What's your opinion on this game?
What's your opinion on this game?
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gameplay is way too shallow once you figure out you're supposed to play more conservatively
also they ripped off the backers
Needed A Vita release literally no excuse
But """muh Heart conditions'"' excuse removed mostly all the good shit out the game to the point where they just were trying to make excuses just to get a free pass
Hell what are the Devs of HLD doing any ways. Soundtrack was good though
>also they ripped off the backers
What did they do?
what do you mean?
>Needed A Vita release
Why? So they could sell two extra copies?
Fun. Huge disappointment if you were a backer.
Another, typical, scenario of lots of cut content.
Took too long for 60fps support.
Like any typical Kikestarter they promised all this shit but didn't deliver. The one that pissed me of the most wasbtye fact the Vita version got canned even though the Vita can definitely run HLD Since the game doesnt even run at 60 fps since gamemaker doesn't allow 60 fps for just pixel shit , and the used Muh Heart condition as an excuse.
Then they remove the fun shit from the game, and was left with something that was barebones at best in my eyes. Hell didn't even add new shit like a Vita realease or add new content like shoval Knight did
>Then they remove the fun shit from the game
like what?
Literally a Kickstarter goal that that they lied about
Vita owners deserve to get shit on.
Fantastic visuals and sound. I was listening to the ost last night. I wasnt a backer because I'm not fucking retarded, so i have nothing to say about the jewery stated itt. Gameplay very fun. Interesting way to deliver plot but there wasn't much plot in the first place so whatever, it wasnt an important part of the game anyways. I have zero other complaints about the game. Its a 9/10 in my book.
It's a fantastic indie game, the gameplay, the music, the visuals, all of them are wonderfully done.
It's 60 fps on PC now.
Not worth for giving a (you) to you
Stop spreading lies it's a 7/10 at best. The only redeeming thing is probably the music
Followed the project from the start. The amount of time it took to make, and the amount of cut content made me really dislike the final game regardless of the actual quality. We maybe got 1/3 of the content promised and shown. Plus the beta played far better
Just go to the Kickstarter page somewhere between a third or half of the enemies, areas, weapons, and abilites they show aren't actually in the game.
Was interesting, but in the end I couldn't even finish it, was rather boring.
>user being this retarded
calling a game boring is the laziest criticism
most of his gripes are already fixed
Interesting concept but both story and game play were extremely shallow. Couldn't finish it. I was not surprised when I learned it was a kick starter game.
reddit-tier trash
Not an argument
Name a couple then
Not an argument
Not an argument
Played it before it was available in 60fps. It was alright but the fucking dash mechanics were dogshit and constantly had me skidding everywhere.
>also they ripped off the backers
this too. Glad I paid them nothing.
Did you know that saying "not an argument" 'GASP!' ISN'T AN ARGUMENT?
I thought it was pretty fun. I didn't follow it during Kickstarter or anything like that so I wasn't let down by stuff in it. I can understand why someone would be though.
Still not an argument if you give an actual one I'll have a reasonable discussion with you but I guess that won't happen
Game is decent and the ip is pretty cool. Unfortunately it's fairly poorly coded with lots of bugs and also the developers are sjws but that only really shows up in the credits
OPINION? Heh, what am I, some sort of opinion-having faggot?
I was pretty excited for it. Tried it. It was boring, predictable, and unremarkable. It was also pretty small. It was trying to be a lot of different things.
I'm usually more on the positive side but they burned me. I bought it expecting things they had promised and shot from the trailers wasn't even in there. They stole my money. Tried to get a refund and couldn't.
Fuck HLD.
It's almost like game scores are SUBJECTIVE.
It's a solid 8 for me. HLD was one of my favorite games from 2016, if not my favorite. I probably went back to it the most. I'm due for another playthrough, in fact.
I'm hoping they bother to come out with an extended version or dlc or something, game feels too light.