Now that the ash has settled, what went wrong?

Now that the ash has settled, what went wrong?

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your mom not swallowing

Its the same shit for technically the fifth time in row from the same guys on the same engine, people got gud at it and don't enjoy it as much as they used to

Input reading, low level weapon infusions, rolling being too good in pvp.

Too safe.

Miracles/ Sorceries / Pyromancies weak as fuck until very late game.

Everything worth a shit hidden beyond archives.

Rolls costing little stamina and having fuckhuge iframe gaps.

Most linear of the 3 games.

Inferior fashion.

An underwhelming followup following Bloodborne both visually, stylistically, and substance-wise.

Feels like a 'Best Of' Souls game.

Had great bosses, however.

It did not have a single level that really stands out to me as something that I genuinely enjoyed playing.
Even DS2 had No Man's Wharf. I had a great time there.

It's not original enough, and the best original parts of the game - the tale of Sullyvhan and Aldritch - is way too short. The whole game should have been about them.

DaS2fags, what went wrong is DaS2fags.

Stop making me have to hide shit threads.

The biggest offense is not being open enough so that experienced players can make runs to items they need for their builds.
Nothing like running to Nito or the dragon covenant from the start.

This isn't sex related thread, no need to hide it.

1. most of us are coming in off BB so dropping back into souls feels slow and pretty lack luster compared to fast as shit and diverse movesets from BB.

2. The game looks fine and all, but not as nice or detailed as BB.

3. Magic is still boring pew pews and tends to be underpowered due to never hitting.

4. Pyro is fun but the split scaling + upgrading the flame means hybrid builds are almost impossible without being overleveled or anemic as fuck.

5. Archives arbitrarily locked to prevent speed running and getting fun shit early because fuck you. BB had this problem too; so much fun shit was locked away till late game.

6. Rolling is OP. Costs very little stamina and has huge I-frames. In BB that made sense because there was no alternative. But here you can do that AND have huge ass shields.

7. Too many lazy callbacks. I know its a sequel and I don't mind references, but the references are often very lazy. Siegward is the ultimate example of this. Literally the same character, for no damn reason.

8. While I really like the DLCs (Ringed felt very imaginative and just a joyful sort of weird to me, even if they just spammed enemies sometimes) they really didn't wrap the story or its threads up well enough. Its neat to see the pygmies and all, but Gael's story didn't feel fleshed out enough. SOC was a great last boss but the story didn't seem to end, it just continued again, same as before.

I am really interested in the Prepare to Dine game they teased though, because that looks like it's either BB2 or some interesting new thing.


Part of me feels like they did this as a defence against people twinking, when in reality, the weapon bracketing worked perfectly fine.

I could be wrong though, and they just made it linear for the sake of easier development, and not having to find decent ways to roping areas around towards others.

They got out of ideas and recycled BB assets and concepts into DaS to appease Namco and release something. It's not very inspired at all and it shows in linearity. Even upgrading stuff is linear and shallow.

I don't hold a grudge it's a good game but it's a step backwards since Scholar.

nothing, it's what DS2 should have been.
Sadly DS2 was utter shit, but at least now we have DS3.
Also, Ringed City is the best DLC ever, fight me faggots

>Input reading
Oh so i'm not the only one that realizes the enemies are programmed to be Shao Kahn in this fucking game

And defensive gameplay isn't viable at all. Rolls are the true and only viable thing in Gorilla Souls, ergo upgrading Stamina is obvious and a priority, along with Stamina stats and Stamina related articles. Heavy armor is a noob trap and enemies do not run out of said Stamina either.

When people say "Dark Souls is just about rolling around" they have no idea how bad it is in DaS3

Ringed city is difficult to call best ever because it has some big flaws. Namely enemy spam out the ass and midir's giant health bar. But it is also blisteringly original and weird, which I love. Its like a glimpse into an alternate reality book of revelations with that crushed together world patrolled by angels.

It tried to mash bloodborne speed into DaS and didn't work. Led to roll spam and heavy armor being pointless.

Also the game is filled with DaS1 references every 20 feet. Some are okay but it goes overboard

The input reading is retarded.

The thing is, it doesn't even make it that much harder because you are aware of it, it just punishes anyone who wants to play aggressively.

And fanboys say that it's because it's a sequel but it's in fact an inferior remake of the first, kinda like what NuRobocop is.

