I cant take this shit seriously anymore....
Other urls found in this thread:
You never did. You're bitching just to bitch.
>Trooper! I've had enough! Put your helmet back on or else we'll have to have a word with Vader.
i would love to slay her brown pussy and make human babies with her
I'm starting to think this has something to do with fluoride in North America.
Sup Forums isn't actually generally friendly to mewling imbeciles like you. We were kidding, pretending to be retarded. It's a joke, see? You're not actually surrounded with friends and supporters.
wait so is she a bad guy or is she like Finn and a good guy who defected
Kill yourself.
It doens't matter. He's just sperging because she looks vaguely brown or something. He thinks it's something ultramodern and crazy because he hasn't seen anything, not even Star Trek from the fucking sixties.
>"Soy el héroe que el Imperio necesita. También las paredes son racistas. También no hay tal cosa como una persona ilegal."
Those troopers look like shit.
Cute girl, though.
How about now?
I already passed on battlefront because they thought there were female stormtroopers despite none in any of the films and forced you to play as a woman in the demo
that was the final straw
starwars is dead to me
I'm not gonna play a game made by a bunch of pussies
russia should annex sweden
As I said, this isn't a right-wing heaven for disgruntled teenagers from poor families you think it is. We're msotly adults who pretend to be mouth-breathing Trump voters for fun. You being a bona fide retard is an exception, not a rule.
>playable females are baaaad
Why are closet homos allowed to have a voice?
then how does it explain most of cuck europe?
old Battlefront 2 already introduced that clones were replaced in favor of more diverse individuals
>mfw im not a insecure white teen male virgin that hates women cause he got rejected
It was ok with Rey
Then it was really suspicious with Jyn
Now this is really pushing it, they are not hiding it anymore
Good that you understand.
Looks like shit, but then again it's Star Wars so shit is appropriate.
a female producer outright said star wars is actively targeting girls back when TFA was out
dumb geek boys are always gonna like SW so they're just trying to snatch up a new audience
Germans have imported cheap labor from Turkey ever since WW2 ended
Same with Swedes etc
What happened is that military industrial complex deposed of several dictators that were keeping radical Islam in check - this was also a shared plot with Saudi theocracy. So Gaddafi gets removed, Italy gets 100x more Somalians, Saddam gets removed, region goes to hell, Turkey gets a Saudi backed 'president', and currently they're working on Assad.
It has little to do with Europe but it uses the way some Euro countries are organized - all this 'liberal democracy' was always a ploy to have cheap labor - Turkish drivers, Polish plumbers, Paki servants etc under the guise of 'welcome immigrants'. Only now the rate of arrival has started to overflow the toilet. As a result, many Slav countries + Hungary have veered strongly to the right and perhaps France will follow suit.
tomb raider was designed around a fictional woman
metroid was designed around a fictional woman
but nowhere did george lucas imply that any stormtroopers in the starwars galaxy were female, only a eunich nation like sweden could imagine such a thing to be the most "progressive" people in the world
in battlefront 3, I'm sure they'll make the rebels like this
>but nowhere did george lucas imply
*tips fedora*
Looks like games going to be shit.
>wanting another white man #32413
They are everywhere, what they should do is put an african american as a protagonist, i think they already put too many female-lead
You're not aware of it, but you've been tipping fedoras this whole thread.
>being this unaware of himself and so trapped in his own autism
woah dude
>the irony in this post
>0 trigger discipline.
I don't know if that's perfectly canonical for stormtroopers or fucking awful.
>anime poster having any worthwhile opinion
Yes it motherfucking does. Does Europe and Russia fluoridate?
I'm more triggered at the title.
yeah, I'm sure the empire was real big on political correctness, so they can have the galaxy's weakest fighting force
why not just show the truth?
women are shit in any serious situation or emergency
there's a reason why they're never used in war, except in desperation or sheer stupidity
stop lying to a generation of young girls
it's okay to have one girl protagonist
MAYBE even two
but three? in one series? a series that has produced 9 films and hundreds of video games and novels?
that's just going completely overboard
Why even reply to weebshit
>but nowhere did george lucas imply that any stormtroopers in the starwars galaxy were female
Man, who fucking cares? It's a fucking dumbass sci-fi series with aliens, lasers and space magic. Why not? This "canon" is worth shit.
its dice, its an intentional choice just like the niggers in bf1 to be progressive, blatant tokenism.
im not even a poltard but its obvious.
Thank you Disney for helping me giving up SW that much easier. I can actually do more shit with my time. The only thing I hate you for now is not doing me this favor sooner.
Anyone else on this same path?
>vaguely brown
t. american
if you want female stormshits, make your own goddam franchise
>hello guys its my first day on Sup Forums
>what does chan mean anyway? :) i'm a retard
exactly, so get your fucking politics OUT and stop ruining everything
Gtfo and yes I will never know what chan means
Guess I'll take my borax w me
he sold the franchise by selling lucasarts to disney :^)))))))))))))
Niggers w capes will never not trigger me
guess which country doesn't flouridate? hint: it starts with i and it's full of jews.
