Terraria Server

I feel like some Terraria. I could set up a server through Steam or someone else could start one.

if you do ill join

I could, but I'm not sure if a dedicated server would be better.

i would but i forgot how to, plus too many people would kill my laptop

Bump. Would any kind user care to set up a server?

same I'm down to play some terraria

Boy I can't wait to join and fuck this world up.

Anyone wanna host?

It'll probably end in a clusterfuck where people blow up everyone else's buildings. Anyway ill keep an open mind and join if some faggot hosts.

Ill join too!

I mean I could host, but you would probably have shitty ping and it would be pure vanilla. Anyone interested?

Just make sure you get a client to lock out TNT / missiles / bombs near buildings while playing with Sup Forums.

I was planning on vanilla anyways.

How shit is the ping?

Also this.

Host location would be russia, western part of it.
I plan on making a one time server, probably. Just generate a fresh world, let Sup Forumsirgins play on it and go to bed. Then maybe 8 hours later wake up, close server, take a look at the world, have a chuckle and delete it.

Will join.



I'm up for it.
Make that fucking server lads.
Make it expert too.

If you wanna have no fun sure.



server info nao

rip OP

Should I just start a steam server? Doesn't seem like anyone is working on a server.

aaand nothing happens, just like every terraria thread