Work sucks but I do it for vidya. Honestly thinking of quitting my job, though

Work sucks but I do it for vidya. Honestly thinking of quitting my job, though.

What does Sup Forums do for a living?

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I'm unemployed. Can I have your job that you take for granted?

Draw gay furry porn

This, but college degree with zero debt

Go ahead, dude. If you don't mind working 40 hours a week doing exhausting maintenance work in a holiday inn with people that hate you.

>Save enough money to buy a house
>Keep down expenses
>Live off the absolute minimum you can
>Work like 10 hours a week at a low-wage job
>Do whatever you want all day

This is the true dream

>Save enough money to buy a house
you realize this will take the majority of your life

Tiny houses, user

i make vidya for EA

I've been thinking of doing this, but with porn games. Figured I could set up a patreon and rake in some decent $$$.

Any tips?

tfw I quit a pretty sweet job because my boss wouldn't fuck me

she sent me nudes though

but the main reason I quit was because she was actually a crazy bitch but I would also get drunk as fuck every night and send her insane texts trying to get her to let me hit it but it was hard to tell if she didn't like it or not because sometimes she seemed into it and I was gonna bang her in the first place but I needed a job and she ended up hiring me which it's fucking weird I know. but then she wouldn't lemme bang aandthen eventually she yelled at me at work for the 9999th time and I just quit on the spot like a retard. so now I'm jobless again til some other crazy dumbass that wants to fuck me hires me instead again I guess.

I know that feel OP
Software developer, interested in front-end development but currently stuck in back-end development.
My hobby is drawing and my pastime are videogames so i'm fucked up.

I'll give you some front-end development, if you know what I mean.

I want to quit my job and be an indie game developer, but there's too much uncertainty. It's so difficult to be noticed nowadays with the tons of shit being released on Steam every day.

>my hobby is drawing
Then do this. But seriously, you might be able to find folks who'll pay you to draw some kind of shit if you good enough. Maybe some small time youtuber needs some thumbnail images or something.

Just make something gay as fuck like undertale.

I'm not that good yet

>only 40 hours a week
>something really fucking simple
You've got it good, friendo

I weld garbage containers.

Sounds shitty but it's actually pretty fun.

Everything I want to make is either a homage to an existing game I consider "forgotten" or a spiritual successor.

that's what undertale was to earthbound

you weld plastic?

Nah I make steel ones for construction sites, big apartment complexes and such.

I don't they hate you, you just don't fit in at work and expect others who have probably worked longer than you, adapt to your shitty work ethic because you think you matter more.

Y'know what? You're probably right.

I still want to find something else to do.

First thing I do when I get in is turn on my fan so people in surrounding cubicles can't hear whether or not I'm typing. That way people can't say they don't hear me type much.

I'll usually get in at 8:10 and leave at 4:50, shaving 10 minutes off each side. I can always say, "well, I was on time according to my watch."

Then I'll eat breakfast at my desk, which is against company policy, but I do it anyways because hardly anyone is there when I first get in. I watch stuff on Youtube while I eat.

Then it's a mix of working and screwing around on the internet. I'll probably work for 30-45 minutes, then take a break and go back to Youtube or Twitter. Maybe shop on Amazon or Ebay or something. Then I'll do a bit more work.

I try to make sure I poop during the work day since it's on company time. That's 10 minutes I can save at home to do other things.

I'll usually eat lunch in the break room, but sometimes I'll use my lunch break to go to a doctor appointment, go grocery shopping, or run errands. Every once in a while I'll use it to go watch a movie at the theater. There's no time tracking system, so I can spend however much time I want for lunch, though I probably shouldn't be out for a long time every day; I think someone would eventually notice.

In the afternoon, I try to make use of our exercise equipment. Can't have office life making me fat!

I like my job overall. It's very easy to convince people that I'm doing a lot more work than I actually am. They're also very lenient with hours. I can show up an hour late and work an extra 40 minutes to make it look like I've made up for the time. Also very lenient with leave, never asking for a doctor's note.

The pay could be better. I really want to make more so I can buy my own home and stop living in a goddamn apartment, but I'd probably have to develop a much stronger work ethic if I got a new job. I'd have to be on time every day and couldn't take two hours for lunch anymore. Would also have to get drug tested.

