Hbomberguy vs Matthewmatosis. Which of them is right about Dark Souls 2?
Dark Souls 2 opinion
the one that says dark souls 2 is good
nobody is going to watch your shitty 80 minute video fuck off
im right
He says life gems were genius, i just can't agree with that.
Really liked his BB analysis though.
I miss dark souls
Not my video asshole.
>hbomberguy is a DaS2 apologist
Pretty much all you need to say about DaS2 really.
People on Sup Forums dislike DS2 because Matthewmatosis told them to.
what is
>DaS2fags think they can read minds
do you not like Dark Souls 2? What's wrong with it
A lot of things aside from the PvP. It did a lot of great things in regards to PvP, but was garbage in most other cases. Want a long list?
ill take the list please
>just don't lock on
correct but this just makes it a joseph anderson regurgitation, no reason to watch when his video exists and is briefer
I hated das2 at first because I felt the shrine of Amana was bullshit faggotry. But SOTFS I loved. And I thought the last quarter was fantastic, I really like the lore as well.
joseph anderson is the only person who's correct about dark souls 2
I think you're sposed to watch this video in a car
>Hbomber likes DS2
wtf I hate DS2 now
I know this is most likely bait, but i am actually really fucking sick of this stupid "dark souls 2 was actually good" meme.
DS2 is fucking shit and always has been, that's why it was so hated when it came out and was continuously hated throughout it's lifetime until the 3 kings DLC came out, which is the only good things to have come out of DS2.
DS2 is shit for far too many reasons for me or anyone to really list out but the obviously gigantic problems are the horrible tracking enemies have, too many mob bosses, giga sized hitboxes/shockwaves, dodge roll iframes being fucked up, shit level design and layouts.
Also the game is very ugly graphically and stylistically, like way worse than DS1 looks and even worse than DeS, and even though i am sure nobody could possibly argue against this, you could just say this is my personal opinion so i left it out of the small list above.
Objective literally who reviewer rankings:
joseph anderson > matthewmatosis > superbunnyhop >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hbomberguy
and I kind of like DS2
That's ok. None cares about your opinion.
the point of the "dark souls 2 was actually good" meme isn't the make people think that the game is good
it's just meant to try and stop the excessive hate that the game gets, which is further spurned on by a lot of the issues that dark souls 3 has
sure, ds2 has a lot of crap parts, but people seem to cry about those parts so much that they completely forget about the good and interesting parts that 2 had
Fuck off Hbomberguy. I'm not watching your video.
"It's shit" seems like a really really overblown reaction to this game. "I didn't like it as much as dark souls 1" "It's the worst dark souls" those all make sense but I mean I can think of 100 games that fit the "It's shit" qualification more than Dark souls 2.
Spiderman 3 for the Playstation 2, for example.
E-""Celeb"" shit
DS2 sold over 3 millon copies. Was it really as bad as Sup Forums think it is?
>im not as cool as this guy so im mad about it
See here's the thing about the whole 'the game was always good people', their still wrong, the reason it seems like there's a push in people acting like time has vindicated the game is because people like you who don't like the game, don't advertise that you don't like it.
Not gonna watch 80 minutes of this. My opinion is that 2 improved and failed in somewhat equal measure and isn't much worse than 1. However it's not the same game so it gets shit.
Isn't he the literal cuck who makes pro-feminist, pro-diversity videos?
Sure, that's a fair assessment. When i say it's shit i'm talking about in relation to other souls games. Compared to DeS, DS1, DS3, and BB, DS2 is definitely shit. If you talk about a grander scope of is it a shit game compared to other modern games then yeah it's not so bad, definitely better than most games these days. But if i was to replay any souls game again, DS2 wouldn't even cross my mind.
Still eceleb shit that has no place on Sup Forums maybe on neo-Sup Forums or Nu-Sup Forums
>Compared to DS3, DS2 is definitely shit.
It actually feels pretty good that someone else has gone to the effort of vocalising the things I've been saying on Sup Forums for literally years.
I'm also glad this guy actually calls out matthew on being the massive scrub he is.
you cuckers sound like chickens whenever you show up in a thread.
cuck cuck cuck.
get your chicken politics out of my video game ranting, please
>riding on the hype of the dark souls series
>bandai namco literally lied and false advertised what the game actually looks like
>people buy it before realizing they got bamboozled
Wow yeah i guess you're right, it's not so bad after all.