They're not references, they're blatantly living under the first one's shadow and it's boring because it does nothing interesting on its own.

>Finally some interesting looking enemies
>No lore connected to them
>What's little lore on them it's a reference to DaS1 or simply scarce or bland

DaS 3 > DaS 1 > DaS 2


DaS 2 combat is a huge jump compared to Ds1

The only thing Ds1 has over 2 is the first half of the game

The second of part of Ds1 is fucking awful, worse than anything in the other games

DaS3 has the problem of being worse than bloodborne, ds1 and ds2 somehow

It has the BEST bosses, yes, but that's kinda it

The other games trump it

It didn't do enough new stuff overall, and the lore side of things didn't give much closure even after the DLC.

I still like DaS3 but it's not much compared to DaS1 or Demon's souls.

DS2 combat is garb. The animations are all terrible and ADP being a stat is terrible.

>DaS 1

>DaS 3
Best gameplay, OST and bosses

>it doesn't even make it that much harder because you are aware of it, it just punishes anyone who wants to play aggressively.

What's this? Am I agreeing with someone on Sup Forums?

Yes this: The combat is so fucking bland because of it, and because of THIS I ended up using the Straight Sword all the game because vs PVE it's the best weapon bar none, otherwise the enemies will input read whatever you do and go gorilla on you in a neverending barrage of hit. Sometimes it's simply boring because you dodge and they keep throwing punches around and you have to wait. Sometimes they start over that shit and it's about waiting again they stop sperging, but they never do, because they have no stamina, and no patterns but to input read you

So in DaS3 you mainly will use lots of rolls and Staggering chains to do anything = Straight fucking Sword.

Ringed City has the worst areas in DaS3 though

I mean for fuck's sake the only City part of the DLC is the staircase of enemy spam, then you get dumped into another swamp and filler catacombs

Dark Souls 3 has the same problem as 2, its entire OST is the same song.

Denial is a war crime, user.

I'm on the brink of buying the goty edition

I don't care about multiplayer at all. I only have time to complete the game once

I only played DaS1 and BloodBorne

This trailer looks amazing

DaS3 from what I see online looks better than DaS1 to be honest

The envornments, combat, graphics, bosses look amazing

I don't know what you people have against it

Maybe it will turn out to be shit who knows

Any reason why I shouldn't buy?

Can you back that up ?

The animations are mostly fine I think, but link me a terrible animation from DS2

About the ADP thing, all souls games have some missteps in combat

It didn't sour the experience for me

Yes absolutely

The OST is better in bloodborne, but it is the best out of all souls games for sure

Bosses as well, altho some of them are garbage, like the giant skeleton, crystal sage, deacons, the giant and a few more

But the ones that are good are the best out of the entire soulsborne series

Have you not listened to it?

>These guys like an older game better
>Must be nostalgia

Rolling in DaS3 is way too fucking strong, takes little stamina and has fast recovery. I think the speed change overall was a mistake.
The OST is consistently solid but DaS1 has more standout music IMO.
I do like the bosses for the most part, though. Some are forgettable but i liked quite a few of them.


Buy Scholar of the First Sin

It's not contrarianism, it's actually a good well rounded game

If you truly want DaS3 well, it's your money.

DaS3 is a much more linear game kinda like Demon's Souls, maybe even more and that's saying something. It's a Beat Em Up like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If you like dem beatem ups then, yes go for it.

I agree as well, it's like they copy pasted bloodborne which had no shields and just added them on top of dodge spam

Bloodborne has combat that's a lot more fun just because it's very focused and doesn't have that enemies reading you issue

No joke my favorite souls game ended up being scholar

It feels like a journey, has great dlc, some areas are memorable and the game doesn't go to shit like DS1 and has better combat

DS3 made me feel empty when I finished it

not very fun. games should be enjoyable, not just a barrage of content. the devs are quite disconnected from the fanbase.

One impressive fuck up that DaS3 has is that somehow the lightning is worse

There's just the background lightning, sunlike light, but anything else is not dynamic

In fact that light shines through objects and walls on your character, and any other light source is just a glow like Unreal Tournament 2004.

Sure the assets are pretty, (and recycled through all the game) but the lightning makes it look strange and not cohesive, everything glows from a non existant light source inside a cavern or a building, and nothing casts shadow. When you notice it you can't ignore it anymore.

