Is the "game aged terribly" a real complaint towards old games?

Is the "game aged terribly" a real complaint towards old games?
There's games that gets lots of hate because of this (mainly 5th gen games), but everytime I replay one of those games (Banjo-Kazooie for example) i still enjoy the game, even if later games enhanced some of it's mechanics (not just talking about Banjo, other genres also apply).
If anything, the only term I can agree is that the game got "outclassed" by another game that might be of the same franchise (for example: You wouldn't really play SF2:WW when there's all the updates, even SF2CE has more going for than WW).

Other urls found in this thread:

some old games are ok
most old games had game systems and mechanics that are broken or shallow compared to todays games.
deal with it, nostalgiafags. diablo2 is a 25fps piece of shit.

Yeah it is, i recently replayed crystal chronicles and holy shit your character is so fucking stiff, the controls are terrible too i couldn't get beyond the volcano island area because of that.
Not everything aged badly though, it's still a beautiful game with a great soundtrack just a little blurry because of the low resolution, i wonder how it look on an emulator.

I think Super Mario Bros aged badly.

Not really, I mean I'd say it's still playable. But it went from best game ever to 6/10 (SM1) or 8/10 (SMW)

I think some of it is people were excited about video games in general, or a particular system, when they were younger, and managed to enjoy things that were never good to begin with, and only later do they realize those games weren't good, which they call "aging."

I think you should post more fucking Ranma

>Ranma thread

Oh fuck yeah.


Nigga are you trying to say Ranma is bad? I'll fucking murder your chia pet for saying that.

>tfw ranma doujins are still being made to this day

SMB1 is still fun, but both smw and smb3 ooutshined it.


>no cons

no screen time, she is a literal cuck, and her martial arts is fucking pancakes

Did Ranma games age well?


The only good one is Chougi Ranbu Hen

Some of em.
Not most of em.

Same applies to Dragon Ball.

>Biggest Breasts = Disgusting

That chart is a fucking travesty.

That's the third SNES one right?
What about Hard Battle?

Oh look another person who gets their opinions on Ranma 1/2 from 90s fanfiction instead of the actual comic.

and yet it still manages to be better than d3

As they should be

That one was mediocre.
The puzzle game was ok, same for the rpg.

Nobody into the popular 90's series actually read the comics, man. Otherwise way fewer people would like Sailor Moon and people wouldn't meme about Dragon Ball's pacing.

For the record, I didn't make that. And I have read the whole manga and watch all the anime and movies.

I just happen to believe everything it says is true.

>Is the "game aged terribly" a real complaint towards old games?

Yeah, go play Goldeneye.

Games aging badly is a legitimate phenomenon that needs to be studied further.
Look at Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64.
Both released in 1996.
Super Mario 64 is 21 years old whereas Pilotwings 64 is now considered to be 25 years old.
That's why emulation is so important, to preserve these aging games.

I did it, and I enjoyed it (on a real n64, not the m+kb one). Also I never played it back then.

Emulate it and use a mouse, my friend.
Suddenly playable, still amazing.

Can someone give me a quick rundown not trying to meme, just don't know a better way of putting it of Ranma?
I never watched it.

I'm not talking about people watching the anime instead of reading the manga. I mean what I said. A large chunk of people get their opinions on Ranma from actual fanfiction, itself written by people who hadn't seen much of the series.

martial arts prodigy trains in china and falls into spring that turns him into a girl and has whacky adventures

Games don't age badly.

We do.

looking forward to this when it is uploaded to sadpanda.

guy gets turn into a girl, fights with people, hilarity and boobs ensued

M64 is still playable, I replay that thing like every three years since it came out, only now I felt the camera to be somehow clunky.

You both forgot the most important part of the story.

How his dad arranged a marriage with a daughter of a friend of his and the two fall in love through their bickering.

Gender Bender really is the best fetish. Needs to be in more video games.

no one gives a shit about akane

That explains the gender transformation tag on boorus.

I do.

long hair akane is best akane

Yes but it is hard to define. It mostly comes from controls and UI. Over time developers found better ways of doing and implementing things. Going back and playing old games can make these aspects seem obtuse or inefficient in comparison.

Ranma does.

And the story focuses around their relationship.