>Compared to DS3 DS2 is shit.
>eat shit, millions of flies can't be wrong
Stop memeing your shitty video
People on Sup Forums like DS2 because Metacritic told them to.
Funny joke. But seriously, Hbomberguy is a genuinely pathetic and ugly SJW cuck.
DS3 > DS2.
Even the obligatory swamp level in 3 is better than anything in DS2
Literally this.
DS3 has plenty of problems and faults, but it's certainly a more enjoyable game than DS2.
People on /v]/ are contrarians. They don't play the games they talk shit about.
I think the only actual engagement with the video itself and with DS2 as a game in this thread, was when someone talked about how the video mentioned not locking on, and the shit man discussing how the mechanics and timing etc. was bad in DS2.
I mean I guess that's nice but is anyone gonna talk about /MY/ favorite part of DS2?
>Assuming Sup Forums actually plays games
no it isn't
dark souls 2 has some great levels, and those ones are much better than most of the levels in 3
>Also the game is very ugly graphically and stylistically
Thank you. The game is such an eyesore.
Did you forget to post a picture or something?
Which swamp level? DS3 has more than one.
1. Soul memory means that everybody has the exact same build for PVP. Its just a rush to hit the softcap in every stat
2. Soul memory also places an annoying time limit on where you can invade and coop. It made specific invasion and coop builds a lot less fun.
3. The level design was a mess for the most part. It had nothing that I had come to expect from the series. No use of vertical space, no sense of scale, no persistent world design (although there were a few transparent attempts and convincing the player otherwise). The levels didn't feel very organic either. Mostly they were just hallways and box-shaped rooms with nice looking skyboxes.
4. The bosses were underdesigned for the most part. Most of them honestly felt like they were mobs with their HP beefed up. Few of the bosses had more than a handful of attacks, and barely any of them changed things up as the fight progressed.
I liked dark souls 2 the best. I can't explain why like the people up there I just.. I liked it a lot guys.
Dark Souls 2 isn't terrible, there's just a lot of 1 step forward, 2 steps back in the design.
A stat that increases animation speed is nice, but agility shouldn't have been tied to i-frames. It just creates a lot of issues regarding hitboxes.
Speaking of hitboxes, the grab animation of everything seems to create a giant black hole that sucks you in if you are remotely near it. Grabs also can't be escaped from early like in every other souls game.
Enemy damage as a whole felt like it was way too high. Most end game bosses could one shot you even if you pumped vigour to 30 to 40. Heck, most regular enemies dealt way too much damage. The spiders in brightstone cove do 60% of a 25 vigour person's health. Most of the bigger enemies two shot you.
This wouldn't be so bad if everything didn't aggro in a group. You can even stand way for back and shoot things with an arrow and it still aggros the whole group.
Another issue I had was the world design. Aside from the obvious floating sky volcanoes or underwater harbours, there was just a lot of shitty things. Almost every direction and area you go has a point of no return that you can't get back from without using a boner. This was super obnoxious when I tried to do a no bonfire run shortly after release for the ring. I touched the gargoyle bonfire after killing them because I wanted to get the key to light up the Sinner arena and was worried the dogs would gang bang me. I then found that I could not get back at all without using the bonfire since a boner would just teleport me to the bonfire, and there was 3 broken steps preventing me from going back up.
Another instance of this is the broken ladder between Huntsman's Copse and Harvest Valley. There's a small drop you have to go down and you simply can't get back up because the 3 rung ladder is broken.
There were also way too many large humanoid knight bosses.
I don't hate it as much as others seem to. In some ways I respect it for trying some different things. But it's too unfocused for me to ever care about it in the same way I care for the others
>Even the obligatory swamp level in 3 is better than anything in DS2
Honestly, this
I had more fun exploring Farron and creating a mental map than I did exploring anything in DS2. Everything was a fucking hallway.
Dark souls 2 was the game I desperately wanted to like. I told myself I had to like it so much, but I just couldn't. As a videogame, I thought it was cool. But when you put it in context, it's abundantly clear to me that it just doesn't match the other from soft titles. I blame the vidya industry for the hate DS2 gets. If from soft weren't one of the FEW devs making DECENT games, we wouldn't be so fucking hungry for them.