Never played scholar, vanilla DaS2 turned me off enough to be uninterested.

Idk, maybe it's good. What did it change other than enemy/item placements?

No open world like the first game. Otherwise great.

I've been trying to do a 2nd playthrough this week because I just realized I bought the season pass at release like a retard and boy it didn't take long for me to remember why my playtime in this is 1/10th what it is in DaS.

PvP is a fucking joke, invaders were already at a disadvantage in DaS 1, why do they make it so you always invade into a pack of faggots in this one? Also it's so much harder to deal a killing blow on other players, most people don't die until they run out of heals unless they are retarded so an invader has to deal about 10x as much damage as he takes to be able to win.

There's a shit load of other stuff I hate but I can't remember it at the moment, the netcode is somehow even more garbage than in DaS1 as well.

>Namely enemy spam out the ass

way to subjective, the enemies are supposed to be tougher. None of them spam enough to be a huge threat anyway

> midir's giant health bar

again subjective, Midir is not a dps race, it's a survival fight. He's actually very easy once you learn all his attacks (normally after 3-5 deaths you should have the idea), he just punishes every mistake

>the worst areas in DaS3 though

While the Ringed City is not as big as I would like it to be, I wouldn't say that the areas are terrible, not particularly original in the second half, but nothing terrible (terrible is DS2 art level). The ashes part in the first half is nice and the first sight of the Ringed City looks gorgeous

Not that it really matters, what matters are bosses and enemies, and that's top quality here

Can't go from Dark Souls 2 to no color palette, Dark Souls 3.

Gwyn did the first sin

How long is das2sotfs?

What about that fucking stairway with like 6 of those giant guys?

your life

Interesting comment

Do you feel bloodborne has the same problem?
I don't feel like it does

A few shortcuts were added, the 3 DLC got integrated with the full game beautifully, new character and final boss

The biggest thing is that change in items and enemies tho

Is it a completely different experience?
I wouldn't say so, it's DS2 with a ton more content and some improvements

If you really hated base DS2, I don't see why scholar would change your mind

Altho, if you got turned off DS2 by the first area, you should give it a shot again, as that area is actually really good

Maybe you were spoiled on the game from all the shit that's been talked about it, just saying

Vanilla DaS2 was a fuckup and a terrible launch.

Scholar is the same game but much more polished in areas. Bugs corrected, mechanics fixed and the dynamic lightning adds an ambience that only this one has. Some little details anew, and the DLCs being part of the main game now it's real nice. I played little of Vanilla and didn't got far (friend's PC), and looked okish. Bought Scholar for me and it's a great game with a flavor on its own.

No stupid blabbering from the npcs is quite nice. When people say "it's cryptic" it's more like gibberish and nonsense, as in writers don't know what to do and throw around random "Thou art Ash but not The One but two so seeketh thee fire"

they are piss easy if you aggro one at the time, I don't see the problem

I like DS1 far better than DS3, but DS3 is far easier to constantly play and sink more hours into simply because of the VAST improvement mechanically between the two games.
For example I love just casually dicking around progressing through the higher NGs in DS3 and hoarding everything, but don't have much fun playing like that in DS1. DS1 is better for play-and-delete save files though, like speedruns or cosplay runs, etc.

I kinda want to play both DaS2 and 3 but fear I might end up burnt out after I finish one of them and but it will bother me to leave one of the three unfinished

tis autism

and I'm unsure which one is more worth it even thought DaS3 looks better from videos

But DaS2 looks like its unique so it might be more memorable

Any advice?


How is the first half of ringed city "nice" dude?
It's a linear path where you get spammed by annoying angels

It's not fun or an interesting twist on the game mechanics

Ringed city does look gorgeous, too bad that most of it is a flat, terrible designed swamp

I was very disappointed by the city area, a fucking staircase out of all things.

Ridiculous for a final DLC

Are there still people playing DaS1 online? I playing DaS3 is just making me want to go back to the old days desu.

if you play all the DLCs, about 60 hours. Definitely the longest Souls game

SotFS fixes some seriously frustrating areas by changing the enemy placements and adding more mechanics to it. It does have more approaches to combat than any other Dark Souls so there are ways to solve every problem rightfully.

It's a proper release, a polished experience, as in you haven't played DaS2 at all if you haven't played Scholar of the First Sin.

