How do we fix MMORPGs?

How do we fix MMORPGs?

I performed Felatio Hornblower on a urinal mint I fished out of the bathroom at my local Walmart. I thought that it would taste like lime since it smelled like one and it was green, unfortunately I was mistaken. I think the worst part was having the residual piss drip into the back of my mouth when I realized that this latest "progressive trend" I kept hearing about on my college campus was ultimately wrong. Anyway. After I spit the mint out, back into the urinal, I promptly threw up as I was standing up. Yes...all over the handle where you push to flush the thing. I checked for paper towels to clean it up but I guess the janitor hadn't stopped by yet so I did what any normal person would do in this situation... Or at least my definition of "normal." I scooped up what I could using my hands in a cupping motion and hid the pinkish paste in the baby diaper change station that was conveniently folded down. I closed the station, attaching it to the wall, and left as fast as I could. Fucking sucks because on the way out I remembered I needed to buy a toothbrush and Walmart is the only store near me, the gas stations I checked didn't carry any for some reason. So here I am with the flavor of puke and urinal mint still in my mouth on a Saturday night. It's an abstract feel not quite as abstract as a Van Gogh painting, but a feel none the less.

you can't, they're fucked

wow fucked them and no one wants to stray too far from wow because wow's the normal model

what did he mean by this


also, good combat and dungeons
remove crafting

there, that's it

This is some weird ass copy pasta I've seen thus far


>How do we fix MMORPGs?

remove the multiplayer aspect

unironically this

this was essentially a somewhat repetitive but still single player MMO and it was a great game because of that

>remove the multiplayer aspect
So... Xenoblade Chronicles X?

XBCX was boring. I had fun for a bit at the start, but it feels like it's missing soul.

I would also like to know.

Make one that's invite only.

You know the guy on OP pic is a huge fucking fag
Nothing like
"Nice job"
And so on
I don't feel like talking my life out to some online character
You can go out or there's this thing called social network

Easy, force people to socialise.

No automated LFG tools and traders, but force people to talk to others to organise themselves.

play EVE online

We don't have the technology yet.
In the future when we're better able to simulate a living breathing world mmos will become more popular.
Right now your only option is to throw $200 million at a game to make it maybe break even with wow feature wise and then watch it die anyway because the people still playing wow would rather play wow.

Make them player driven primarily. EvE online is a good example. Give players a world and let them figure out what to do with it. But give them a GOOD world that endures under scrutiny and doesn't fall apart when someone discovers how to walljump or prevents himself being attacked by mobs by spamming dance emote in the midst of them.

Do you not realize that MMOs are social networks? They literally evolved from chatrooms.

We don't. Mechanically there is nothing wrong with MMOs. What you need in them is lots of content, an immersive setting, and a huge community. Quality helps as well.
They're built by the player base, not the game.

By making them remove micro transactions so I can actually fucking progress the game goddammit

>In the future when we're better able to simulate a living breathing world mmos will become more popular.
ah yes, the age of vrmmos, just like in my japanese isekais!

joking aside that's going to be some massive shit if/when it happens

Lemme know when a mmo that has tried that recent worked ;)

Most people aren't going to jerk off and sit in chat these days especially all the autist millennial.

but mmos like my taiwanese moving pictures are literally what people like op want.


that's exactly my point

depending on how fast other technologies advance it might be our closest shot at becoming the little girl, too

I'd just like an MMO with more race and class variety.
Playable centaur, naga, fairies that are as big as your hand and fly etc.

Factions and guilds/clans with competitive leaderboards. PvP contributes to faction and guild/clan leaderboard.


EvE online is a fucking meme

>warping to stargate
>warping to stargate
>warping to stargate
>warping to stargate
>warping to stargate
>warping to stargate

Kill auto matching if you want it to be social.

Otherwise make a cosplay character since it's a conversation starter.

Give pso2 a shot. Small english community on ship 4, large one on ship 2. They're all chatty because it's niche.

