Explain youself, america

explain youself, america

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less bound by society laws

you are able to make a fashion statement in America without being shame and dishonor to your family

>judging people by their looks and not their talent

I thought only women did this?

Voice is still qt though. Getting sick of playing as 9S right now. All that hacking in the 2nd tower was torture

She's based, and redpilled now that /mlpol/ happened

runka chunk

Nah she's still autistic.

Perfect for Nier fans

Wait? Rina-chan?

I thought she fucking died, of course she had to taint Automata with her shit tier voice

White women are so GROSS
Asian women can be okay

Dudes are mostly better

said no one ever

wasn't she that girl in brawl taunts?

Literally flashkino animation

Why do you care? Kira is nice and fun to talk to.

are you gay?

You should almost never look up what these voice actors look like. It mostly leads to heartbreak. American VA work is not filled with hot looking women.

It's like how the hottest sounding chicks in those old sex lines were fat chicks.

>Sup Forums in charge of fashion

>2b is voiced by Runka Chunk.

>Being a waifu autist who cares about what a VA looks like.

>mfw I actually quite like 2B's english voice. I've listened to the jap voice and to me it just sound like generic anime girl #463.

Who cares what the VA LOOKs like when you never see her anyway? With that said, I would've never guessed the english VA looks like a generic problematic attention gamur whore.

But 2b's eng VA didn't even play the game

9s VA however is absolutely based max level weeb. Was his first VA role ever. He also streamed nier on twitch voice acting the parts that were text only and his female voices were awful. 9/10

fucking rina chan.


>wasn't she that girl in brawl taunts?

she was the girl in those "Trapped" flash games that Slowbeef made fun od


during his streams with 2B's VA she's said she has the game and has been playing it, and sometimes she's given the controller.
But 9S VA was based, he's apparently done anime dubs aswell but he seems cool and his performance in the game was great, especially in route C/D.

>American VA work is not filled with hot looking women.

A2's VA's look pretty good.


What part of FILLED don't you understand? Do you have reading incomprehension? The uggos outweigh the the good looking ones.

Holy shit, learn English.

only weeaboos will complain

weebs should all be dragged out to the street and shot

she looks good compared to that fat nose gook. i bet her teeth are crooked like the rest.


Pascal's JP VA is tiny as hell

this is from a P5 event last year

>The uggos outweigh the the good looking ones.

yes and i posted a good looking one. not sure why your autism had to sperg out like that. you ok?

shes a small girl

I like 2Bs english voice. I wish she talked more

she's like 5'2"

Who does she VA?


i want to give her money on booze

Watch it


They can't. Japanese VAs consider voice work to be acting and are professional about their appearance as well.
In america its considered a joke and they will never been real acters, despite the fact a bad acter makes a bad voice acter.
All yanks respect is live action. Their voice acting scene will always be second fiddle to japan because of it.

Oh lord.

>tumblr looking dropout vs respectable looking gook
>respectable looking grandma vs respectable looking gook v2
This one is done right

Velvet from tales of berseria was her more recent characters.

No I mean like white dudes are mostly better than asian dudes. It just came out weird

asian pop boybands look better than most women though.
vid unrelated

What is this male power fantasy?

>you are able to act autistic without people calling you autistic because "IT'S JUST WHO I AM"
ftfy phamily

desu felt like A2 had more lines anyway.

Aint no race change going to fix that forehead

better than

live and let live my dude


>w-what? you're complaining that someone is being autistic? God, you're worse. Rather than complain, let things continue to get worse until you literally have autists screaming at you from every angle

She's a VA. Who cares?

Yooka Laylee devs apparently.

> autists screaming at you from every angle
this will never happen

overreacting drama queens like you that are afraid of different people are the worst

trump is pres, I dont have to explain shit to nobody

in regards to the picture, aesthetic goes a long way for normies. Look at Angry Birds. That game had been done years ago in a flash game and it never took off.


Why does Japan take voice acting more seriously compared to America? I seriously don't understand, even voice work for animated movies are voiced by well known actors and not specialized VAs.

