ITT: your favorite vidya meme
ITT: your favorite vidya meme
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Never get this meme.
It was never intented to be a puzzle or anything, just a *click on random X to advance in scenario* thing.
I didn't get it either. The game isn't even about solving puzzles. It's just a mediocre shooter.
The game was advertised to be this amazing philosophical and intelligent piece of art that surpass the rest of the series and the vidya medium as a whole
Instead we got that
its pointless to put in since they throw the answer in front of you. like that .webm people use to shit up wind waker threads. i dont really care to hate on games much, i just always found this one funny, partially for the reason you're stating
Gameplay was average yeah, like any other fps but with powers.
The main trump card of the game was it very good looking world and ost I guess.
The scenario led to some serious contreversies.
People actually take those ads seriously?
Well both Bioshock 1 and the System Shock are pretty good experiences, so people have expectations on Bioshock Infinite
It was also around the same time when "deep" puzzle and walking sims become popular (mostly with the Portal games)
controversy over the setting of the game, or "gamer" controversy about "that card"?
yep thats the one. sucks how it will derail a wind waker thread so easily
Max Payne has great shit
>not the superior version
I replayed the game pretty recently. Still holds up. Certainly better than Bioshock Infinite.
True that.
i tried suggesting it to two of my friends, and those fuckers insisted that i play through final fantasy 7 before they try it. i think it was because i said "it has some of the best writing of any game ive played, " and that was their "best writing", but i feel ive gotten the short end of the stick on this
OP was one i made, probably subconsciously took from this. mine is slightly more specific though
Its either this or any Toddposting ever
what game is it even from?
Goddamnit i chuckle every time
Blowfish Affinity
Bioshock tres.
Thanks amigos, I played that a while ago and didn't remember
I'm the guy of "superior version" , yours still great since that shitty puzzle was hilarious in perspective. I edited this one on a thread a while ago after I posted this version.
Why have I never seen this?
Pretty good taste.
Mario 64 is one of my favorite video games ever and I'm not even mad these two ruined it.
HAHA excellent meme, friend. my favorite memes are those that can only arise in an open-world setting where ANYTHING can happen and you can go ANYWHERE. great examples would include Fallout 4, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Special Edition, Fallout 3, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Edition, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard, The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, and The Elder Scrolls: Arena
Why does toddposting make me smile and chuckle so much
Want to play Fallout 4 with me user?
You have the season pass, right?
Get new friends.
Todd-kun has a winning smile.
One one hand your friends are dicks for not trying it out unless you play FF7, on the other FF7 is pretty good .
MP1 is still miles better.
There's probably a lot of great potential memes within the max payne series that is going untapped. Im hopeful for the future though, even if I have to take matters into my own hands
Even 3 has some great exploitables, its a shame rockstar will never do a forth game set as a prequel.
Do so user, the first game in particular is a goldmine of reaction images and such.
working on it
im far enough into ff7 that im starting to give a shit about the characters, but its early enough that i feel like im still part of some drawn-out exposition that be would be one of those deterrents to replaying a game buit maybe thats just the game
>*click on random X to advance in scenario*
How is that better?
You're basically saying
>no, man, it's okay because it's MEANT to be pointless and stupid!
DR2 ruined me, I can't have anything lucky happen to me without Nagito's stupid grin appearing in my brain.
why yes, I have taken the red pill and realized that Fallout 4 would not be complete without its numerous DLCs that we have graciously been provided. Bethesda sure is making America great again!
This made my night
Come here, user.
I cant wait for the shitposting to build up again
the Zelda reactions are usually good
I mean, I created it
Every once in a while I remember the beauty of the Anonymous Agony threads and my day gets a little better.
What ever happened to AA?
I miss those threads.
File 2 is due to release around the same time as Mega Man Legends 3.
i dont get it. also ive never seen it, so idk if it counts as a meme
>It's been ages since I last checked my Exo-Skeleteen
Someone should really stream it again sometime.
>we will never know who Junodriver or the Patriots are
>or even if Haze survived past Gaben
give me a list of vidya memes and I'll tell you
but yea toddposting comes to mind
You can tell this was something that got focus tested to being retarded.
I don't save memes.
splat tim's pretty good
>tfw I've begun to genuinely like and appreciate the song
I miss those threads.
This entire train of thought is most entertaining.
my favorite meme is the one where we all pretend to play and discuss video games
i fucked around with friends in the church
>your favorite vidya meme
everything Rainbow
This one
>Original art
>Putting your name over it
Loss edits/LOL threads>toddposting>0.5 A presses>>>No Way Fag>>>Deepest Lore
"Im really Feeling it"
i like a large dose of Xenoblade memes
Where are the aggressive memes?
Edits. Would anyone happen to have that GBA game edit with something like Ero Mum City?
Is that loss?
By memes I'm going to assume just general funnies.
Funny that he included himself in the chart.
Anything involving the Snake Eater theme
Still laugh every time I see it.