Jesus come back when you work 48+ doing an actually physically challenging job.

I'm actually finishing my degree very soon and I don't know what I want to do.

There are some jobs I'm likely to get because of prior experience with the employees but I just don't know, the whole thing has thrown me into a bit of an existential crisis. I'm not happy with where I'm at, I want to make some new friends since I hang around with the people I do now out of convenience rather than actually wanting to. I need to work because money but at the same time I'm worried that I'll commit to some 40+ hour work week where I don't have time for much else and 40 years of my life dissapears, and I end up as some lonely old bitter guy. I just don't know what to do, I wish I'd spent the past 10 years of my life trying harder to be social.

that's my blog over

Pretty cool dude, i'm a steel fabricator who has moved onto Metsec installations, hard work but I love it and metsec is big in the UK at the moment so im pushing my business to that as much as possible.

Pablo here
>exhausting maintenance work
Holy shit you spoiled brat
When your pulling 50 on a shitty construction job that doesn't even pay you half of the time just to keep your family fed.

>I try to make sure I poop during the work day since it's on company time
Holy shit, thats some high level play right there.
I should have been doing this

I used to have to deal with the same shit dude, luckily I didn't have a family I needed to keep fed.

Hope things look up for you.

I sort faxes for a major credit union. It's pretty great, I get to spend all day typing numbers into a computer without getting badgered by any customers and listening to music, then go get lunch prepared by a professional chef and watch Youtube videos for an hour straight.

About damn time I got a good full-time job that doesn't pay single-digit per hour.

>I like my job overall
It's not really a job if you don't really work.


same position as you, bud

I manage two coffee kiosks on a campus as well as assist in managing a dining hall and do catering and media. 40+ a week. It would be shit but my boss and I get along so it's not horrible. Got a college degree for something completely different and trying to get shit in for grad school. I don't have as much time to do what I want as I'd like, with two kids, but it's manageable.

>10 min shit
Are you getting enough fiber user?

I was in exactly the same position as you, and I quit for a better paying job.

In my case, I absolutely regretted it after a couple months. The extra cash did not make up for the extra rigid work environment, and I got really stressed during those few months.

Miraculously, they were hiring again back at my old office; I told 'em me and my new boss didn't really hit it off and I was willing to go back, and they took me back.

You might not be as lucky as I was, so I'd recommend not quitting, unless you're 100% sure it's going to be better for you.

Being comfortable beats making more money, always.

Drug testing is what really pisses me off about american workforce. That shit is invasive as all fuck and pretty much every "good" job will force you to take a piss test even if they dont end up hiring you. I think Im just gonna start growing weed to sell to dispensaries here in cali. At least then ill be doing what i really like

Database Administration and Software Engineering

on call mechanic for big companies
I can go 4-5 days without work and all of a sudden have to work 2 weeks of 40 h+ weekly.
the work isn't bad, its never repetitive.

You could also be an adult and not do drugs but that's just me

I was going to work for a tech staffing place, but then I got into a car crash and fucked up my left arm. Now I can't lift anything that requires two hands. Hasn't stopped me from applying everywhere, though.

that coupled with a home specifically for first time home buyers (FHA or even USDA) makes the most sense. tiny house plus larger than average lot is the way to go since land holds its value over time way more than a shitty house

I'm working as a psychometrician for an elementary school. 10-hour workday but I can't complain coz we don't do much testing. I just literally sit through most of the day.

It's more the principle that a company can dictate what you're allowed to do in your life even outside of working hours. If you think that's acceptable you must have pretty low self-esteem.


I'm a butcher and sell slaughtered animal parts to retarded people who ask stupid fucking questions.

Still in college because I was a lazy bum that only got more lazy due to doing fucking nothing the past two years. Currently following an internship at a trade union until June, so I can finally go forward with college again if I pass this internship.

Data Entry Clerk at a downtown firm. Pay is great and work is easy. It's a bit of a long drive where I live though.

Sounds like a good job

Great minds think alike.

I would always take extra long bathroom breaks because even if they're noticed there isn't much someone can do about it.