Anime Akane is shit.
Manga Akane a qt.

just fyi, he is 100% a girl when he transforms. Even his brain seems to switch over.

Its only a real complaint if a later game made it obsolete.

Law of Ranma: If a guy turns into a girl in a series, they are best girl
There are no exceptions


Did this come out at last winter's Comiket? I need it

I don't think so. There is a release will be at Comic1*11 which is next month

He turns into a girl when in contact with cold water, hot water turns him back into a guy.

He fucking HATES it at first, but by the end of the series he doesn't seem to care that much outside of wanting to be a guy permanently through finding a cure.

But she's a literal psycho.
>Third last
Never mind, I see you have awful taste.

SM64 is still the king of 3d platformers

Many find controls clunky and bothersome. Or are too casual to even get to do beat any of the old games :^)

Everquest aged terribly. It was, and still is, incredibly fun. Sadly, however, there are facets about it that have simply outdone it due to more recent developments and understanding of player audiences. Grinding as much as you did in EQ was great for meeting folks. Now it's a chore for a spoiled brat like myself after playing current gen MOMs.

Games like Starcraft and Abe's Oddworld aged well, where the art was more unique and independent of perspective due to stylization and gameplay was rather simple and fundamental. They hold exactly as you remember them, for the most part, and have vast repeatability.

In short, yes. I believe aging is a viable argument.

>Is the "game aged terribly" a real complaint towards old games?
Yes. There are some things that were alright for the time because they were all we had, but that compared to better, newer, methods wind up looking ridiculously clunky and terrible.

The fifth gen gets peggs for this a lot because most of that gen was figuring out how to do 3d games decently, and that arguably didn't happen until right at the end of that gen when gen six was coming out.

>Is the "game aged terribly" a real complaint towards old games?

Yes. There are plenty of products and media that has relied on a time-specific surges, trends, or fads to appeal to the public. Video Games are not exempt from this. Plus, if you can honestly tell a game has aged poorly in design or controls, then that's good. It shows that a portion standards/practices have improved.

These stream of posts
is a good example. The early portion of the Super Mario franchise had a line of sequels with continual improvement in mechanics and gameplay.

There's no harm in saying something from the past should be kept in the past.

I need more comfy late 80s/early 90s anime openings with qt girls dancing pls

>Is the "game aged terribly" a real complaint towards old games?
Yes, but it's not one that's frequently applied to games that deserve it. Especially in the case of games from the very late 90s through the late 2000s, games began to be complex enough that successors to those games would attempt to either build off the mechanics of that game or refine them, and in both cases often went horribly wrong. You'll often see people saying a game feels "dated" because a new game streamlined a clunky mechanic or added QoL improvements to a system at the cost of complexity, when in reality said game really just dumbed down the mechanic and they're just someone who lacked the capacity to understand it and prefers the newer version due to its simplicity.

I like how his character develops.

>Is the "game aged terribly" a real complaint towards old games?
Of course not. Its just casuals being unable to handle real games and making excuses.

post 'em my genetically superior bros

no cheating

btw real average would have been 185 but there was a fluke 220 when I was blinking

You can't say this like some hard and fast rule.

Older Pokemon games for example are both clunkier and simpler.

>Is the "game aged terribly" a real complaint towards old games?

It is a real complaint in that people acclimate to conventional gaming standards, and when those standards change, the previous generation is now that much more foreign, and thus doesn't function as smoothly for the majority of new players.

If you're not a fucking tasteless spaz however, you should be able to enjoy the game just like the day it came out. It's a valid concern in that a majority of new players won't enjoy older, less used mechanics, but it doesn't change the quality of a game for those who aren't faggots.

But I frequently play WW. Even though it's obviously a weaker entry than SF2CE or SFT game still solid as rock, specially if you compare with all the clones or fighters released before. Probably some autistic will complain with technical shit I don't care like they do with 1st gen Pkmn games but the game is perfect in its premises: select a fighter, move it with the stick, press attack and it attacks and moves exactly like they're supposed to. Sounds ridiculous but try playing shit like Fatman or Heavy Nova or any fightan considered bad by everyone.

The previous points made against your point were done better, without name calling and projection. People in this thread have already pointed out that there are plenty of old games that aged poorly or were extremely outdone by their sequels within the same generations.

