This is a 10/10 friend Sup Forums

This is a 10/10 friend Sup Forums
Remember to treasure him





I agree Makoto is 10/10

I like Ryuji but he gets a lot of hate around here

Ryuji is the reason you get found out like three times

>Haru was probably going to water her plants but saw some people outside and politely stood inside waiting for them to leave

i just hit x until he stops fucking talking

When your sole goal in life is to give away your groups existence to anyone in earshot when you're supposed to at least attempt a modicum of secrecy, yeah that tends to happen.



he's still a bro that would have your back no matter what

so was ryuji being a cunt or was morgana being a little bitch during their fight



So did a 60 year old japanese man write him or what?

Ryuji was definitely being an asshole.

Eat a dick Ryjewji


Don't need dumb braindead retards as friends

P5 MC is the strongest guy anyways so no need for muscle head drone

Yeah, after he got you into the shitty predicament that you fucking need him to have your back in the first place.


>Don't need dumb braindead retards as friends

Yeah I'm sure you have no friends

that's not Mishima

Morgana shits on Ryuji at literally every opportunity he can.
Ryuji started doing it back, and Morgana couldn't handle it and acted like a little pussy



I mean god damn dude we've only talked twice and the first time you were being a little bitch about the coach.
Who gave him your number anyways?

I have a few but none are retarded

I'd kill myself i was friends with a loudmouth fuck who can't keep his mouth shut

Morgana regularly takes the bantz, he just started having an existential crisis which made him more vulnerable

anyone else think ryuji's jacket looks comfy as fuck?

>tfw brojiro after finding out about the phantom thieves
>tfw he will never be your dad

He's cool in the beginning and end, but when he's obsessed with fame in the middle he can be pretty annoying.

Honestly one of the best characters in the game, he and Hifumi should have replaced Morgana and Haru

>Chocolate from my mom still counts right?

>Hifumi was originally intended to be a party member but cut in early stages

Fucking why.

I made this for you guys I hope you can use it well

Game was getting too long

I saw this like 3 days ago

>Good game being long
Again, fucking why.

I think it's kinda cute how Ann basically says he's a mama's boy

In a game that already had eight party members her story ark didn't fit. She was the navigator back when the game didn't even have the theft theme, and seemed to be more about being trapped.

I didnt experiment very much in my first playthrough

Can you tease/interact with my waifu Makoto before the third dungeon arc where she starts stalking you?

I just made it like at 5am today you could even search the archives and see

They would have had to add another palace inbetween the space station and the casino, and it probably would have messed with the pacing too much.
It probably would also mean you wouldn't end up fighting god at christmas eve

I honestly don't see how it is an insult. My mother was always a nice lady, and she took care of my dumb ass for years. Makes sense that I should spend time with her any chance I get.

He starts out great then goes downhill super hard. Easily the worst party member.



>persona game

these games are literally made to be played like 45 minutes per day by overworked/overschooled japs

If you play for over an hour the pacing becomes dogshit but that's not an issue for most fans because it's part of the charm

but to say anything could ruin the pacing is foolish, the pacing is ruined from the start

Also they didn't need to give you 3 weeks for every dungeon after madarame, and if they condensed the story shit into like 2 days instead of 5 day stretched of not being able to anything they could've easily fit in another dungeon and party member

most people just stick to a combination of the first party members you get regardless

How does morgana react when you try to romance ann?

Persona 5 was a fucking waste of time

Literally 90% of the game is gathering party members before you can do shit with the entire cast its end game already for fuck sake.

One more member would have dragged it

>yusuke literally crashes at your place
WTF, how the hell am I supposed to fap now?
Also when do I get his social link?

Let's stop for a minute and appreciate this stellar voice actor, holy shit.

I've legitimate laughed at some of his line deliveries--you can almost picture out the voice actor acting out the scenes in the studio.

He literally sounds like a real person, unlike Yusuke where he's a one-trick pony.

>how the hell am I supposed to fap now?
That was my first thought, exactly.

I mean the pacing of the narrative. If it just lingers on another palace, it would have honestly been dragging on by that point.
Also your post literally just devolved into you talking about how they would need to change the pacing to accommodate.
They clearly valued the effort it would take versus what it would add to the game, and didn't think it added enough to justify it.

He's like the stereotype of "that drunk irish friend".

Should've been a redhead to seal it.

Dub is actually pretty good. Has some rough spots here and there with Japanese names though. I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would.

being railroaded into a week of story days is a flaw regardless of if there's an extra dungeon or not



Holy shit, Sojiro's confidant has a unique solo Mementos boss that's weak to confuse and drops ~60k yen each time. And because it's solo it cycles like 4 times faster.
>shadow is supposedly having money problems
>gives me 3 million yen in 30 minutes

Just got the game. Should I play this with JPN or ENG audio? I prefer JPN audio but I hear that some subs were cut out during scenes

The worst sections of the game are when you finish a Palace and have 3+ weeks of nothing but social stat grinding and social links. I like social links but 3 god damn weeks of it with no plot in between is way too fucking much.

