First Mass Effect Andromeda now Battlefeont 2. Why do they insist on making the character uglier than the model?

First Mass Effect Andromeda now Battlefeont 2. Why do they insist on making the character uglier than the model?

I performed Felatio Hornblower on a urinal mint I fished out of the bathroom at my local Walmart. I thought that it would taste like lime since it smelled like one and it was green, unfortunately I was mistaken. I think the worst part was having the residual piss drip into the back of my mouth when I realized that this latest "progressive trend" I kept hearing about on my college campus was ultimately wrong. Anyway. After I spit the mint out, back into the urinal, I promptly threw up as I was standing up. Yes...all over the handle where you push to flush the thing. I checked for paper towels to clean it up but I guess the janitor hadn't stopped by yet so I did what any normal person would do in this situation... Or at least my definition of "normal." I scooped up what I could using my hands in a cupping motion and hid the pinkish paste in the baby diaper change station that was conveniently folded down. I closed the station, attaching it to the wall, and left as fast as I could. Fucking sucks because on the way out I remembered I needed to buy a toothbrush and Walmart is the only store near me, the gas stations I checked didn't carry any for some reason. So here I am with the flavor of puke and urinal mint still in my mouth on a Saturday night. It's an abstract feel not quite as abstract as a Van Gogh painting, but a feel none the less.

Thank you for telling your story. You're very brave and i admire you for facing your fears.

They screwed another model over? Geez..

>giving a fuck about mass effect after me3
>giving a fuck about star wars after disney bought the license
move on, user. i did.

Show me a picture of this bitch without makeup, and maybe i'll give a shit

Bad example desu

So brave.

>Western games are making women uglier and uglier
>Jap games are making women cuter and cuter

Really makes you ponder...

>Jap games are making women cuter and cuter

The fuck? Women have looked the same on japanese games since the late 90s.

Part of it has to do with the fact that they're in a fucking military, and you can't go around wearing sex hair in the military. Especially since Western developers, EA/DICE being one of them, have massive hardons for realism.

If this was made by an Eastern Dev, who approached it in a stylistic manner. She'd have curly sex hair, not bow tied to the back. She'd look far better thus.

See The Witcher 3. The women in that game follow a realistic model, but they are not constrained by specific dress requirements. So weather they're peasants, prostitutes, or sorceresses. They all look good, because their natural beauty is accentuated by hair that is not specifically constrained to a style and can be styled in any manner the woman sees fit or is able to do.

But even then if they're approaching it in a "realistic manner" in the star wars universe, since when is a chick a commander in the empire?

Can you think of why Lucas only had male officers in the 70s?

Is that Shiva?

Take this woman for example. She's pretty good looking, but she's not all makeup'd up and dressed to go out on a night in town. If she curled her hair, wore skimpy clothing, and added makeup that flared her eyelashes, added eyeshadow, and hid blemishes via foundation; she'd look far sexier.

They're approaching the graphics model realistically with reference to actual reality. But are taking stylistic choices with reference to the actual content, character, and story; and last I recall, there's no specific rule or law that says that you can't have a woman commander in the empire.

Bad 3D rendering of a model thread?


Left looks heaps more attractive than right

They probably scanned her face when she wasn't wearing a shit ton of makeup to hide the fact that she doesn't really look like that on the right. Stop blaming devs and start blaming women.

Why did they darken her skin? Fucking blackwashing

Logic doesn't apply here. If a random screenshot doesn't look exactly like someone's headshot taken at the perfect angle, where they have a hollywood-grade makeup job, and the benefit of just the right lighting then the game is hopelessly ruined by the "ess jay dub-yoos."


She's ugly either way.

I feel like you dont really wanna discuss the actual face model. I feel like you want this thread to derail into other type of non videogame shit.

Looks good to me

Do you aspies really care how character models look in video games? Some new level of vanity previously unheard of? One of the most pathetic things I've heard in my life. Sup Forumserina SJWs really ruined this entire website.

So you are saying there is a high quality frostbite engine AAA scan model of the Shiva actress coming up. Ummmm, interesting. I wonder if i could pose her in different ways not originally intended by the creator.

Why does she have a Fisher-Price toy strapped to her bust?

They're just looking for a new Tortanic daily.
There's plenty of other complaints to be had with EA and Star Wars by themselves, let alone together. A myriad of other things to be actually bothered by that are significant to the gameplay and quality of the game, but not this.

Honestly, it's not a bad model at all. The new Battlefront game had great visuals and sound, it was other shit that made it so fucking awful.

