Just finished it.
Persona 4 was better.
Just finished it.
Persona 4 was better.
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>I need to be edgy and contrarian to maintain my cool image!
OP's a baiting fuck, but I was disappointed by how quickly the writing tanked.
I really wanted to like it but the narrative really took a nosedive after the Kamoshida arc + the main cast being a mixed bag.
Sums up the protagonist and party quite well.
Everything surrounding Makoto is trying WAY too hard. After two dungeons where you could brush it aside as necessity for exposition the game makes it clear that it's just going to repeat Persona 4's structure again, right down to the last member being woefully underused. Characters lose all agency sans whoever is the lead character of the dungeon, who will only have agency when the plot demands it (so none at all in truth). It finally becomes clear that all the non attractive adults are 100% evil and that the game REALLY takes the Phantom thieves being unambiguously just at face value, with any attempts to question it just being angry caricatures flailing about like it's a shitty political cartoon.
The writing is fucking awful, and it starts to settle right as Makoto joins.
Hashino and Yamamoto replacing Yuichiroh Tanaka Akira Kawasaki as lead writers this time around was a mistake imo.
Don't talk shit bout my waifu
Why? It's not appreciably worse: it's just as bad as it always was.
>it's just as bad as it always was.
Wow could you be any more of a blind cocksucker? Even Persona 3 plot was of higher quality than 5's despite shitty pacing here & there.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
It has without a doubt much more interesting and unique dungoens. The Confidants overall are of much higher quality (no shit tier ones like the kid you tutor or the music club girl).
Same goes for the party: No annoying bear puns, no faggot, no bland Yukiko. Even Ryuji is at least stupid on a whole different level instead of just a worse Junpei.
I also prefer the plot, since it is on a different scale (not just catching a small town murderer, but catching several big time criminals and eventually the prime minister to-be). I also prefer palaces representing somebody's distorted desires instead of a part of themselves that they don't want to face.
You mean Persona 3's structure I assume? Regular dungeons with random farming dungeon that becomes the last area of the game. I don't think it's a bad structure and from Futaba onward there seems to be enough of a spin on it to not make it feel like just another bad guy to catch.
>the game REALLY takes the Phantom thieves being unambiguously just at face value, with any attempts to question it just being angry caricatures flailing about like it's a shitty political cartoon.
That's not true though. When Akechi starts to show up I felt like he made the case that the Phantom Thieves are morally not quite on the right side fairly well. Of course at the end of the day the game is being told from the perspective of the Phantom Thieves so the conclusion has to be that they are just or else there wouldn't be a game. If after 2 palaces they just decided that "Oh yeah, maybe we should stop changing people's hearts" then the game ends after 20 hours or so and they wouldn't prevent the coming ruin.
>Characters lose all agency sans whoever is the lead character of the dungeon, who will only have agency when the plot demands it (so none at all in truth)
What are you even trying to say? A character always has agency only when the plot demands it in every medium...
>No plot for 2/3 of the game, and then just lame generic bullshit.
>Somehow any better than disappointingly generic bullshit.
I have no idea how you could have strong opinions about the writing in any of these games, aside from "it's not good." None of it does anything thoughtful, unique or even unexpected.
Its just P3/4fags coming out of their autism closet after the newest game curbstomped both of them as best in the franchise + RPG of the generation.
Even the honeymoon arguments have little substance to back up.
>I also prefer palaces representing somebody's distorted desires instead of a part of themselves that they don't want to face.
Meh. They're the same thing.
>You mean Persona 3's structure I assume?
No, I mean P4's "Here's a new party member, we introduce them, have a dungeon relating to them, rinse repeat" structure. They flipped it by giving you the new character during each dungeon instead of at the end and fighting someone tormenting them instead of their own Shadows, but it's nearly the same narrative with a different coat of paint.
>Of course at the end of the day the game is being told from the perspective of the Phantom Thieves so the conclusion has to be that they are just or else there wouldn't be a game.
There's plenty of games where the protagonists aren't clearly heroes and are arguably villains. The game throws the likes of Akechi up as a strawman to eventually be beaten into submission to their viewpoint as Tokyo as a whole comes together under the protags' cause. It's terribly, TERRIBLY written and eschews the inherent moral dillema because admitting that a rational person could argue that they're as bad or possibly WORSE than vigilante assassins just isn't good for marketing.