Dark souls was a fucking BLESSING to the videogame industry. Like, huge blessing, big fucking blessing. It was only natural to feel overly disappointed in DS2
>1 hour and 20 minutes video
Fuck off.
It doesn't have anything to do with "grafx", it's about the aesthetic design. DaS2 is uglier than DaS1, even though it's supposedly more advanced.
felt the same way about Twilight Princess
Hype can be a fucking drug.
Summed up my thoughts completely, I would just mention the incoherent story and lore, as well as the majority of the bosses consisting of humanoid enemies that attack you with weapons, disappointingly easy final boss as huge cons for me.
i TOLD you you're sposed to watch it in the CAR
good lord he's so smug
This is my main gripe with dark souls 2. No matter how technically well made and how much build variety it has, i can never get over how bland and forgettable the levels and some enemies were. When I am playing DS2, it's like I'm hearing it scream "I AM A SOULS VIDEOGAME". When I play demon's souls I just get "into" the world. Same with DaS. I just get inside of the world. And I swear to god I am very open minded and have tried to enjoy dark souls 2 as much as I could. I did enjoy it, but it just wasn't like the other ones.
I would swap matt and Joeseph; I just find he tries just a little too hard and I don't like his voice. Bunnyhop is also reddit incarnate, but even liquid shit is better than hbombergay.
>game that got downgraded while from kept quiet about it until near release where people started noticing the shitty textures changing
>people hate it
gee, I wonder why.
The only people who get upset about the word "cuck" are literal cuckolds.
hi im hillary clinton
in this divisive time of our nation, i think its important to have a dialogue between DS2 haters and DS2 lovers.
if you have the time, talk to your children about dark souls 2. talk to someone different than you. keep the discussion alive.
thank you for listening to me despite the fact that i lost to nazis.
You are right. Hype can exaggerate success and failure, and I would argue the ones benefiting from the "hype" are the publishers. Namco ran the whole fucking "prepare to die" campaign on our stupid asses. Dark souls 2 wouldn't have recieved so much hate if it didn't follow to the massive media hype of DaS
He's British, they have a big unjustified sense of superiority.
Dude, people liking Joseph Anderson is a meme. All he does is say shit that literally anyone with a microphone could say. Sup Forums only bandwagons him because of Matt's lack of quantity and Anderson's supposed having of such.
>tfw the souls fanbase got old enough to have unironic DaS2 apologists
I-it's totally fine, guys! It's totally acceptable for the main game to be shit because there's a few hours worth of okay DLC waiting for you!
cant be a cuck when i dont have a girlfriend biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch
The grafixs looking so bad is interesting to me.
For the most part it just looks like they cranked the gamma on everything and removed shadows but torches and bonfires still cast shadows.
Also looks like any normalmaps and most specular have been given the axe which is why everything is so flat.
Going onto level design, the area past here is probably the best example of how shit the level design is.
The area past here has nothing of value, is full of enemies you've fought before with their stats buffed and also contains nothing visually appealing to act as a distraction.
They also miss out on the chance for a bit of that loop design that DS1 had, there is a portcullis blocking you from rejoining the rest of the area, instead of placing a level for you to open or being able to get up on the ramparts they drop a bone for you to teleport with.
dude not that user but thats not even the fucking point. if a fucking video is longer than it would take your post to hit 11 then you can fuck right off with expecting people to watch that shit.
What ever opinion is that the game was worse in some respects but did things well. it is the kingdoms of amaulr of the souls borne series. its average, just kinda there and a little bland but not bad, especially when you compare it against other games. Like amalur you were most happy it would run on fucking anything. Gotta give them thumbs up that game runs great on anything
I dislike DaS2, but that doesn't mean others have to dislike it aswell. You cannot run your opinion as if it was the truth. Now, we could argue on what the MAJORITY of souls players like and enjoy, but that's another discussion. People are allowed to like DaS2
DS2 is literally on the same level as fucking Superman 64, you cretinous little shit eater. Dark Souls 1 was art and they follow it up with one of the worst games to ever be released for sale.