Video games have always always had problems with long hair. Let's not forget that she's in the military so they have to have their hair tied up like that unless you wanna look like IQ from Rainbow Six Siege with that shit in your face while you're operating.

I wonder if they modeled the She-Dre.

That woman has make-up on, you blind faggot.
Or do you think women's lips are just naturally that bright red and the pigments drops off that hard?
You think she has naturally unblemished skin that looks so smooth it could have been a photoshop filter job?

The fuck outta here.

scanner cant melt makeup!

If they made it looks like an actual usable piece of equipment, they would have to add more than just lights and sounds to the toy they plan on selling.

>Take this woman for example. She's pretty good looking, but she's not all makeup'd up and dressed to go out on a night in town.

Except the part where she's wearing fucking make-up, you blind cunt

No, it's the Bobbum Man

She's already done nudes for other shows if that's what your wanting



Why hire a model anyway?

famous actors often look like models for some peculiar reason...

I still wonder why devs pick women who look like shit without make up. Is it really that hard to find a qt girl that is not plastered with makeup?

>First Mass Effect Andromeda

Terrible scans of models have been a thing for years.
Only in very specific cases it gives something that both resembles the model and looks good.
Have you forgotten about pic related, or maybe you are too new to remember it?

>Is it really that hard to find a qt girl that is not plastered with makeup?
every single woman outside the 3rd world use makeup before going to work.

you think the left two shots are of a bad looking woman in this ?

Everything is SJW Washed character.

Zoe Quinn's hair only lacks a couple of colors to look like a tachyon.

The ostentatious hair color fad is really taking its tole on my sanity.

because it's made by blonde jews a.k.a swedens.

indians, negros and pakis looks very bad in western games
well today everything looks bad in western games even naughty dog

Because real life is easier at making women appear more attractive.

>excellent lighting
>make up done by professional
>hair styled by professional
>wardrobe fitted and tailored by professionals
>a couple hours of photo shop

>scan of woman's face without all of the above

She's actually ugly when not spending 4 hours to look as attractive as she possibly can.

>Another Battlefront

And it's going to sell gangbusters, i stopped getting mad about this a long time ago in a far away board.

Looks just like her though


I think a good number of anons post this shit as bait now though so you can't be too sure who's being ironic.

Are you stupid or is this just bait?


the epic tri-force of gaming power.

If It ain't broke.

So question, is there a campaign confirmed for all sagas, or just the sequels?

Could we possibly get the 501st again?

Except he's fucking right?
Do you even know what filters models go through?

The answer to all your questions is DLC.

so happy that unlike you fags that bitch about the game and end up buying it i will not!!! ea does not get a single dollar from me

Western devs really have the ugly boner don't they

Reminder : Bad Company 2 was the last good game dice made.

she looks perfect,fuck you m8

>caring about ME after the first two
>caring about anything star wars related after the original trilogy
Apex wew


The same the affected HZD. Some new technology devs don't seem to realize is actually shit, I'm almost positive.

>ugly women exist


Did anyone else see the MEA tier animation in one of the shown parts from this cutscene?

Also what's wrong with her eyes. Maybe they pushed trailer out rushed.

That's why EA must DIE. They're the tumor of gaming industry.

I just want to know why she is the only one with the helmet off. You never see a helmet less trooper in any movie.

literally virgins the thread. what do you pillowfags think is an actual beautiful woman?

>ugly women now exist every where and I am now forced to look at them instead of good looking women


Your mistake is believing that they made the character uglier than the model.

That model isn't attractive.

Are you dense? Problem is that hideous 3D model, not the actress.

Typical Uncanny Valley, just like HZD.

>Being tricked by makeup, a hairstyle, lighting, and head angles
You're an idiot, OP.

I don't get all the fuzz, the protagonist looks amazing for her role. people just like to make mean comments

~~~~~~ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

>Hey, hey guys, we need a good look for our gritty special forces team leader for the evil empire, what should we use?
>I was thinking maybe a gritty war veteran kind of look
>Maybe we could just have the standard faceless trooper for the player to self insert into?
>Nice suggestions all around but nah let's go with the snippy indian telemarketer lady, you know, the classic.


Do you understand how head scanning works?

Yeah, you'll point out how she's ugly. Yet, you won't point out how he's dark skinned, and how this isn't just devs pushing SJW "strong womyn" bullshit on whites.
Fuck /nu/v

I'm not an insecure bitch out to get offended by trivial shit

No you're a worthless piece of shit nu-male that needs to have his shit pushed in
fuck you faggot


nope. pillowfags just want to be a watered down Sup Forums only with 300x the misogyny angst.