>A character always has agency only when the plot demands it in every medium...
No, character agency is not only "when the plot demands it." The very CONCEPT of character agency is that characters have meaning and take actions that have consequences even when the plot isn't calling on them to do so. Having everyone stand around doing nothing except this dungeon' s designated character isn't agency. It's pretending they have agency while displaying that they have none.
Nah m8
And now you have the beta faggots like OP trying to pretend they're the MC.
Its fucking true though. Literally the majority of their complaints scream "its not like P3/P4 therefore its shit".
the thing about persona games is whichever you played first is gonna always feel the best
aint this the truth
Not necessarily. I started with 4 and it's my least favorite. I'm itching to replay a Persona game but the uninteresting cast of 4 is turning me away.
the first i ever played with persona 1 on the psp and that's my favorite even though i've played everything else in the franchise since then.
Persona 4 is an example of a game where the whole was greater than the sum of its parts.
Persona 5 was definitely more polished, and is probably better in an objective sense, but I still prefer Persona 4.
How can Ryuji be this retarded?
>finally get to yakuza guy on the ship
>fight takes forever and i did the whole dungeon in one day, basically everyone is low on SP
>no save room next to him but i figured i'll be ok since i'll probably just be running to the treasure room and then leaving
>fucking akechi cuck shows up
>thankfully bought the Soma item in the casino with chips that fully restores everybody's HP and SP
>finish the fucking guantlet of fights, really panicked i'm gonna die and have to do this whole 40 minutes of fighting over again
>fight over, scene makes me feel for akechi
>at the very end when he sacrifices himself, they play the fucking cheezy techno sad music instead of the redemption music
could've been a powerful moment, but that really deflated things for me
I feel like they just can't find a happy medium between story and daily life shit. The scale is always too heavy on one side compared to the other. P3 has too much free time where nothing was happening. P4 had too many fucking SoL events clogging shit up. Then P5 has too much story railroading. Pacing is always fucked up.
Ryuji at least knows he's an idiot, that means he's not as dumb as most npcs
i actually think the ratio of dungeon to daily life is pretty even in this game. the problem is that most people will do the dungeon in one chunk as quickly as possible and then the social stuff gets pushed into another huge chunk. they need a way to somehow incentivize breaking it up so that people don't do that and get sick of either.
also, IMO, if each dungeon was about half as long and with half as many days to complete them that would be ideal so that it doesn't take 10 hours to advance the story. i don't mind long games, but this just feels bloated
Might help if the dungeon didn't also eat up your evening for the vast majority of the game. Going into the metaverse just basically writes off the whole day as it is.
>It finally becomes clear that all the non attractive adults are 100% evil
Are you talking shit about my best friend for life All's Good in the Hood-Tora?
I played 4 first and 3 is my favourite. In fact I think 4 is the worst one.
He's a fucking idiot but he's my fucking idiot. I just cant be mad at him
>that bit where he goes ballistic at the old dude in the bathhouse
Man I was giving another listen to p3's soundtrack and it's so great. Even the stuff from p3p. I don't think 4 and 5 match up to it honestly. I like just about every song. I mean who didn't enjoy coming back home to that funky dorm music? Feeling that shit down to the bone.
Personally I believe you are wrong. While Persona 4 was really good and relateable, nothing beats the NPCs from Persona 5. They were not only well written, but also inspiring. Take Kamoshida for example. He was an amazing character, someone I could easily relate. Honestly I'd say Kamoshida should have become the protagonist of the game, but whatever.
Persona 5 also has the best girls in the franchise, like Ann.
So in conclusion you are dumb and I am right.
>tfw 9,999,999 yen
Persona 4 was trash though.
I played P1 second and it's my favorite.
P3P has "Time", and that song is the best.
People give Ryuji a lot of shit, but he's still more useful than Ann
Should I fuse Trumpeter before completing the casino?
Not at all. Kamoshida was very aware of what he was doing. The Phantom Thieves are carrying out a very precise and ethically dubious lobotomy.
