Who is the most autistic poster on Sup Forums?


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You are

Whos the BB is easy and WindWaker webm guy?


Barneyfag got doxxed and fled months ago, he should be out of the running

I come here every day and I don't know who the fuck you're talking about. Also, you're one of the people on the list I guaran-fucking-tee

user, easily.

BB is easy fag is the guy who spams the his platinum trophies every bloodbourne thread

Also see Well no duh Sherlock

well then, my dear faggot Watson, you are the most autistic and what's sad is that's what you wanted to hear. you're the token retard of Sup Forums. congrats, you glorious simpleton

Barneyfag was shitposting last night though.

This should summon him.



Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Kek, keep at it Lee.


Gotta be OP

I don't see daily E3 posters on that list

You are my man. Nice thread.

where's the guy who makes the same thread about that autistic speed runner every day?

the one who keeps track of certain categories of autistic posters. Where do I vote in that?

Kojima ruse cruiser easily

You can filter these guys, you know.

>All these votes for the Barneyfag

He's just one man. The sonybros on this board are fucking everywhere.

>He's just one man.
Doubt it.

Ill say nintendo kiddies, but only because you outed yourself by putting sony on the list. So yeah, you.

>bb is easy fag
bb is fairly easy if you exclude a few bosses from the dlc

you're giving yourself too much credit degenerate

That one guy who has made the same threads daily for over two years. Hes been posting that fedora guy and talking about owning water or some shit again. Wonder when he will switch back to posting the one about MUH RENEGADE AND PARAGON

Barneyfag is the real answer, and I know who they all are OP, I don't know why people are claiming to come here everyday and dont know any of them.

Where's the "you shouldn't play handhelds outside" fag?

I miss Quentin, the imposter just isnt the same.

Everybody thinks that. Its not one person.

>Lee 'Barneyfag' Goldson
>Gemini Rue 'dude anime lmao'
>I love Tharja!
>Tomba poster

Sup Forums is rie with autism.


where is ACfag?


There you are

No, it's the guy who shits up the 40k threads with his fucking stupid chart

Reliable Ecchi Deliverer Sniper. Literally the most retarded tripfag I've ever seen.

Paragon has actual graphics

Hack your 3ds no excuse

Uhhh help me out here i know theres more

probably sauce(deadpan)

Quietfag was on a rampage for a while but hes gone silent

Fuck off Quentin.

Thats true though

My man

Anyone that posts anime anything

Where's the Pretendo guy?

Is anyone on Sup Forums as bad as Anti-crack-kun on Sup Forums?


Is that the guy who kept posting about Sticker Star saying shit like "admit it Sup Forums it was good"?
Because if it is, his name is Cody IIRC.

yeah, cody is missing on this list. hes the only one autistic enough to defend federation force and starfox zero

Venom never loved quiet. She died alone and unloved.

barneyfag is autistic it's almost funny, sonybros are just annoying

Hang yourself

It also kinda feels like he's given up at this point, I don't see hims nearly as often anymore.
Maybe people just got tired of messing with him, that could be it too.

I'm not sure he is as active as before but he was doxed several times and is still active in his thread on Kiwifarms.

>no paragon fag

he still makes shitty videos that no one watches

barneyfag is gone. all barney posters are just falseflaggers and wannabes

>no cody
>no paragon graphics guy
shit list

Look up nigga


>hes the only one autistic enough to defend federation force and starfox zero
Sup Forums now defends Starfox Adventure and Metroid Fusion, so he's just a glimpse into your own future.

Barneyfag's an Actual, those who messes too much with him are awakened to his conspiracy world and become Barneyfag too.

>paragon graphics guy
haven't seen him for a while

Isn't Cody the guy who leaked botw game play but was absolutely retarded?

>that entire channel
i didn't think it would be that bad jesus christ
how has he not been range banned

>tfw i do something autistic on here that hasnt quite caught on yet, but is gaining momentum


how "absolutely retarded" we talking here?
DSP playing black mesa-tier?

Nah, it's him. Even admits it over at the kiwi place

Barneyfag in the lead as it should be, he really is on another level

I wish I had the video.

He was so stupid, Sup Forums had to upload a paint doodle to show him how to solve one of the earlier shrines in botw

>no Paragon fag who I suspect is DJ Cuckwell without his trip

OP here.

Never seen this paragon fag, give me details

Are you the guy who supposedly screwed a dolphin

makes a shit ton of threads always starting with
>Why aren't you playing Paragon Sup Forums? It has actual graphics

Oh that guy

What's so autistic about barneybro?
Just follow the rules and he won't come crashing down on you.

Hi Lee.

gr15 is a relic, mlp isnt even culturally relevant anymore

Fucking hang yourself you piece of shit

Muh contrarianism will make me special i promise

I met a guy that said the same thing a few years ago on my old meme site

>the one who keeps track of certain categories of autistic posters.
xv-kun is already listed

Fucking smooth

Outside of his bullshit sex stories he was alright

Why isn't that Horizon webm guy an option?

>muh "muh" posting will help me fit in!

You forgot the autistic Metroid Prime fag who posts some cancer about
>muh first visit something something never again

The wario faggot who loves wario land 4 way to fucking much and even made the 4shit banner

The fedora tipping fag how claims Demons Souls is the best game ever

He nuked a "vidya is art" thread like two days ago, that dogfucker is still around.

The Wind Waker webm guy has been extremely obnoxious lately, but he hasn't been at it for 6 straight years. No one can dethrone Barneyfag. Barneyfag has evaded rangebans, goddamn fucking rangebans. Not even Ruggarell could worm his way out of being rangebanned. Even after being doxxed, and presumably having his family disown him, he STILL continues as normal to this day.

When you have your life ruined because everybody is sick of your shit, and you still keep doing the thing that pissed everyone off in the first place, you've got the gold medal.

Thats the reason we need flags


What about honeymoonfag who was salty cause people thought AA SoJ was better than Dual Destinies?

Bitching about cinematic experiences in hell.

Lanced Jack

XV-kun without a doubt.

He was in a thread yesterday comparing Bayonetta to Undertale or some shit.