We all agree he's the worst character, right?

We all agree he's the worst character, right?

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that'd be ann and ryuji

No because Ohya exists

That's not Ryuji.

Leave the zero alone

Moon is always a shit S.Link, but there are worse characters and he realizes his faults like midway in.


>Mashima be David Ruffin and shit

Worst? Debateable.

Most pathetic? Absolutely.p

Take that back you son of a bitch.


>Hey dude, this guy needs help from the phantom thieves, so i'm going to send him directions to you in person.

Fucking retarded. Change of heart or not.

You have shit taste.

But that isn't the fucking cat of sleepy time.

Leave muh boi alone

Yes because he is literally Moot.

>boring design
>dull personality
>annoying voice
>cocksucking fanboy
>cares more about the phantom thieves than the actual phantom thieves do
>actualy has good confidant bonuses
I still refuse to do his S. link

You hate him because he reminds you of yourself.

Sup Forums janitor s-link went about how I'd expect it to.

I have no idea why everyone shits on him so much.
His Slinks aren't that bad and the reward is really good.

He's pathetic but he is clearly supposed to be, so though he is not technically really a bad character, because he succeeds in making you hate him (like they obviously meant you to) he really is pathetic.

Everyone point and laugh at this man

shut it, piggy.
Moon is a trash social link. Your defining feature is being dirtbags.

He's supposed to be "that guy" user, your dialogue options with him are almost always "shittalk him" "subtly shittalk him" and "kind of tolerate his presence"

>Shit character, good rewards.

>Shit character, shit rewards.

I think he's cute.

Having no backbone and acting like a fucking sissy is not cute.

Maybe hes into sissy boys

shit taste

He's basically Sup Forums so Sup Forums hates him because they see all the shitty parts of their own character.

I find him quite cute, in a pathetic way. Still a way better character than Ann, The fucking Cat, Ryuji, or Goro

better than makoto but that's not hard to accomplish

>Sup Forums loves Chie
>hates Ohya

She's literally just black Chie, what's the deal?


He was fine after he calmed the fuck down.

>black Chie
What? She's not black.

>Moon is always a shit S.Link




I don't fucking understand why they thought having Ryuji and Mishima accompany you on the goddamn Hawaii trip was a good idea.



>Sup Forums loves Chie
Sup Forums hates chie, how new are you
>She's literally just black Chie
She's literally just drunk Yukiko


This guy is just a walking example of how pathetic a person can be.

so is yuki supposed to be that guy the made dollars from durarara?

>tfw you really relate to Mishima

Don't talk shit about Reval-..er...Mishima, damn it!

Meant to quote


There is no way you're as pathetic as Mishima. That motherfucker is a character created entirely out of Please Respond.


kill urself my man

He seems pretty chill. Gets me requests, gives EXP, overall harmless. We just called Becky for the first time so I'm likely not far enough to see the problem.

I used to be until I stopped talking to people in general.

Mishima and Morgana are easily the worst characters.

Ryuji took a nosedive from being Eikichi-tier to being just slightly better than Yosuke.

Ann and Haru are forgettable.

Makoto, Teach, and Tae are the top three waifus.

Yusuke is easily the best side-bro. I'd buy him lobsters any day.

Sho-gi-oh! and NEET are chill.

Soejiro is the best dad.

Ohya isn't a bad character, but her Social Link is easily the worst for obvious reasons.

Politician has the best Social Link but the most boring conversations.

Fortune slut at least gives good bonuses and your money back at rank 9.

Twins are nowhere near entertaining as any other Velvet Room residents.

Lala Escargot is my nigga.

Good taste

but i like him. he's alright. he just needs more self esteem.

>Sho-gi-oh! an NEET are chill.
Futaba is a garbage character holy shit.

>Lala Escargot is my nigga.
I agree. She should've been the Devil SL. She would've given the LGBTUVWXYZ people less to complain about and we wouldnt've gotten a piece of shit character like Ichiko.

Apart from Yusuke or Makoto the social link characters seem more interesting and developed than the main cast. Almost everyone in your party is a melodramatic bipolar piece of shit.

Futaba is cute, useful and deserves to be happy

I assume you think that due to the video game refrences, but it actually makes sense on a character for once since she has had been in so little social situations up until now

for free

>nearly every dialogue response to mishima is some form of shitting on him

fucking kek, poor mishima

This immensely. Ohya's personality and side story is just boring as hell. I got her to Rank 5 and just leaving it there

Honestly, what is everyone's deal with Ryuji? He pissed me off by being fucked retarded a few times (especially during the Morgana incident with the Haru Palace), but he's still a fun character to be around in my opinion.

Now I feel bad


I liked Ryuji too. I thought he was pretty annoying until he saves everyone after beating Shido.

Then I started liking him more and stopped shitting on him during dialogue prompts.

Why is Futaba so great?

fuck off. Yoshida is based.