At one place we had to clock out for lunch for at least 30 minutes for legal compliance but we were given an hour so I'd clock back in for the last half of lunch if I was in the office. Also, up to 10 hours of overtime a week was preapproved so no one ever noticed. I'd clock in early and eat breakfast I brought from home. Sometimes I'd leave work early, run some errands that were within walking distance, and come back to clock out. One time we had to work on a holiday but there was nothing to do so me and another guy went to lunch and started drinking and didn't come back.

I'm a developer for a large company, I mostly work on backend stuff for various finance-related applications. It's fairly easy and not too interesting, but it's a decent work place, pay is good, schedule is good and the workload is actually pretty light.

What does being an adult have to do with not doing drugs? Plenty of adults smoke weed everyday and make enough to support their families man. The problem lies in the fact that employers basically force their employees to either change their habits or not work. Its ridiculous

in some areas weed is still illegal so it's only natural that they don't want that shit in their workplace. just the smell or culture around it can be seen as very unprofessional in a workplace.

>It's more the principle that a company can dictate what you're allowed to do in your life even outside of working hours
Yeah, this is completely shit. I never even did drugs, nor does such a testing policy exist in the country I live in, but it sounds completely ridiculous for some company to dictate what you're allowed to do outside of business hours as long as you complete your work-related duties successfully and don't somehow bother and prevent other employees from doing the same.

It's as bad as my friend who was denied a job because of bad credit history. He wasn't given a good explanation, but it sounded like they figured he'd steal identities to open credit or some shit. I've heard of companies requiring them any time an employee has to run a line of credit for a customer.

found the fucking jew reeeeeeeeeee

video game developer

>interested in front-end development but currently stuck in back-end development.
You're better off. Front end development is bullshit.

What do the smell or culture matter? We're talking about companies who want to dictate whether or not their employees are able to take harmless recreational drugs while they are at home. This isn't about whether or not you can come to work smelling like a skunk, because most people are smarter than that.

Where I work, they have a strict "no alcoholic drinks for lunch" policy, meaning you aren't supposed to come back from lunch if you had a drink. It's fucking stupid, because it's not like I'm going to get completely drunk and then come back to the office. I've broken this rule numerous times.

True, but thankfully we're soon getting to a point where smoking a cone with a few coworkers after a long day will be no different than hitting the bar after work, so to speak.

It is, but I realize I'm not cut out for it. I've been messing up here and there and now my boss and coworker are doing whatever they can to keep an eye on everything I do. The truth is they started me out with way less training then I imagined and it seems whenever I learn something, the rules keep changing and I get chewed out for not following specific guidelines I was never told about in the first place. That and they keep me out of the loop when it comes to certain projects right up until the day we do it. By the end of the day, the guy I work with if fed up with my incompetence (he doesn't do much to train me either) and I go home feeling like garbage.

Maybe it's as says, but I just want out at this point.

historically speaking, not doing drugs is for children and retards

I copy edit clickbait for a digital marketing company. It's not exactly hard but the stringent daily quota means I'm glued to my monitor for the entire shift. It's the usual combination of boring and stressful. Wasn't getting hired anywhere else so I'm stuck for at least a year. Things could be worse.

I make vidya.

what are some vidyas that you've maked user?

I'm a night auditor for a small hotel.

Get there at 11pm, work for about 2 hours on paperwork, and then there's nothing to do until breakfest at 6am because there's nobody to help. Everyone is checked in before 1, and nobody is going to come to the main lobby at 3 am to chat, its a fucking hotel. Everyone's asleep.
I can do whatever I like once I finish my work, and I often switch between college homework, and hooking up my gaming consoles in the back and playing online using the wi-fi.

It's great. I can shitpost on Sup Forums all night long and nobody can stop me. I go to college 4 days a week, and work 48-56 hours a week because we only have 1 night auditor, with half of that being for video games and homework.

I don't even know how to job. I see all these people in this very thread saying "I'm an x" and I just think "what do you even do?"

Used to work on websites, did mobile apps for a while, now doing web shit again. Kind of hate them both desu, want to do something involving machine learning.

I've found the best way to find friends who actually mean a damn is to get into some sort of scene for something you enjoy. The fgc/smash scene and music scene where I live have made me so many friends.

