Has access to concentrate and the most powerful fire skill in the game

>has access to concentrate and the most powerful fire skill in the game
>didn't get group heals to become a better Yukiko
>became one of the less useful members of the Phantom Thieves as time went on
>consumes a lot of food

What went wrong?

stop this

>eats a lot REEEEEE
She burns fat easily with a flaming hot metabolism. It's not that hard to understand anons. At least she doesn't encourage inerexia like Lightning.

Best Team:
MC, Ryuji, Morgana, Yusuke

Acceptable Team:
MC, Ann, Makoto, Yusuke

Shit Team:
Anything with Haru, worst girl.

you take that back right now.

She didn't succ

>best team
>not my waifu Makoto, Ryuji, and Yusuke

She remains useful lategame as long as you support her with a dedicated healer.

Eh she learns useful shit like Dekaja and Matarunda along with Concentrate Blazing Hell makes her about equal to Yukiko in terms of usefulness.

I actually went with "best team" because I like physical attacks, but Yusuke's kind of fade away in the latter boss fights due to not having Charge.

Ann becomes surprisingly good once you get both Fire boost skills, but it takes her a billion years to get there.

Quick question

How the fuck do I play videogames

I bought them all

I have the TV set

I have the Retro Game Console

Post on Sup Forums about how the industry is shit and you just pirate everything anyway

She is made for pure fire magic damage.
Same as Ryuji is for physical damage.
They get a buff/debuff here and there, healing magic, but thats not their main thing.

You gotta approach the tv from an awkward direction close to the shelf

God damn that was retarded


this is objectively wrong.

Haru is much better than Yusuke in end game and she has Heat Riser

What's the best ability in the game and why is it Lucky/Miracle Punch?

her toolset is nullified by being the worst character in the game though

You actually just need to press X on the tv like normally, skip the news dialogue and you get the option to play or watch DVDs.

I roll with the first team but Makoto instead of Morgana and it works pretty well.

>How the fuck do I play videogames
Sup Forums - 2017

>Best Team
>Yusuke is in it

early game fag detected

Yusuke is early-mid game character. he doesn't learn Charage so he's shit in late game.

Ryuji (Charge, Matarukaja, God Hand)
Haru (Heat Riser, One-Shot-Kill, Karn, clear all status effect for team)
Makoto (AoE heal, Marakukaja, ok damage)

is objectively best party

>consumes a lot of food

Japan has some strange infatuation with putting in long, drawn out, exaggerated segments about eating food in their games. Bravely Second did the same thing. I dont give a shit how the tart tastes, bitch, progress the story and stop talking about nothing important for 30 minutes.

That's a great question without the context.

It's not just those.
Vanillaware games had that food shit too.
And there's also Dragon Ball Super which also has a metric fuckton of le ebin food so tasty jokes.

You are my motherfucking nigga.

In Haru's dungeon and been rocking that team since I got it and been taking Makoto out on all the dates

I dunno, the nice thing about P5 is that you NEVER have to commit to one particular party loadout. I've found that Yusuke's generally better as a squirrelly sustained damage-dealer who occasionally buffs up the party with Masukukaja (which actually seems to do something this game, holy shit). Ryuji's great, but he takes a while to get rolling -- when I'm just dungeon-crawling, I tend to lean more toward Yusuke because he doesn't have to take that extra turn to do his damage.

I've played all the persona games but I always felt besides the velvet room boss all those end game skills arent useful because you generally beat the game way before you get them.

I guess if you wanna pump the difficulty up each NG+ its worth it.

Is there any reason to go on dates with your waifu once you've maxed out her SLink? or do we get mandatory dates at certain intervals if we've romanced someone?

>not wanting to spend time with your waifu

Have you ever even had one?

>consumes a lot of food
she's american

I pretty much agree with this but for bosses. I also feel like people really underestimate Haru even though she shits out damage.

Well speaking for myself I got to the last boss at level 73 on Hard which means everyone but Haru had their absolute last ability learned. If I fought even a handful more times I could have had Heat Riser for the final boss instead of learning it immediately afterwards.

You get special dialogue when you go to date spots

Took Makoto out on one but nothing really happened outside of standard dialog.

You get items for your room by going on random dates.

>Level 73

Damn I'm at Haru's dungeon at level 38 right now.

How much more of this game is left?

Dekaja,Blazing hell, concentrate, fire amp and boost...All she need to do damage, Late game you only need one heal bot, IF you need it.

Ann isn't Japanese Ojou Sama desu wa to surpass the Amagi Challenge

morgana and yusuke are both low tier how bad can you be

Not him but, Morgana does have salvation so. It is the best option as a salvation bot.

Except for Japanese games you can rub one out to scool girls over. Those are apparently the only good games according to Sup Forums

>tfw just fused trumpeter
Felt good beheading the 4 horsemen and getting the bringer of death
Feels like there's a million cool personas at higher levels

running Makoto, Ryuji, Yusuke

Just got Haru, is it worth swapping him out for her now?