I have aspergers and I feel bad for Mishima since I see a lot of autistic traits in him. He can't drum up an interesting conversation topic to save his life, his one interest (PTs) consumes him. He goes on and on about PTs because he has nothing else to talk about. I feel bad for him, and I think he's a weak character, but I still hate Ryuji more for wanting to spill the beans to pick up girls.

nah he's actually pretty realistic. ann is a much worse character because she's generic as fuck

Lala is my trap wife

Yeah, worst personality and design
Her first design was way better

She's sweet, cute, useful and deserves happiness. Even more so after what she has been through.

She would depend on you completely and would never leave you, she would be terrified of you leaving her infact.

He got shafted more into the joke character as more party members join. I also thought his comments to/about Morgana were pretty harsh. As soon as Futaba joins, Ryuji deems Morgana useless and decides to repeatedly let him and others know it, when Morgana has been struggling with his identity and self worth the entire game.

But yeah fuck Ohya, I regret getting that link to 10, what a waste of time.

We all agree he's the best character, right?

>neo Sup Forums hates Chie
Fixed that for you. She used to be popular before contrarianism made people hate her.

I thought he would be boring, but holy shit I've never warmed up to a character as fast as I did to him.

He's a man of conviction. Sunbros are always good.

No-Good Tora

>like his character but was prioritizing other shit that was more useful in battle
>november starts
>get a text from him saying that elections are coming up and after the halfway point in the month we can't hang out anymore
>prioritize his shit but still only make it to like rank 5 before i can't do anything else with him

feels bad, i really liked the way his story was going

Makoto, Tae, Sadayo
Ann, Ryuji, Yosuke, Iwai
Futaba, Sojiro, Sae
>People who must be protected
Haru, Tora, Hifumi
>Unimportant people (But good abilities)
Chihaya, GET SMOKED, Mishima, Ohya
Morgana, Akechi


I honestly can't bring myself to dislike him.

Started the Game expecting to love Ryuji, Ann and Morgana and hating Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba and Haru but It ended up being the opposite.

Not only is her story boring and her hair ugly, her confidant perks are useless. Security level has never been an issue for me.

I don't get why people keep blaming Ryuuji for Morgana's shit storm. He called him useless? Morgana repeatedly insults him as well. Ryuuji had very little blame to take for Morgana risking all of their lives being a fucking retard and running off.

>tfw that surprise on his face when someone calls him that

It hurt my heart everytime

if I romance several girls but not all do I lose anything? I heard you get the shit beat out of you, and only if you romance everyone that you lose something.

Please, I can't decide between Futaba and Takemi

I hate Yusuke age Akechi the most after Morgana.
Mishima is at least trying.

Ryuji is best bro.

The best part about his Confidant link is that it ranks up no matter what you say so you be rude to him all you want with no repercussions whatsoever

>Favorite demon/persona is Beelzebub
>Had to force myself to waste time on her shitty link so I could fuse him.

while I found him annoying to begin with, the part where he is trying to get signatures made me really like his character

Best Sun Social Link in modern Persona.

Prove me wrong

You can't

You get a comical scene if you romance multiple girls the day after valentines day where they get pissed and beat you up, except Futaba.

Who stands there crying with her gift she put extra special effort into as her heart gets shattered into a million pieces you fucking monster

>Morgana is feeling that he worthless now that Makoto is the brains and Futaba can provide much more intel than him, effectively taking his place in the team
>catch up to him after he runs away
>start to convince him that his feeling aren't the case

I'm just about to start the dungeon with Haru and holy shit Ryuji completely pisses me off. The useless people in the party are ryuji and ann as they dont even contribute to the group and investigations as much as the rest. In fact Ryuji is a complete liability shouting out their identities and causing internal problems with Morgana and cant even apologize properly to him. Fuck this guy.

Yusuke is best boy.

The problem is it's easy as fuck to remain hidden and the game gives you plenty of leeway to ambush even if you aren't hiding.

And the penalty for getting spotted is a mere %15 to the security level which is easy to take care of. There's also craftable items you can make to lower it further. If the penalty was a lot more severe and a succesful ambush took off lesn, then it'd be more decent

She definitely needed more skills like not getting penalized for running around an enemy or something.

that's why I'm going to spend valentine's with Futaba so she doesnt have to cry

Ann might not contribute but at least she has her head in the game and her heart in the right place which is enough since she has a persona which is all that really matters, Ryuji needs his mouth stappled shut.

>You had to waste practically a week to get him back on your team.

That fucking scene in the sushi restaurant though

Futaba no cri, pls
Futaba staph

How fucking needy can people be

Joker doesn't contribute that much, either

You mean Anne.

I basically take the manga anthology as canon that without Joker Ann, Ryuuji, and Yusuke would constantly burn through money on useless junk, they would never properly get things done, and everything would tax 3x longer.

I mean there's a reason why Makoto feels almost forced a a top-tier waifu,she's basically the first person on your team that actually has their shit together.