4 o' these fullas
Is dice European or some shit? Why did they do that
How do y'all feel about killzone 3's diversity? They advertised it w a female character but she was only ever in the background, thank god
I dont get it, what am i looking at here. Yeah i know that SW MP game was revealed today.
>getting mad about something that doesn't matter at all
Are you fucking kidding me, just when I thought I should give them the BOTD
>but nowhere did george lucas imply that any stormtroopers in the starwars galaxy were female
Who gives a fuck. Nigga i hope this game makes you even more angry/
donald trump should use the moab on dice before they push more mythology in the next battlefield game
it all started with mirror's edge and their fugly idea of what an asian girl looks like
deeply insulting
may the worst cancers be inflicted upon everyone at dice!
>Sup Forums bitching about female stormtroopers
>clearly wearing a pilot's uniform
you guys. You can stop pretending to be retarded. Really.
When you see the madness going on in sweden, it's no longer a mystery
Lol mythology
What really sucks about this whole third wave feminism thing, at least with relation to entertainment, is that it's more difficult to determine whether a female protagonist was chosen under genuine pretenses or if it was just part of the whole superficial "evening things out" ideology. Like if they only decided on female because they want to fight the "patriarchy", not for the character itself. Who am I kidding, writing is shit 90% of the time either way.
they already had femme stormtroopers in battlefront1, this is just the next step towards total galactic ovulation
I think horizon zero dawn was a genuine choice. You're right though its tricky to tell
Stormtroopers remove their helmets while on duty, but Disney has decided that's not progressive enough
Stormtroopers NEVER remove their helmets while on duty, damn captcha
Really? Sup Forums is more triggered about this than any group of SJW's I've seen. It's hilarious. I hope they do more like this.
i honestly dont know if this shitposting is ironic at this point
are people really this mad over the protagonist being a woman?
thats why starwars is dead to me
he was betrayed by a woman
betrayed by a woman who was only hired because of affirmative action
even he realises he made a mistake
now starwars is crawling with parasites
Let me get this straight, user. You liked the prequels?
Main character should've been a robot or a droid. Honestly machines are underrepresented in media. Fuck women. they are memes. Like look at this oppression. Women don't understand
if you buy a ticket to watch episode 8, I can no longer respect you as a human being
>doesn't like disney wars
>that means he must like the prequels
>he was betrayed by a woman
kek so he MGTOW naw?
>You liked the prequels?
they were pretty mediocre nor second coming of Christ but not a total disaster either
3rd was the best of PT
Seeing as how Lucas is responsible for the prequels and the original trilogy was saved from his hands, yes, that's the impression you give, sucking George's cock like that.
Tell me about storm trooper-chan. Why does she hide the mask?
She's begging for a headshot.
they weren't the best films, but at least they were different and told their own story, rather than unimaginative plot mirroring and nostalgia mining in the disney films
I have deep respect for a man who can stand up to the world and do things his way
At least it's not a fat person.
I'm just waiting for the day that fat people need to be equally represented in video games.
>tfw don't wear helmet to fight the patriarchy
>get hit by a stray piece of shrapnel
>it's a strong brown womyn who is THE person who rallies the empire
whoa... women truly do run this mofu.... damn.. i bet she lesbian too, that's soo diverse
She's cute, I might buy it for her.
lucas was mgtow before it had a name
he got totally screwed by his first wife divorcing him sometime during ROTJ because she fell in love with an artisan that lucas hired to build his mansion or something, while lucas was busy building two film series and a massive corporation, then he lost half of his stuff
he didn't remarry until 2 years ago
poor guy
I'm surprised she isn't wearing a hijab
Dude, the aesthetic of a round faced brown girl playing a fucking imperial storm trooper takes ALL the umph out of the character and you KNOW it
Han shot first, niggers.
And yes, the prequels were the biggest load of ass that pretty much killed off the SW franchise. Thank you for making clear your awful tastes.
Doing your own thing is well and good, but if it's awful, it's awful. And if you keep making the same mistakes instead of learning, that's just as retarded as you.
>Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Female protagonist
>Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Female protagonist
>Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Female protagonist
>Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Female protagonist
Shit, this game could be solid gold and I wouldn't buy it after the last battlefront.
jew fag
kek underrated
I don't want to play as a woman. I don't care what race the MC is kek. Attach a dick to her and we are good neffew.
>Dude, the aesthetic of a round faced brown girl playing a fucking IMPERIAL storm trooper takes all the umph out of the character and you KNOW it...
People still play this?
dice isn't making the singleplayer though
Are you legitimately triggered by a brown ugly woman having a high rank in "the empire" in a videogame?
what do you think it's better? to have women actually have high ranks on army and political positions, or to have them think this can happen through media?
women want what they can't have, if we show them they can have it (despite not being true) they won't pursue it.
we must take the hit for the greater good user.
>EA in 2017