Swap her with Yusuke and you have the perfect team

From there I would say maybe like 30-40+ hours. The game is long as fuck.

Is there a confidant that has an ability for all non active personas get extra EXP?

No. Just the growth abilities you can get on the personas themselves.

well fuck

I haven't used Ann once since I got more than 4 party members.

It's their culture. They have fucking reality shows about social eating.

I would drop Makoto personally other than for boss fights where she really shines or something like Palace 5 where you can't physically attack a damn thing.

Tbh just do whatever you want though because all the characters in this game are retarded strong compared to the previous games.

You can always just use the guillotine for exp on personas if you can afford to take stuff out of the compendium. Just go farm yens.

You can sacrifice personas to give other personas exp.

That will easily let you carry whatever persona you want through the game

Just sacrifice treasure personas to increase their lvl, this way you can sort of choose what stats to increase. It cost moneys, but you can grind maximum money in 1 hour.

I have not gotten that feature

>Losing sukukaja

Enjoy wasting one of MCs turns or having ryuji chain miss

Hassou Tobi is called Miracle punch in your game?

This would be a decent banner.

Are physical attacks king again, like in Persona 4?

Any MegaTen game worth its salt will be a world of STR, so yes.

crazy good as on Nocturne. But on my opinion it gets good way early. Matador giving swift strike to every fusion.

Should the team's composition be around the MC or should the MC compensate what's missing from the team?

I just equipped him with the Skanda Belt.

Yes, Yoshitsune and Hassou Tobi are back on their fucking throne.

I preferred the way Persona 3 worked.

The latter

You should use your favorite characters, like how I used Akihiko Junpei and Mitsuru in 3, Kanji Yukiko and Yosuke in 4, and Yusuke Ryuji and Makoto in 5

MC should be your main damage dealer because he can do more damage than the others. Anyone can do support.

Congrats you are now halfway to completely trivializing the game.

Now you just need Hassou Tobi man

MC should pretty much be soloing half your battles with Invigorate. Teammates are there for All-Out attacks.


It's fucking dumb. Swift Strike at like what lvl 17ish for Matador AND Ryuji learns it early. Then Ryuji, Yusuke and Makoto all had phys aoe's that did status effects fucking GG

>Trivializing the game
Already did that. The whore sensei has been making me coffee every single night for the last 3 months so I have unlimited SP to rush dungeons.
And any mobs get fucked by
>MC Deathbound (I could use anything it doesn't matter)
>Makoto Spark thing whatever that inflicts something or whatever
>Yusuke and Ryuji AOE physical kill everything

And extended edition

Is there an early Invigorate?

Swift Strike and Triple down carried the game for me. since is easier restoring hp than sp. Only changed when i had Ishtar(and then Lucifer) finishing battles with one magic skill and restoring the sp spent.

Is there a way to read in the afternoon when you can't go into school in December?

I need just one more confidant (Haru) and she's almost done, so I wanna try to go for the reading or gaming trophies too, but I can't get into my room in the afternoon

Death SL (the doctor)
Lvl 5 has Invigorate 3 accessories for 100 000
Lvl 7 halves the price

I feel like consolidating physical attack types is what made physical AoEs so stupid.

You can read at the table in LeBlanc but I think once you leave you can't come back to the Cafe until the evening (except for holding a meeting).

earliest are neko shogun and clotho at 31 and 32 respectively. clotho also the invigorate 1 skill card once you unlock transmutation

>Yusuke awakening battle
>Joker dies in 1 hit because Sledgehammer does over 200 HP when he has 180 HP

well, fuck


Get smoked

it's just a bitch that I am dying due to random chance of the move hitting

Which level are you?

the battle after Yusuke gets Goemon

>that fucking Makoto social link block at rank 5 that requires max charm.

Dont remember my lvl on that battle; But get a Oni or a shiki ouji for the physical resist. Shiki ouji with swift strike can be your go to persona until way much later

>Not having max charm
>Not bathing with old men every thursday and monday
>Not doing the Sun and Devil social link which give you charm

It's like the easiest to rank up my man

Shiki Ouji carries you for like 2 Palaces at least
Then Arahabaki does the same
Phys/Gun immunity too gud

>But get a Oni or a shiki ouji for the physical resist.

I didn't have either and my level is 14

I literally kept my Girimekhala all the way to endgame.

I just kept fusing him into shit and giving my persona repel phys and it totally trivialized the game

Get Obariyon, low level Fool with Phys reseist and Snap, which is insanely useful.

Do this. At least mc wont die

does someone have the image of "wow i thought i just heard something stupid" but with joker's face pasted on it

I don't have the ingridents for that but in 2 levels I can make a Shiisaa.

Gun and Phys resist

How do I resist the stupid and mostly pointless urge to grind until I no longer have any SP?

I only did that in the first and second dungeons felt kinda moot past that

Close out the next level then stop.

You have to be alive to use salvation though