Do you want to toot toot?
but I would also like to get the Judge arcana to actually give me bonus exp. When does that kick in?
Tell me your jew-fu secrets.
Judgment maxes immediately after Casino
of you aren't getting 10k every fight get the fuck out of my face
Save this for NG+ or you'll ruin the game for yourself.
Wrong. I started with 3 and prefer 2, 4, and 5.
Akechi-kun is wrong
that's smart as fuck but honestly not worth the effort
I'm only in the 5th dungeon but I have sp regen 3 on every char w/ the best armor and weapons (not guns) and I don't think I've been under 200k in like 2 months
Yeah, you're probably right. I didn't bother with it until the end of the game because I wanted to try to get as many items as possible before NG+.
It's extremely useful for completing the compendium as you can just buy your way to fusing every persona
>time it takes for Persona 4 to let you loose in a dungeon with all the tools available to you: 2.5 hours
>time it takes Persona 5 to do the same: 4.5 hours
You can watch an entire movie, maybe even two short movies, complete with a beginning, middle, and end and full character arcs, in the time it takes the game for you to actually start making decisions about how you spend your time, fuse personas, dungeon crawl, etc.
I don't remember 3 being that bad. I mean, it was pretty bad, but P5 is slow.
Also, I'm only 4 dungeons in, but the game has the same problem P5 had; it's stuck in a pattern. P4 repeated the same cycle of "teen disappears, shows up on midnight channel, embarassing shadow, YOU'RE NOT ME, boss, joins party" for most of the game until november or so. P5 has its own pattern, which is a little more involved, but I still know when everything is going to happen (they even TELL YOU the next mark before you've even met him!). It's so regimented that there's no surprise.
At least in P3, it's like "I don't know when Akihiko's doctor will let him fight" or "I don't know who the next party member will be or how we'll meet them" or "oh, Junpei's dick got him in trouble and I'm short a party member during this boss" or "Shinji fuckin died." P3 had its share of problems but at least I didn't have the story figured out a quarter of the way through the game.
P5's combat is good, though.
holy fuck, what a scumbag. I'm so fucking fired up to get this guy. Don't care if he goes braindead or what.
>woah this guy's a dick, huh?
>You are comically stupid and also your shadow really makes no sense but I guess I'm supposed to hate you because the game tells me you're a Bad Guy.
Tell me they get better. First palace gripped me but I'm less engaged now.
4th palace was much better
I excused P5's repetitive pattern simply because it was all interconnected and had a role in something much bigger. You just don't figure it out until the very fucking end of the game.
That doesn't necessarily make it any more fun to endure but at least it wasn't just dungeons for the sake of dungeons
I can't believe Sup Forums is following the Zelda rule with Persona now.
5th palace was pretty meh but otherwise they get better from 4th onward
3 first
ranked them 4>5>3>1
P4 party was better
I'm pretty sure I know the twist (let me guess, the interrogation is happening in the Metaverse, not the real world, and either Sae or her boss is the Shadow of the palace), the Judas (Goro is seen working with Sae. It's so clearly Goro), and the big bad already.
Oh, I'm sure they'll pull some random final boss out of their ass at the end like they always do. But aside from that, I know all of the story beats.
You're actually way off on multiple points.
>Yes man
>Literal retard
>The worst's most bland human being
>Squiggy if he was a teddy bear and also way more annoying
>A long hallway with a sign that reads "hotdog convention"
>the one person who actually understands how to solve mysteries, but is unfortunately also super grating and a buzzkill
>also none of them are actually relevant to the story once they join your party and might as well be removed entirely
>only two characters actually help you figure out who the killer is while the rest of the party is in another room pissing themselves over ramen
I can't think of a worse party
>I know all the story beats
>he says as he gets every story beat wrong
Congratu-fucking-lations on being such a retard user.
Like i said. P4fags spewing their autism are never to be taken seriously.
I don't get it. He's actually loyal to the MC without being a self-entitled fag like Junpei or an ass kisser like Yosuke.
This. Great game, The early game carry that shit, The last day/dungeon of the game is also great. if the writing was constant, we would have had a perfect game probably.