Because you got defensive over something I said that didn't need it. I said most, I never said all. You reply was pointless. It only ADDS to my point if anything. Retard.

Japanese VAs:
>view VA work as low-paying job
>probably disgusted by the kind of people who would watch anime/play vidya

American VAs:
>huge weebs and memesters
>view dubbing weeb games as some kind of huge privilege

holy fuck

>view VA work as low-paying job


>mfw too intelligent to be german

>Japanese VAs consider voice work to be acting

As do all good American voice actors. A lot of them have acting background and training.

It's okay user, when you pull info straight from your ass your bound to just talk shit.

She's too skinny now

The A2 actresses are the same age

>low paying job
you're so oblivious it hurts

>Because you got defensive
>literally just posted a picture

not my fault you took it the wrong way and your autism spergged out like that. and i can see its still bugging you. fuck man, just calm down.

I'd like to think that, but then you have Rina-chan as 2B and Kirbopher voicing Garma.

God I just want to wedge my nose between her buttcheeks and sleep

If you're referring to Jon Tron, that's not because of his attractiveness.

White women, dude.

There isn't any training for voice acting, only play and movie acting. That's why video game and anime dubs are magnets for failed actors and Disney and Pixar movies feature actors instead of voice actors.

How do you know he's not a woman?

Unnatural hair dye is the female fedora, how do you fucking like them apples?

This is Yuuki Aoi.
She voices Pascal in Nier Automata and Futaba in Persona 5.
Say something nice about her!

Her performance was fucking shit, she completely distorted 2B's character by turning her into a loud, sarcastic and hyper-aggressive bitch.

And to back up my points unlike yours that came out of the ether, I used to listen to Rob Paulson's podcast where he would talk to other American VAs and the industry in general:


In fact I listen to a lot of different interviews, podcasts and documentaries. Hell, even DVD commentaries. The Americans take their work VERY seriously.

I just get annoyed when people just flaps their ass lips like they know what they're talking about. Meanwhile it's all bullshit.


As a response to what I said. It wasn't needed.

So let's take all the shitty Japanese VAs and use them as examples. I bet you can't even TELL bad Japanese voice work.

Do people like you try to peddle bullshit to people in real life or just on Sup Forums where it's anonymous?


Pick one.

>afraid of different people
Refer to when I said "ITS JUST WHO I AM!" and then kys

Why do people being who they are make you angry?

>a persons appearance shouldnt matter because they provide only specific audio
>a persons opinions on a stream does however despite that it will still be specific lines that they don't create, just sound

Racist opinions should be censored, nuff said.

>Any kind of dub
Not even japs use the jap dub in their games, why do americans get super anal when it comes to dubs?

>acting autistic "just because I'm so le randumb xD I'm not like others!"
>just being who they are
Because if that's who they are, they are terrible people who are extremely shallow

Why does it make you angry enough to keep complaining about my complaint. Why is your complaint more valid then mine?

that is literally how it works though

you can't decide to not associate yourself as a company with ugly people, this is morally wrong

you can, however, decide to not associate yourself as a company with people whose opinions may bring you bad rep

Except his lines never contained racism.

He said racist shit in real life, that's enough

Well said.

>they are terrible people who are extremely shallow
why? because they have dyed hair?
you must be very perceptive to know a person's personality just out of the colour of their hair

>Why is your complaint more valid then mine?
I'm not the one arguing that people should not be who they wanna be because it bothers me.
People's rights don't end where your feelings start.

Why do you hate freedom so much? Move to a third world shithole if you hate the First Amendment.

>>probably disgusted by the kind of people who would watch anime/play vidya
>Japs seiyuus not huge otakus themselves
At least the guys, and a lot of the girls even.

they're both ugly; what's the point?

>not liking Koreaboos

As I've been trying to tell people, bad VAing is usually the result of bad direction. "Good" VAs like Steve Blum have pulled bland performances due to bad directing, newbies have pulled good performances due to good directing.

VA direction's just a very invisible job so people naturally blame who they see.