Mass appeal MMO's with matchmaking will never recapture the social aspect of old. Single serving friends speech from fight club fits here.

>That one faggot that won't shut up and does light roleplay on MMOs

>being a no fun allowed autist that wants to turn mmo into a job

You are a part of the problem.

I like this series, but the TLs went to garbage like halfway through. Fucking hate it when that happens.

The number one thing is the world must be engaging, and that means a lot of things. The world should be dangerous, active, and inviting. I thought the way Breath of the Wild handled changing temperatures and Link's response to them would reflect very well in an MMORPG. A snowy tundra should require warmth to navigate, unless you are a race that is stronger in cold (a race that would have difficulty in moderate heat as a downside). So on, so forth. You should see something interesting in the distance and want to travel to it, but to travel to it you have to work out the dangers between you and there.

Making an engaging world goes much further than simple survival aspects, of course, but I think realistic world conditions would be a healthy innovation for an MMORPG. You should feel connected to your character, and survival elements help with that. You should always have to be thinking about your place in that world, if you know what I mean; it should never become such a passive thing as it has in WoW and other MMOs.

>Being a fag apologist

>using fag as an insult
>insulting things he doesn't like

You're underage, right?

I read the first few chapters like two years ago but then forgot about it, was gonna start back up again.

Do you know if there's any significant difference between the LN and WN?

I had conversations with people in tree of savior when I'd stick around an area and party to grind but the higher level I got the less likely people would chitchat

It would work for people that want that sort of thing. It will never achieve the numbers that mass appeal gets.

If you want socialization you have to find a guild of like minded people and just make it work. Otherwise shits just not gonna happen. You won't get conversations out of people you might never see again due to massive populace from a 5 minute dungeon run that you were automatically matched for.

Moreso when it's fucking cross server shit.

Honestly no clue.

Does anyone have the screencap of that Dark Knight roleplaying his skill abilities in FFXIV?

That's why I love roleplay servers. Not for the few autistic guys with cash-shop cosmetic wings playing their edgy OC's but for the great fun it is when you rest down in a dungeon and do casual In-Character talk. Or just for the flavoured communication. It feels like nobody is actually taking his time to socialize and write/talk on non-rp servers.

Maybe I just played too much pen and paper and miss that kind of feel in modern video games.

I've always wanted to feel that but I'm just too fucking awkward.

>I'll be the [Sole survivor]

I enjoy that shit, seeing it puts a smile on my face.


This. The best parts about RPing is simulating casual events from lives of your characters and acting out the more peaceful parts of it.

>le internet haet machine, do I fit in guise

How to spot an underage idiot that actually came from there.

No one likes playing with autistic catgirls. EVE Online had the best community because it doesn't have this bullshit.

Stop shilling your shitty boring ass game dude.

>Grouping with randoms

There's the problem OP. If you want a social experience you have to find it yourself. Even in the 'glory days' of MMOs the best experiences were had in groups. Using quick finder type tools only really makes you part of the problem.

>Remove linear quests
>Implement achievements as quest replacement. "Found new area" or "Killed X number of Y monsters" or "Killed Rare Enemy" is now an organic process, not a railroaded one, so that players are encouraged to explore once again.
>Implement an economy (Producing/Crafting goods, running small shops, forming guild to guild business trade agreements) that is just as rich and complex as the combat
>Every zone is public, and only 1/4th of each zone can safely be explored solo
>Grouped level is roughly ten times faster than solo leveling

That's all you need to regain a sense of community centered around explore dangerous areas in a world that feels much larger because it is harder to travel across.

Honestly... if there are 30 year old males roleplaying little girls acting as prostitutes in a guild for ingame gold you can't be too akward to at least try. There is no awkward.

