Welcome to the autists of filename threads. They flock here for some unknown reason, but there are plenty of examples of their mongoloidetry.

haha yeah, I love the video game Beached Whale. It's my favorite game.

This looked real AF at first, just like
>pearl harbor
>nuclear test footage
>moon landing
>Syrian gas attack




This guy knows what's up

found the fsb shill


My nigga

Needs name
Lol that is the 1st time I've heard that but I hope it won't be the last

>implying all recorded events aren't merely lies strung together by the mole people

nice try, shekelberg


Sorry you're probably right, anything I forgot?


Y'all need to watch Wag The Dog if you haven't already



All books written after the burning of the Library of Alexandria were crafted by circumcised extraterrestrials.