Ok, but seriously, an A press is an A press. You can't say it's half.
Ok, but seriously, an A press is an A press. You can't say it's half
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epic meme
lol reference. Anyone else here like family guy?
t. tj ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((henry)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) yoshi
you can press x 1
you can hold
you can release x 1
but you cant split a press or release into a half
i like rick and morty and the jojos xP
You do know even henry himself admitted he was wrong
What do you guys think is the story behind his oc?
Nice meme friend!
Here's my meme post related to your meme
I hope you like my meme friend!
actually it's 2/3rds of an a-press. So henry was right.
That's a cute picture of "Henry".
What if I never press A to begin with?
The true answer is that unless buttons have several sensibilities, you can't say you half press one.
If holding and releasing have important effects in this kind of speedruns then you should count them too and not only how many times you pressed the A button because it's just as relevant in that case BUT that still don't means you half-pressed a button. (especially even as an abstraction it would be wrong because both pressing, holding AND releasing have relevant effects)
Possibly with analogic inputs, not really with digital ones, see the constant bitching over digital triggers, etc.
family guy funny moments
But he was right see
>decide to watch this guys videos for the first time
>mfw 10 minutes in
Is this guy a nut
In his defense, he was a literal nobody vs a guy with thousand of views who got all the support from the people who liked him and his comments
It would've been stressful for Henry to keep battling
if you hold the button while going into a stage and need the button to be held, but NOT presed to complete it, yes it's "half a press"
henry admitted he was wrong, it's time for you to do the same
You clearly won't reach enlightment until you build negative speed for 12 hours.
lmao reference
>that autistic kid who makes up all kinds of kooky parameters and bullshit rules to ruin everything.
I unironically agree that "half press" is a fucking retarded thing to call it.
Just say "X star (holding A start)" something like that
all memes aside I wish I could make a game that could be this cool and could be messed around with like this
daily reminder that he's literally /ourguy/
This is autism right there. A video can be autistic but a reaction video will always be worse.
I love these "When I'm _____"
As far as OCs go, I think it looks fine. Most tend to be overdesigned.
>tfw you will never be pannen and troll the fuck out of the people who run the "doing mario levels quickly" by submitting painfully long versions of doing the levels
You would admit you're gay too if tons of people harrassed you and turned you into a meme
>0.5 A presses
>Pressed A one time
this guy is a fraud
>pannen is autisitc
I agree.
It's funny cause people think his autistic way of giving everything a name somehow makes his claims valid or the supreme truth
What Pannenkoek demonstrated only applies to a full game run, the button is pressed or it isn't. Theoretically, even if Pannenkoek's logic is correct to "divide" a single a press, then it's a 1/3 or a 2/3 of an a press. So no, the a button can not be pressed halfway.
I really liked your meme, here's another in the same vein how you like it!
>What Pannenkoek demonstrated only applies to a full game run, the button is pressed or it isn't. Theoretically, even if Pannenkoek's logic is correct to "divide" a single a press, then it's a 1/3 or a 2/3 of an a press. So no, the a button can not be pressed halfway.
This is incorrect, because the "hold" occurs between transitions. So you have the "press" the "first half of the hold" "the second half of the hold in the next level" and the "release." 2/4 can be reduced to 1/2 for 1/2 A presses.
You should stay in school kiddo.
tj actually said that, not me
It's true you can't do 0.5 A presses. An A press is an A press.
0.5 A presses are a useful way to show the resulting number of A presses in a natural gameplay unit compared to an artificial subdivision.
It does not actually mean 0.5 A presses.
I changed my limbals are they good?
You need to update your home to the death barrier.
Few months ago I saw a girl showing that vid to her that, and her that was facepalming all over the place, and when she has her daughter if it's true, she goes all like "it must be true" or "it has to be true".
This is what normies really believe, truly depressing, it's easy to brainwash kids nowdays, just pretend to talk smart even if you don't know shit and boom, free viewers and sheeps that repeat everything you say.
>He can't press the A button half a time
>He can't into parallel universes
>He can't into quantum theory
>He isn't in direct contact with the Bogdanoffs
showing that vid to her DAD*
can u pls show me how to get redpilled like u?
So is it a meme to not understand what he meant when he said that or are people just this retarded and cant think slightly abstractly?
You can press A
You can hold A
You can release A
But you can't half press it
Pancake calls it "half" just to describe what he's doing. He's not actually only half-pressing it, you dumbdumbs.
Someone post the golf club one
How long can this fucker ride his meme fame? It's all he is, he is the "you can't a press" guy, in nearly every one of his videos he makes at least one reference to the half a press video. What a loser
don't remember the vid, just search for the main one and it should be in recommended section, something like "my dad reacts to"
Except he didnt do it for fame? actual memers forced this to be a thing
This desu Blame the memers not the memes.