Hey Sup Forums, what are some good games to put in my piss jar?

Hey Sup Forums, what are some good games to put in my piss jar?

Conkers bad fur day

Nothing will ever disgust me more than the Sup Forums poster who returns every year to post his cum bottle accumulation.

just ONE piss jar? you are like baby


Show me urs, big boy

Mass Effect Andromeda

Earthbound cart

Mr Mundy

and then turns out it's just unfiltered apple juice

This doesn't smell like apple juice

this is 3/5ths of it i cleaned up last month so started over

You need to drink more water


is it actually surprising to some people? how far have i fallen?

u fucking dirty.

why do you do it? to avoid disapproving parents?

Go to the bathroom you fucking lizard

y tho? Good taste on that saturn controller btw

no, because my room is far away from a restroom and it is convenient. i bring water bottles up so reuse them, then at the end of the month i use them for target practice

So how do the gallon jugs work? Do you just piss in them multiple times till it's full? Or do you just pour the full water bottle sized ones in there after the fact to consolidate?

Where the fuck do you live

Holy shit that's pathetic

>Or do you just pour the full water bottle sized ones in there after the fact to consolidate?
Why the fuck would you bother pissing in the smaller ones just to fill up the bigger one when you can just piss straight into the bigger one to begin with.

you can piss in gallon sized ones 2 - 3 times before they are full so i will do that, and if i can't fit it i pull out a pint sized bottle to finish it off

rural south

So you can reuse the smaller ones. It makes sense if you have a finite amount of larger ones

I shouldn't be surprised you're from the South

that is just an extra step when i could just piss into the big bottle first, then use the empty smaller ones exactly the same way you are describing

You talk like one.

Dog bles ameriga :DDD

Post yfw you accidentally knock over your piss jar when the caps off.

that better be some dank poppy seed tea

That does make sense


conkers and postal. What other games can I blast it with piss?

If you use a piss jar and aren't physically handicapped you should kill yourself.


>yfw your poopbin overflows but garbage day isn't for another 3 days

Team Fortress 2.

No but that can happen

Street Fighter V

>mfw pressing my warm fresh peepee bottle against my face

Why so many though? I never fill more than 2 bottles before I have to get up to do something else anyway and have a chance to empty them out.

Thank-fucking-you for ruining my night with that pic. Now I'm really fucking pissed with no pun intended.


Meant to reply

I remember as a kid I slept at by friends place once,and he was a big piss bottle user. I had to sleep next to a couple dozen of those things and I woke up with a harsh headache

We have fallen far from god's light.

why should you be happy when im not ;_;

why would knocking down an old building ruin your night?

this. get with the times

>one shows unverifiable promises of happiness after a life of servitude
>the other provides a pleasant breeze right now
gee I wonder what I'd rather have above me

When I broke my legs contemplated pissing in a bottle at night to not make a lot of noise going to the bathroom. Fucking couldn't do it man.

Also put in Pokemon Yellow, DK64, or NES Zelda

post poop jugs

I remember when I was six I kept a piss bottle in my room for maybe 3 years and found it one day. It was black as tar and I didn't even want to sniff it. So I threw it on my neighbors lawn, it smelt so fucking bad his family moved with their relatives for a week. Without a doubt the most revolting thing I've ever smelt in my whole life.


how did you break them?

why doesn't he clean it up? i cannot relate, and while i am lazy i couldn't possibly let it get that bad. as soon as flies become a problem for me i look for the source and dispose of it

Fell off of a motorbike

jizzmas is my fav tike of year

well they are both a church

Drink fucking water jesus

Why the fuck would you piss in a bottle when you have a bathroom in your house to begin with

you dumbass all those bottles with exception of apple cider are water, i drink 7 bottles of water a day

jesus fuck, when I got my first apartment my roommates were just as messy as this fucker. Ended up moving out halfway through the lease when the place became infested with fleas and bedbugs, and all the dishware had maggots and pink/black mold growing on it. Fuck living with other people

I feel like this is how Fuminori from Saya no Uta experiences the world.