The problem is that 6 damage sponge enemies you have to slowly draw and fight is not good design.

Try plunging attack.

>No stupid blabbering from the npcs is quite nice.

I hate this pretentious shit in ds3

Whoever wrote it should kill himself, "Thou" and shit like that sounds so stupid and forced

There was no need for it, it was perfect in DS1 and 2

your birth

That encounter is meant to scare you more than anything. They're easy to draw out one at a time, and in fact it's impossible to pull all 6 unless you're doing it intentionally. The stairway is also littered with opportunities to bait them into plunging attacks, which are extremely effective on them and should 1-shot if you have a decent weapon.

Shit it took me 60 hours to complete bloodborne, so DaS2 would take me 100

DS2 is more memorable and feels like a journey

DS3 is much shorter, has no areas that are really memorable but has great bosses

I would go with scholar desu, I enjoyed it a lot more

Probably. I play online but don't actually use the online features like summoning or PvP. I haven't liked any PvP in any of the Souls games, and when I'm summoning on fun-runs I just summon NPCs.

Precisely why they give you plunging attacks for massive damage as an option

Play DaS2 first then 3

3 will last only about 15 hours and will give you bad habits if you play it first. DaS2 is more like DaS1.

The only rule of thumb for DaS2 is level up ADP to 12 or 14 ASAP, then do whatever else you want.

Zero polish (bugs out the ass, completely unbalanced, some regular mooks pose more of a threat than actual bosses, etc.)
Multiple ideas thrown out with no replacement (poise, powerstancing)
Numerous reused assets from previous games and Bloodborne despite them not belonging
Played on nostalgia rather than trying new things like DS2/BB and came off extremely half-assed
Focused more on marketing a "culture" than actually refining the game mechanics

The whole game is much like Soul of Cinder itself
Nice concept, mediocre execution

I said it looks nice, and it's not that linear when you need to take down 2 angels.

Ringed City has quite some parallel hallways if you explore it, yeah it's still mainly a staircase, but think about the final areas of previous Souls DLCs... the Abyss or that frozen storm were fuckin dreaful by comparison

>3 will last only about 15 hours

Completely blind, including all optional content/DLC? I call bullshit.

It's meant to scare you and then you say it's easy to pull them and take them on one by one

Either way, it's not fun to deal with them

If you're slow and like to take some time and even indulge in some pvp, you can easily add 10 to 20 hours more

>It's meant to scare you and then you say it's easy to pull them and take them on one by one

Well, yes. It's clearly intended to make a blind player go "oh shit", but once you know the trick to handling them it's simple.

Nothing, this game is the best of the series.

the storm is optional and is meant to be a co-op area

It's in DS2 when they weren't scared to at least make new things, that stopped in 3

But that area is awful tho

>It's meant to scare you and then you say it's easy to pull them and take them on one by one
Yes, that is what I just told you, good job?

Fucking this. Every single combat situation goes like this:

>get enemy aggro
>do nothing but wait for them to start and finish their initial autistic tantrum because no poise
>try to stunlock them before the almost immidiate second tantrum

It's utter trash. Slow weapons are useless as they are too slow to get a hit between the mobs' spergouts and there is no fucking poise to tank through the damage.

This was somewhat the case in bloodborne too but the difference was that you were just as fast as the enemies and you could actually regain your lost health if you were aggressive. Neither of these are the case in DS3 it feels fucking terrible. Shane too, since the actual weapon designs and the visual and audio feedback of the combat could've made it feel great.

something is fucked up with rolling in this game

DaS1 & 2 I never got hit and rolled everywhere all day every day. But DaS3 rolls are fucky.

Don't listen to the other shitter, the PvE experience in DaS3 is objectively better than in SotFS. Like, it's not even a close comparison between the two when you take PvP out of the equation.

How is it scary if it's easy and boring?

>oh shit
remove the oh and you'd be completely right

It's funny how the staircase leads to maybe the worst area in DS3, that fucking swamp

What's Wrong With You?

>Zero polish (bugs out the ass, completely unbalanced, some regular mooks pose more of a threat than actual bosses, etc.)