Your post is not only poor but also practically useless.

I'm not saying that ww is bad, but there's no reason to play it (unless you want to break the game or just mess around ) when sf2ce or hf exists.
I would even say that CE is the real SF2 if we dont take HF's changes. Super and ST are another story.


>there are plenty of old games that aged poorly or were extremely outdone by their sequels within the same generations.

And some people still go back and enjoy those games without feeling like they've aged, so it's clearly a subjective view on which we perceive games, based on how acclimated to the generation we are. Sorry if this demolishes your point of view.

>The previous points made against your point were done better, without name calling and projection.

You need to seriously get a grip. Your opinion on my usage of insults is unimportant. The fact you even thought for a second to complain about name calling on Sup Forums is so fucking psychotic I can only hope you kill yourself before trying to defend yourself.

>Your post is not only poor but also practically useless.

Now who's projecting? Kek

why doe (s)he suddenly have more hair

Just a Reminder:
The Ranma anime is now 28 years old

I thought this was a meme but recently I think this is a genuine complain

Some games are pretty bad if you play it now, especially if you played a sequel that is way different or fast than previous games,
So far, most of these games are JRPG like FF on PSX

>best girl is a boy
is there anything woman can do right?

Go through the PS2 library and you'll realize that 90% of the games you loved from that era are unpolished and that you were better off not playing them at all

>is there anything woman can do right?

Once we perfect machine breeding all women will be shot to the sun via rocket

post anime game OPs

>Is the "game aged terribly" a real complaint towards old games?

I'll use an example i used other time someone made this thread:

I used to have fun with Karate Master because at the time it was the only fighting game i knew about, but if i went back today to play it i wouldnt be able to put up with the controls because i have experienced better fighting games since then.

In short; you can overlook art and music but gameplay if mechanics become archaic the game has aged.

It's ancient Chinese curses
I ain't gotta explain shit

why didnt they just drain the pools so people would stop falling in them?

That's adorable..

Over time, designers have come up with ways to make games easier to play and more intuitive. Games like Zelda or Metroid are incredibly hard to play nowadays, not because of structure or concept, but because of controls and feel. Stuff like attacks becoming a sweeping attack, or being able to crouch or aim diagonally really helped making the games more intuitive without having to sacrifice on the original overall experience. Having said that, some people have more tolerance towards clunkiness than others, and are able to appreciate this overall experience despite it.

Also posting the superior Takahashi series.

Then you got Cursed Chinese Holes instead.

so just fill em with dirt

Isnt this the episode where he's forced to compete to marry some random fuck?

Then you got cursed Chinese dirt.

then we water that dirt with holy water so it cancels out the bad juju


>Cursed chinese dirt
>Use that to grow cursed chinese fruits
>Curse the entire world
These madmen must be stopped

It was a movie, and not forced. They had magic water that would turn anything dipped in it into a man. This made Rama go full shameless in trying to get "chosen" so he could use the water as a cure.

The movie isn't very good, great animation and all the girls are hot, but a dumb bad plot..

NEVER trust a chinamen

Oh right, now that you mentioned it was an ova my sister rented and forced me to watch back in '97...

>Otherwise way fewer people would like Sailor Moon

What why? If anything the Manga is better, Mamoru has an actual use in the manga.

This is so true and so weird. I've never seen any other fandom where a significant portion of the readerbase had only read the fanfics, never seen the anime or read the manga. I wonder what caused it.

The only thing even close to that I can think of was Kingdom Hearts fandom in the early 2000s.

everything that isn't in the manga is legit terrible.

>attacks becoming a sweeping attack, or being able to crouch or aim diagonally
These don't feel superior to me, just a different set of rules.

The anime sucks but the manga is a decent 7/10 Genderbender Shounen Manga with a boring cop-out ending.

People into shounen, action or comedy have all moved on but there's so few (good) genderbender series out there that Ranma still maintains a following for that (see: Why almost all the recent doujin/porn is for female Ranma when it used to be more towards the whole female cast)

Ohhh don worry! You can trust me!


Absolute fanon

Definitely. But they make the games easier and therefore it's easier for people to get into the games and appreciate their core qualities.

>That image