Try project1999. The game forces you to be social and there are real consequences for death and poor choices

This is why the community is great
You're not part of it

>completely ignores the argument

get better agility or fly a ship that can jump to cynos

I tried playing an aasimar in one of those NWN / NWN2 RP servers but kinda wussed out after logging in

To some extent, its the player base that's to blame. The people who played EQ and WoW during their haydays are long gone and moved on with their lives except me. Today's players don't have the same goals or willingness to overcome challenges or grinds. Vanilla WoW would never make it if it were released today, but people are still eating shit and playing modern WoW.

>haha you wanna have fun? FUCK YOU dude! get out of my excel simulator!!

I'm playing Tera right now.

It might just be me and my high elf obsession but it's kinda fun

EQ and Wow being good was always a meme. The wild west style of Ultima Online has always been superior.

instead of trying to fix the games you need to fix the players

Trying to force anti-social player to socialize is just gonna make him leave

what people don't realize when they say the social aspect is why mmos suck now is that also everyone is a fucking alt+tab or neck tilt down to get all of their social interaction they ever need
social media did as much harm to multiplayer gaming as matchmaking did
nobody wants to make fucking friends in games anymore
not when you can just have social media friends

>Joined a roleplay server in WoW expecting Warcraft lore and roleplaying.
>Everyone just uses it as a platform for their own little worlds.
>Surrounded by everyone from Tenchi style demi gods to man eating snake night elves with giant cocks and huge tits.

Man, fuck WoW.

Tera is good

Persistence at all levels.

I mean, I wish the cute outfits weren't so money locked but it's fun.

The fact that Sup Forums and other casuals butch about facing premades in MP games is retarded.

when did i say anything about premades

i-i would like to have game friends

Bring back the wild west, and with it, the social element.
Less rules, less rigid roles, and next no economy infrastructure.
Don't limit PvP to very specific areas that nobody uses. Have it be enabled in areas, but make it so there's more there to do to kill each other. Put valuable, rare resources in them.
Make each class, if there's a class system, be able to make useful things that other classes will want.
Make it so not every useful resource is available from NPC shops. Make it so if you want the dragonscale armor, you're going to need the skin from a dead dragon or find someone willing to sell you some.
No raid finder or what have you, for the love of god. Make people actually have to talk to each other, or else you might as well play with bots.
Cut down on hand holding in general.
Also, lose the detailed minimap. It ruins any sense of exploration or discovery. Hide a lot of things in your world.

To elaborate, by economic infrastructure, I mean shit like the Grand Exchange or a global trade system.

i don't wanna be friends with no stammering Sup Forums faggot


i'm sorry

WoW's actually been getting better about this. You have to form Mythic dungeon groups yourself and there's usually 10-15m before the run that you can chat a little with your groupmates. It's still pretty throwaway, but better than group finder.

>No raid finder or what have you, for the love of god. Make people actually have to talk to each other, or else you might as well play with bots.

Yeah, just fuck anybody who wants to do the old content or trying to catch up.
Spending an hour plus begging for group to do shit sure is fun.

Premades are the quintessential social experience in MP. You get your friends or find some randoms to party up and create a bond.

Simply don't create linear progression and lock content behind single player style roadblocks.

This so hard. Fucking Runescape has more content than WoW. Just how?

>using this optional thing makes you the problem
I hate this stupid argument against random group finder. Nobody ever stopped you from making your own group. That never went away.

good sliders and waifu making mechanics

if I can't be the prettiest waifu on the server, why even play?

>wanting to talk about a dungeon that probably has to be run 49 more times
there isnt any room for fun its all just mindless grinding

When you have to play like a robot to progress you might as well act like a robot. This is why the best MP communities are from games with little to zero grinding because everyone is there to play the game and not for silly numbers or trinkets

Fuck, OG Runescape had so many good ideas.
The Wilderness is the perfect implementation of a PVP area.

you can't. Modern culture and technology will never bring about early 2000s-style mmos ever again.

You either take your pick of wow clone or korean grindfest number 700

OG RS was great but not perfect. I think the grinding got a little too much, people were getting more interaction in private and eventually clan chats than in the physical game due to how much grind was necessary to git gud