Just like the other 2 dark souls. Not that many massive bugs either, at most i sometimes fall through the world when rolling through a hidder door

>Multiple ideas thrown out with no replacement (poise, powerstancing)

Poise is a health bar for hyper armor, powerstancing as a replacement called paired weapons

>Numerous reused assets from previous games and Bloodborne despite them not belonging
wow, fromsoft reused assets
>Played on nostalgia rather than trying new things like DS2/BB and came off extremely half-assed

Sure, but it also gave continuation and conclusion to some of the points from DS1, like a sequel should
>Focused more on marketing a "culture" than actually refining the game mechanics

3 is the most refined out of the other souls games, only nostalgia goggles and DS2 fanboys can't see it. But I do agree marketing to pvp shitters ruined the series

>including all optional content/DLC? I call bullshit.
I restarted the game around half way because I lost my save data in a wipe, and finished the game at Soul of Cinder at 23 hours.

The DLC took me more time, maybe 10 hours in Ariandel because fucking around and being a seriously spike in difficulty. Ringed City and some PVP done it took me to a clocked 40 hours.

If we add the long hours of trying to cross some bosses and fails I did it's 47 right now, complete, all bosses done.

Main game is truly about 15-20 hours blind for real. You can't get lost because it's linear and it's kinda easy once you realize

Straightsword is not a meme
Stamina is the only stat that matters

If you liked DaS1 and Blooborne, DaS3 is FAR closer of an experience to those than DaS2 is, and that's putting my personal opinion of the games aside, because Dark Souls 2 is complete dogshit to play and I wouldn't want anybody else to suffer through it.

aside of irithyll, there was nothing as intriguing like the Ash Lake, Lost Izalith, Crystal Cave, Tomb of the Giants, Kiln of the First Flame

>PvE experience in DaS3 is objectively better than in SotFS

Considering that DaS3 removed some features compared to that game, I wouldn't use objective

Midir is optional too, like Kalameet, they still count.

Maybe they weren't scared in DS2, but they shit the bed on multiple levels.
I'd honestly take the Ringed City over any previous final area. Not to mention that the Gael area is gorgeous and quite epic

It's because of 2 things:
1 the enemies 2nd attack always lands in such a way that if you got hit by the first attack and rolled immediately you'll get hit again.
2 if you press roll but get hit (and stunned) before your character rolls they will roll after they become unstunned.

1 would be fine on it's own, it would make it so that you can't spam rolls any more like in the other games, however because you roll when you dont want to because of reason 2 it makes you eat 2 lots of damage for 1 mistake. Also this cycle can go on infinitely, like if an enemy has a 6 hit combo you can get hit 6 times if you can't break the cycle.

not him, but since level design and boss design is infinitely better in DS3, the PvE experience is by definition much better than what you can find in SotFS

>Lost Izalith

>Sure, but it also gave continuation and conclusion to some of the points from DS1, like a sequel should

Like what?

>3 is the most refined out of the other souls games

But PVE is a joke cuz u just spam your way through everything
Bosses are amazing though
Areas are alright too

>How is it scary if it's easy and boring?
It's scary initially because 3 giant dudes are walking up to you in a relatively close-quarters space,and you think you'll have to fight all 3 at once. I never said it was a boring encounter, I said once you get over the shock and think clearly about the situation it's easy to split them up and lure them into plunging attacks. Or if you want, just fight them face-to-face.

>he doesn't like the swamp
What's wrong with you?

>marketing to pvp shitters ruined the series

what do you mean by this?

I didn't look at a single trailer but pvp was always one of the biggest draws for me to souls games and I think 3 has the worst pvp by.

>want to play a souls game
>reading through this thread of shit
>it's either 1 or 3
is this correct?

>But DaS3 rolls are fucky.
Because DaS3 has less i-frames and the enemies track their blows like a predator missile combined with MvC combos that never end.

Sometimes you see the enemy charging their big blow, you roll out of the way and they do an 180 degree turn, no, what do I say, a 720 degree turn and hit you in AoE with all their might and start doing it again and again. In DaS3 you have to precisely roll at the very moment the animation has passed that point of no return, as in just in your face to get out of the damage.

And this is the only viable tactic that is against some enemies because armor doesn't exist. Well, staggering them and retreating does work. Abuse stagger with every enemy, yet stagger is not always consistent.

>What's wrong with you?

I guess he doesn't like to partake.

The PvE is a joke in every FromSoft game and shouldn't even be counted when considering the quality of the game. PvP is a 2/10 in every game AT BEST.