Petroleum engineer, it's not bad

>We're talking about companies who want to dictate whether or not their employees are able to break federal laws while they are at home.

wtf why does that dualshock have no usb port and no branding? Did they make a fake model just for that photo?

I work at a jail, and all the inmates are console fags.
Keep working, save money, play games.

M8 all you have to know is that you can bullshit most things and still get a good paying job that'll feed you and give you a roof. Now unless you have actual practical skills, then bullshitting can only take you so far. In the long run its better to have useful skills because companies will note that you have some form of utility and in turn, are more valuable than scrublord "assistant to the executive" who does fuckall all day

I work $15 an hour 40 a week at a small pest control office. I'm usually the only one there and it sounds like they're selling the company. Really no idea what I should do if that happens.

I'm a train conductor. Great pay and multiple days off in a row to play games.

Only 10? I take 2 shits that are 20 mins each. Only good thing about my job.

My desk literally faces the entrance and manager's office. I can't get away with anything. I also take an hour for lunch even though i only have 30 mins because i need to drink to not kill myself.

Historically speaking it's socially acceptable to fuck young boys.

Probably had to take out the branding and it was easier to just give everything straight edges.

i don't know where to start with regards to finding people that have common interests to me

i tried clubs at uni but most of them aren't really into stuff like vidya in the same way i am. they play casual stuff every now and then, which is fine but i want to meet people who are also slightly autistic about this stuff like i am

I'm a software developer. It's easy and pays enough for me to take care of a dog with all the best food, buy expensive food, take girls on expensive dates and buy every game I want.

I inherited and sold property in Vancouver. I make above average annual income off my investment portfolio.

I've been stewing up a game idea for years but I can't figure out an easy way to make a slice of life VN with Puzzle Quest gameplay for conversations.

>Smoking weed is bad because the government says so
Let me guess, you also listen to mommy and always show up five minutes before curfew too?


Have a 15$/hour job at geek squad and get an extra 1500$ in my pocket every month.

I make video games for a living. Ironically this leaves me with almost no time to play them.

I'm a police officer (RCMP). I have plenty of time for vidya imo.

Please tell your bosses to reclassify AKs, FALs and G3s to non-restricted.

Firefighter paramedic in my home of Pinellas County. Don't play vidya though.

Sup Forums! Whaaaat's happenin'? Listen, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and come in on Saturday alright? Oh and I almost forgot, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday too, ok? Great. Thaaaaanks.

I do high-end business tech support. It's a pretty good deal, and I don't have to worry about getting outsourced because my group supports a lot of federal departments that aren't legally allowed to work with anyone outside the USA.

I'm quitting my current job. I have no degree, no special skills, and I'm not a very hard worker or social.

At my current job I show up about 10 minutes late every day, bullshit with the receptionist about how much we hate the boss, sit in my office and shitpost.

About 2 hours later the boss shows up, I strategically take a dump when I see his car pull in. That way he gets focused on all the other shit going on he forgets about me. I usually do a little bit of work at this time, whip up some reports or something, so if I do get questioned I can show something.

After the boss gets through with the other people and is just about to get to me, I take my lunch. I usually time this when one of the secretaries take their lunches, that way I can minimize the amount of time the boss can focus on me.

After lunch is usually the hardest part of the day. The boss usually gets to me and starts going over my reports. At this point I try to stir up some drama, complain about broken things around the office or the mess, so the women I work with can once again distract the boss.

About 3:30 the boss has to talk to the customers, so I can once again resume being unproductive. This usually lasts to the end of the day, but if it doesn't, I'll take my second shit break, this one much longer as I have plenty of ammo.

Then I go home and get ready to do it all again.

At first it was fucking hilarious how much I'd get paid to do so little, but to be honest I'm kinda depressed now.

Support and development work for an office.
It's pretty laid back and has very flexible hours so I can't really complain.

Yeah, I can do that... my job requires me to be able to be mandated any day of the week, 365 days a year.

Police officer. It's alright.

Do you get paid extra if your boss pulls shit like this on you?
Never had a job here

hydraulic modeller, been kinda wanting to quit but reading this thread has made me reconsider that maybe my job isn't so bad.

also, important link:

i need to start applying that more.

>Do you get paid extra
that's salary life