What was the last game you beat motherfucker?!

What was the last game you beat motherfucker?!

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Motherfucking Ace Combat 0 Buddy


Nier Automata

Double Dragon II

05 or 12?

The Ringed City DLC


I went through the PS2 games in past few months for the first time and it's just so fucking kino, it's not funny.

Dragons Crown a few days ago. Finishing up Human Revolution tomorrow. Then Azure Striker Gunvolt after that. I'm not sure what I'll play next though.


This one.

Liberation Maiden on 3DS I think, if it wasn't that it was Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

Just beat the campaign in War For The Overworld.
It's a breddy good RPG-lite that gave me 22 hours of fun so far.

Just beat SA2's Last Story.

Fuck Cannon's Core.

Onimusha 2

oxenfree , pretty comfy game to be honest

Fatal Frame on Nightmare. I wanted that infinite film upgrade.


Bayonetta 1 one hour ago.

Ass Effect Andromeda. I was disappointed 10 hours in and stuck around for another 40 for god knows what reason. The ending is so god damn cheesy and it didn't feel like any choices I made had real consequences.

Blaster Master Zero, although I haven't played through unlimited mode

I just 100% Yooka-laylee. It was pretty good, but not spectacular.



What's unlimited mode? Was thinking about getting the game and extra modes are always nice

I loved all the sjw pandering so I guess that makes me a sjw now?
Or at least a normal person?

This one, yesterday



shit, it's been a while
either Sonic 3 or Pokemon Y, I dunno

hope you remembered to get the air necklace
but yeah, fuck that stage

>It was pretty good, but not spectacular.

That's the vibe I'm getting from people. To be honest I never thought the old games were anything spectacular. I just found them really solid but that's what I loved about them.

Vagrant Story.

Is it better then DK64?


>it only takes 18 hours to 100% it
Wow, how easy is it to just do the story?

Good question

Story only? Dark Souls 1
Entire game(kind of)? Assassins Creed 2

>generic anime girls do generic anime girl things season 2 never

so? They're all the exact same

this one

>Human revolution
Be prepared for the one of the most lacklustre ending levels ever.

Megaman 2. Finally beat it with zero lives lost after a dozen tries. On normal and with 2 E-tanks used.

>its another no (you)s thread

why do these gets so many replies?

Digimon World DS, I didn't even need a full team they were all overpowered from regular dedigivolving/digivolving

Danganronpa v3

R.I.P. Kiibo, you were a real human bean.

Almost beat RAGE, but I loved it so much I didn't want to see the ending. People kept telling me how shit it is.

Prototype 2, 100%. and I enjoyed it too

Just beat Birth by Sleep. And completed everything on the disc minus Re:coded

Fine, here's a (you) jesus

Dark Souls 3 again

I replayed this again I almost think it's better than 2

Toukiden 2

thank you, kind sir.

Good. Natsuo is a fucking slut.

Probably The Wolf Among Us

>tfw you bought a lot of games and still haven't finished any of them
I just don't feel like playing video games

That's seventeen days you fucking retard.


I like LilB and all, but jesus man.


Nope. Couldn't find it. Fuck you, Knuckles.


No its hours. But it was probably split up among several days.

I got burnt out after 9 hours straight after cleairng all bosses to get the flight move and go back and 100% the second great tome.

Honestly moodymaze marsh just turns me off the whole fucking game at this point. Fuck that level. Once I 100% that one I can go back to enjoying the game with the last 3 tomes.

So I'm suppose to believe that the 50 proceeding 17 is 50 hours?

Nioh. I haven't gotten any games since then.

Gunpoint, shit was hilarious and fun

its actually been a while.

I think last actual game was Final Fantasy V on SNES. Never beat that version before.

Rhythm heaven megamix. Good shit, man.

>not difficult


Snatcher for the Mega CD.

Played it on my phone whenever I could. Had a lot of fun with it.

The last two shooting segments were fucking impossible on a touch screen though, had to truly strain my thumb to finish them, but it was worth it.

I loved the music and atmosphere of the games, and the voice acting was really well done for something that early. I had a lot of fun playing the game.

youtube.com/watch?v=xeUbRd3eIeY and youtube.com/watch?v=x7Yi_Uf-NdM were my favourite themes I guess. I loved the intro but you never really hear it anywhere else.

Fire Emblem Fates Conquest

I just beat it today, my man. I need some prep time beforehand.

What is this one?

Looks like Hooligan Sluts

i google it i find nothing

Neptuna Vii, also about to finish RB V.
>tfw still backlog busting


next time you got this

My bad, it's probably Vandal Females

Jesus, fuck. Can't actually recall. Was it Pokémon Sun, perhaps?


>game jokes about ending twice
>kind of annoying because I know it's not the ending
>feels like I played around 50% of the game so far
>ending comes up
>assume it's a joke
>this time it wasn't a joke
>it was the fucking ending

Megamix was a letdown for me to be honest, it had a dumb story I didn't care about and like 30% new content, 10% of which being some sort of variant of glee club, the other 10% not being very fun and the remaining 10% being pretty good additions to the game.

I had fun with it regardless, but I thought there would be a lot more in this game.


Wanted to Dodge-Master everything but got to Rumi and my carpal-tunnel kicked in and haven't been able

Gat out of Hell for some easy achievements

Majora. Still struggling with BotW...

Delinquent Women it is, then

shit I don't even remember why I stopped playing that, I gotta play again

those sound like some criminal girls

Hollow Knight.

>17 days
It hasn't even been out for 17 days.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Yeah, i get how that's annoying, but dual audio is fucking rad, and i really dig some of the remix songs. Remix 10 was lackluster as fuck, though.

Dragon Quest VII.
Working on Dragon Quest VIII now.

Beat playthrough 1 of 3 in Nier:Automata...does that mean I beat it though?

If not then Tales of Berseria.

Sakura Taisen on saturn
This was back in december