A game made by a few fans has generated more hype than any of sega's 100-man big budget efforts

>a game made by a few fans has generated more hype than any of sega's 100-man big budget efforts

How did it happen?

because its much easier to make a 2d game, especially when they recycle a lot of levels and sprites

and 3d sonic sucks

Sega is too incompetent to handle their flagship franchise correctly.
It went downhill since Sonic Adventure games, should have just stick to 2D.


Hype doesn't mean shit when people don't actually financially support it in order for their efforts to be worthwhile and not just about getting it finished.
A lot of hype but no support is more common than a cliffracer.
Get an issue where you need to take longer than you should have? Need competent help to fix a problem? Real life gets in the way?
All that hype is meaningless. it's just what it is; hype.

Well, it's a game that corresponds to the expectations of the only worthwhile fanbase (not the autistic furry one which came with Dreamcast - they don't even play games, only write fanfictions and draw diaper porn). I mean, it has creative levels, good controls/psychics, improved graphics and animations if compared to the older 2D titles good soundtrack and it's not focused in some retarded story. Hell, I really want to get this shit day 1. I wish we had something like Metroid Mania or Castlevania Mania released for Nintendo consoles, high tier professional 2D games

If Sonic Utopia was backed by SEGA like Mania, got a budget and a team of artist/coder drones to do the grunt work and all that like Mania, would it have more hype than Sonic Forces? Would it have more hype than Sonic Mania?
Because as an indie fan game, we all know it will never be even close to finished.

they still managed to fuck up Sonic 4
how do you forget how the physics of your own game work?

Haven't Sega lost the source code of Sonic 1 and for this reason we had Sonic GBA?

>Castlevania Mania
Would buy day 1

Mania's being made by people who actually like Sonic games and know what people who liked Sonic games actually like and want.

They already did it

post bubble shield webm right the fuck now

There's a fan-made upgraded remix type game for the Ghosts 'n Goblins series called Ghosts 'n Demons. I wish Capcom would give it a plug on their website (as they did with Street Fighter X Mega Man) because it is very well made.

I just assumed they gave less than two shits when porting it
I remember the physics for Sonic Advance being good, but different - did they lose them as well?
There's nothing worse than a floaty Sonic

No fucking excuse
The new devs are just incompetent at mimicking the classic physics

Nostalgia fags and non-fans
I can't wait for this game to come and go so that the bandwagoning can go away

>Castevania Mania
>Not CaslteMania

>implying mania isnt going to sell well

its what people have been asking for a long time

How about you shut the fuck up you double nigger?

That's a different NES game.

>guys making Mania did an awesome job with Sonic CD, 1 and 2 in digital formats
>make Mania looking into 2d classic with momentum
>people get hyped

Now Sonic 2016, that is 2017 and now Forces
>Boost back
>people fine
>Modern and Classic Sonic
>people asking "another Generations?"
>probably story like SA2
>people going whatever
>add to the fuel the 3rd character, THAT ISN'T TAILS OR KNUCKLES
>people not impressed and some thinking it would be Adventure Sonic
>oh, and the gameplay for classic Sonic isn't impressing kinda slow and is GREEN HILL AGAIN

In short, Iizuka fucked the hype for that game and right now seems like a gamble of what that shit will be.

Because it's the first game in a long time where the developers clearly know what they're doing with the property and what exactly made Sonic work.

It's honestly not a very difficult concept to understand but for some reason, Sonic Team is only staffed by idiots.

>double nigger

where did this dumb unfunny phrase come from

No DIMPS fucked up Sonic 4

though they made Sonic Advance so


There's no such game called "CastleMania" on NES

Forces looks so lame. Just make Generations 2 if you're gonna throw old Sonic in there. Instead there's this awful looking story with more stupid characters tacked on.

>so triggered
Found the nostalgia fag, can't wait till you leave

>It's honestly not a very difficult concept to understand
I don't know about that...Taxman spent a decade and a half creating his Retro Engine and figuring out the physics

this only makes it more confusing

Found the Adventurefag
Fuck off to you autistic furry

Oh you're right, I was thinking of CastleQuest.


They also made Advance 2, 3 and the Rush games which were all awful

7chan sonic meme

>uses "nostalgia" as an argument while defending a 19 years old game

>he doesn't know there are other Sonic games
>he thinks all Sonic fans hangout on Deviantart

>Advance 2, 3 and the Rush games which were all awful

Because they haven't shown anything of Forces besides 20 seconds of Sonic boosting down a hallway and 10 seconds of janky Gens classic Sonic in Green Hill (which looks worse than it did in gens for some reason).
The latter is especially bad when you consider Mania is right next to it and shows a far more faithful interpretation

Now I'm suddenly defending a Sonic game from 1998? Go join some other bandwagon kiddo.

They never lost the source code.

Even if it did, it's out there free to download for anyone to grab.

Taxman didn't figure out shit. The documentation for the physics engine had been available for years thanks to the contributions of others. The only thing he was figuring out was how to build his engine.