There was always DaS2 apologists, the reason it sounds like there is more of them is because the people who didn't like DaS2 don't bring up a redundant topic.
that's ellizabeth warren lmao
I wish my standards were so high that I thought dark souls was as bad as superman 64. I wish I had your life.
do a bunch of normalfags love ds2 or something and that's why Sup Forums shits on it? posts like is why I cant take you faggots seriously when you discuss this game
thanks for explaining the joke
also im hillary clinton still
no it's not. he's been increasing in popularity everywhere. "shit that literally with a microphone could say" is something you could say about any youtuber. People don't though and he does.
Way to leave your name on, retard.
I'd probably leave forever if I ever did something this embarrassing.
okay I found the name function I'm not hillary clinton anymore
That bomberguy is a fucking idiot.
Matthewmatosis didn't suddenly make everyone think DS2 was shite, he simply made a video that clearly articulated all the issues in the game.
You don't need matthewmatosis to know that Shaded Woods/Ruins -> Tseldora is some of the worst level design in any game ever.
You don't need matthewmatosis to note the games extreme reliance on large mobs, especially in contrast to DS1.
You don't need matthewmatosis to point out how the lore and story of DS2 are completely unfulfilling compared to DS1.
This is one of those one step forward, two steps back things that other user mentioned. The idea that it's been so long since the Age of Gods that their history has been twisted and retold to the point where it's barely recognizable? Fucking fantastic. But then you have to explain what happened to the First Flame and why this world is still living in the Age of Light. Wasn't the world dying last game? Oh we're just not going to talk about it? Okay.
Even if you ignore DaS1 entirely DaS2's style of storytelling is weird. Okay we went to Drangleic to find answers about our hollowing, disregarding how it's possible to shift from male to female in a flash but whatever. So you get to Majula and suddenly you're this true monarch? And now we're trying to solve the mystery behind a missing king and his gold digging wife? You can't even get the answers about your hollowing until you buy all the DLC. Or buy Scholar. What the fuck does my character even care about the Throne of Want?
No one has mentioned the fucked up movement?
It feels like you're floating over the ground the entire game, like the animation you do isn't properly tied to how fast you're moving.
>they drop a bone for you to teleport with.
don't forget another useless bonfire!
Coming up with shortcuts is hard work
I'm pretty sure is being ironic. As in, he's mocking militant dark souls 1 fanboys by facetiously posting like one.
those two are totally different though, joe really digs into a game's systems while matt likes discussing the "experience" of a game
while matt's biggest problem is his autism, joe's is his absolutely terrible taste
It has nothing to do with that. Honestly i am one of the least graphicsfag people on Sup Forums. Whenever a new game is coming out and people post screenshots pointing out that a single leaf has one single jagged edge and make a retard post "WOW DOWNGRADE MUCH?" i actually cringe. I play games with all types of graphics, and when my PC was really shitty i played games heavily downscaled and it never really bothered me. Running smooth has always been more important that graphics to me.
The problem with DS2 is that it just looks worse than DS1 is every possible way, i mean what the fuck, how do you downgrade from your PREVIOUS game in such a major way? Like i said before it looks worse than DeS for christ sake, their very first game in the series. It's just inexcusable.
Agreed desu. Matthewmatosis just helped put a name tag on the issues. He just put it in the right words and that's why I liked his video.
You can't take objective fact seriously? Go back to your safe space.
Ironic? Fuck off. DS1 was the first game in almost a decade to show real effort, creativity and quality in this shithole of an industry and then they follow it up with inane shit like 2. Absolutely garbage.
I mean I watched the video (because I have a car, do none of you have a car, what is wrong with you) and the thing is whether you like or dislike dark souls, the video does talk about some ways in which mighty matty was wrong.
locking on for every encounter, using the shield, and the more subtle aspects of the story that mister matt didn't get are discussed here.
it's cool if you don't like dark souls 2 in spite of that (and the video talks about it) or if you have other reasons for not liking it (the whole graphics changing thing was... yeah) but like, come on man. get a car.
>i mean what the fuck, how do you downgrade from your PREVIOUS game in such a major way?
B Team got overambitious. They made an entirely new engine, and halfway through development realized that there was no way to get it to render at playable speeds on PS3 and 360.
Then they jewed us and used the same shitty engine in the PC version and SOTFS
>Ironic? Fuck off. DS1 was the first game in almost a decade to show real effort, creativity and quality in this shithole of an industry and then they follow it up with inane shit like 2. Absolutely garbage.
ah yes
obvious troll is obvious
Are you bomberman? The guy literally was saying MM memed DS2 into being bad.