If you prefer Jap play with Jap most things are subbed

>he goes back to the dorms
thank what ever diety is in this universe. I can fap in peace once again.

I can see why, but I still love him.

He's the only one who really lets the PT stuff go to his head midway through but I was kind of annoyed when Yusuke brings up how they were all blinded by popularity when it's just Ryuji. If it was him mainly apologizing for it I think this would lessen the hate somewhat.

He's a good guy and I liked his confidant a lot. Instakills are also really great in places like memento

Then maybe you should go to sleep. Aren't you tired?

The funny thing Sa-kamoto is that it's very close to how the Japanese pronounce it.

I've always heard it as Saka-moto growing up, until I asked a Japanese-immigrant co-worker how to pronounce it, and it was pretty close to Sa-ka-moto.

another problem that could've been solved by an extra dungeon, then

but also I'd rather do s links all day than dungeons


He's a retard, but he's /ourretard/

Literally nothing. S-links never affect the main game.

You're right, Miyano is great but thats to be expected. were talking about the Japanese voices....right?

>I hear that some subs were cut out during scenes

Just background news stories and updates, with maybe the odd extra yelling something completely obvious.

For some reason in 5 I did it differently and spent the first week or so working on links / preparing items, did my dungeon run(s) in the middle and then finished off with another week or so of links. I don't know how optimal it is but I felt way more comfortable doing it this way instead of rushing the dungeon on the first day and ultimately had more fun, I think.

His persona is the best, always kept him in my party
But then I upgraded his persona, and it's some fucking clown monkey on a ball

I see. Probably different pronunciations based on whatever letters are used to spell it in Japanese. But there's also that really weird bit with Ann's last name where it gets pronounced differently in the same scene. Granted it was by nameless npcs and not-moot, but still.

I wish I had done it this way. I feel like my experience was ruined by rushing the Palaces 2bh.

Damn, I was hoping for jealously since the pussy wants to get into some pussy.

I hope Persona games can find a way to drop this pattern. I like the dungeon crawling but the fact that you're encouraged to cram it all into a day or you miss out on time just ruins the experience

Getting to spend time with S-Links because you did the palace early always felt like a reward to me

Getting to spend time with Makoto is my reward

Well personally outside of a select handful I don't enjoy non party member social links at all which is why I hate the three weeks of it.

Early game and social link Ryuji is really great.. BRO as a BRO should be tier. But the writing seems to fall off and characters get more generic/anime like as the game progress

As soon as they deal with Kamoshida he's reduced to being annoying as fuck and being wrong about everything.

The whole group is conspicuous as fuck anyway. They meet in a crowded walkway in Shibuya for fuck's sake.

They all openly text about being phantom thieves in class when anyone could be watching. Hell, they don't even stop after it gets established that a hacker can read their shit.

Ryugi is at least dumb enough that it feels like he shouldn't know any better. The rest of the cast doesn't have an excuse.

I actually really liked a lot of the side links in 5, plus at the very least they give you incentives to work on them this time with the skills.

>after futaba joins the group
>makes 50 jabs at the cat
>ensue forced drama

The skills are definitely a good addition, but they clearly ran out of ideas when they got to Devil.

i have no idea how people can hate teddie but like morgana

Puns are shit

morgana also makes puns and also pervs on girls and is also a retard like teddie, but teddie never pretended to be an expert on anything

Ryuji has his moments, but is largely the worst character in the game in part due to the writer abusing "Ryuji does something fucking retarded" as a tool to create plot developments way too many times

At least teddy had human form.

When they were in public this was brought up and answered with "no one cares what a few kids are talking about anyways", your phone is always damn near under your desk during class, and after they found out someone hacked into your phone you can assume they already found your entire futa collection as well along with any current text history as well so it doesnt fucking matter.

A few friends just talking in a mall is completely different and much less conspicuous than "HOW CAN THEY THINK WE DID IT?! WE WERE IN THE RIGHT!" when one of your members was talking about how someone said the forums were saying x about the phantom thieves.

He's an idiot and he is the sole reason you are consistently found out outside hacking. Never used the fucker the second I had enough party members to sweep him to the side.

Teddie go to sleep



Teddie was obnoxious all the time and ruined every scene he talked in. Morgana's Anne obsession is pretty low key and hes only really annoying when you have to chase him around the mementos.

He audiably sighs when Ann comes over for Valentine's Day.

Felt good to cuck that whiteknighting faggot. What he gets for not letting me do jack shit

You wouldn't have been able to do shit regardless if he were there or not.

If you're gonna establish that apparently they're in some kind of fucking sound bubble because no one cares what kids are talking about, why does it matter if Ryuji's yelling?

When do they even get found out because of him anyway?

Reminder that cats are evil.


>Teddie was obnoxious all the time and ruined every scene he talked in
morgana is quite literally more obnoxious

Because Morgana doesn't have an ear torturing squeal voice delivering every single line. He also doesn't scream all over the battle music like Teddie did.

His character is basically the same, but its a lot more subdued. Him lusting for Ann is more of a childish crush than Teddies awful throbbing rape erection.