I thought I was going to hate this guy when he was introduced...

I thought I was going to hate this guy when he was introduced, but he quickly ended up being the best boy (next to Sojiro)

appearances are deceiving

Your picture of a television lacks proper composition, user

Yusuke is such a weirdo he stood behind Ann to sniff her


That's that one demon's pose, forget the name.


Well his competition is.
>literal retard.
>sleep enforcing cat.
>largest waste of a character in the series.

Is he in the game? I don't have it yet.

Matt Mercer
inb4 >dub

Yeah. He's damn common in Mementos and the bank.

>meanwhile in his mind

Matt Mercer isn't bad but Sugita makes him pretty great too

Lobsters are for visual appreciation only

>Yusuke just happens to show up at Hawaii and meet you
If it was anyone else, I might have thought it was too convenient.

coolest looking persona after Carmen

>tfw he just nonchalantly walks up the group

That was the best part of the Hawaii trip.

>Hit rank 10 with Makoto.
>She loses the motorcycle.

I've made a huge mistake.

i regret maxing out Ann

I really like Anat though.

I like how silly the pose she strikes with Anat is.
I really like how silly everyone's skill poses are.

I really like her silhouette animation when you hit L2.

Beat me to it

It's pretty great. I also like that Anat rides onto the screen in motorcycle form then transforms.

Her new pose for casting spells is great though


I still hate him. Always will. Also has the worst confidant link.

>spend time designing initial Personas until they look amazing
>rush the transformation designs


What the fuck Soejima

I though Yusuke was going to be some pretentious dick but he turned out to be pretty cool.


Why do you hate him user?

He always looks like he's backhanding people away

Why are all the chest animations so fucking weird



Yusuke and Morgana's running animations are best because they are cute.

voice and demeanor. he can even make being a lech seem manly and sophisticated.

>hear he is supposed to be gay
>play the game
>he awkwardly try to perv on Ann several times
>also first thing he does is try to see her naked

Yeah I thought I was going to hate him but its the opposite.

>Mishima tells there have been requests about a weirdo in the planetarium
>it's fucking Yusuke

I have to say, Atlus blocking the share button was a mistake. So many Yusuke moments, including this golden scene, I wanted to capture.

Didn't Yusuke just have the standard Naruto limp-armed run?

>it's fucking Yusuke

>that tail wag at the end

Haru runs like a soccer mom. It's hilarious.

it's just a cute little opportunity for party members to show a bit of personality.

notice yusuke's like "oh, idgaf" then he gets all excited when he sees what's in the chest

>Yusuke is still probably diligently looking out for the eccentric since you entrusted him with the mission

You can't underestimate his autism.

I just want to be able to talk like him.

Everyone wants to be Sugita

You have ten seconds to explain why Yusuke is not your autistic BFF

Your pictures are terrible

i don't blame him, girls smell nice

I want to sniff and lick mako's back.

still not enough PASSION to embody the agony of Jesus Christ when he was nailed down

It's a shame Yusuke has a boring PT outfit.

They'd look nicer if fuckin atlus didnt block 99% of the game from being recorded

I switch between his summer and winter uniform for dungeons

They could have given him a cool Sengoku era outfit but they went with low key Elvis.

>Coming up to the end of the casino palace
>Figure the game is ending soon because, well fuck dude this is the part from the beginning of the game
>That interrogation room scene
>Legit thought I got a bad end from making dumb dialogue choices
>Surprise faggot, you're alive
>And there's another palace left

This game is a wild fucking ride.

Could Yusuke be the best autistic character ever created?

>Ryujii and Potter-kun look at Ann(e)'s boobs
>Yusuke looks at Makoto's sweety back

A man of true taste

I like everyone in P5 even the character I was supposed to dislike I found to be well executed. Good job Atlus. Where was this in P4?

>And there's another palace left
There is another after that.

>Make a likeable autistic character
>thats NOT a girl

It was one hell of a ride.

>That lifeless stare as he explores every single detail in makoto's back so he can draw her naked at home.

I love him.

I want to be his friend.

Just how based can one man get?

>tfw I got spoiled during the 9 months the game was out in japan
By the way, what do you guys mean when you say that it was pancakes that gave away Goro?

Morgana starts talking about pancakes, and Goro says "I thought I heard something about pancakes" after he rounds the corner and comes up to talk to you. At that point in the game he shouldn't have been able to hear Morgana, but since he did it gives it away that he's been in the Metaverse.

>tfw no option to wear a yukata with yusuke and dance together in the rain while jokingly proclaiming your eternal love for each other in order to get the girls to blush
He's the broest of bros, man. You just know he'd play along with anything


>I like everyone in P5 even the character I was supposed to dislike I found to be well executed
Which part of Ryuji was well-executed?

>see the ann scene before that
>no reaction
>see this
>instant fucking boner

Makoto is made for producing babies and my body is acknowledging its primal instincts

because they have to show those in cutscenes and character introductions and whatnot.
The transformations are never to be officially seen in the light of day

conceptually her's is the best evolved persona because it's literally the original in transformer mode.

Everyone else is like what the fuck. How do you go from Captain Kidd to a punk rock Son Goku

It's just the fact that she doesn't ride it anymore is what makes it sad.

Cuz she's got something else to ride by the time you get her to rank 10

>It's just the fact that she doesn't ride it anymore is what makes it sad.
She rides my dick.
Sorry, couldn't help it.

>She loses the motorcycle.
Good. That was such a retarded concept.

Here's something that's been bugging me:

What gave him away is technically not the pancake scene, because part of his story was that he entered the madarame palace alongside (at least) yusuke and joker, which he proved by showing the pictures on his phone. But chronologically, the madarame palace happens before the pancake incident, so if he followed joker &c into the palace then he should naturally already have seen morgana's metaverse equivalent.

There's literally nothing surprising about him having been able to hear morgana when you think about it. The only thing that actually gives him away is the fact that he then goes on to pretend like he can't hear morgana. So even without the pancake scene, they should have known something was up because he was inside the madarame palace but couldn't hear morgana


What's it like being such a worthless human being?

>the Persona 3 cast are the only ones that officially evolved their personas because it's done over the course of the story

>Persona 4's mom lets them have TWO evolutions but they're both 'noncanon'

What's it like being dumb and having shit taste?

He wins by default because Ryuji is a cockgobbling grind disabler.
Fuck you and your insta-kill Ryuji.

>spending time with ryuji
>having ryuji in your party
>picking any dialog options except the ones that insult ryuji
>reading ryuji's dialog lines
>acknowleding ryuji's existence
literally playing the game wrong

Seriously this. Who the fuck thought an ability like that would be good, and with no way to disable it?

I actually don't know what you're talking about. Wasn't it the Okumura palace?

>talking with Goro
>dialog option "Ryuji is a phantom thief"
I had a hearty chuckle

I heard there's a deadline for Sun, when is it? I'm at 8/21 and I just need 1 more date.

Yeah I know, I can feel the fucking time I wasted on that yellow monkey scorching me.
You've no idea how livid I was when that cunt got to rank 7.

some time in November supposedly. I completed him towards the end of October so regardless you have plenty of time still.

Alright, thanks. I just blew him off to finally get fortune rolling and needed to know if I should reload.

Hmm, maybe I'm misremembering. But didn't Madarame start talking about the person with the black mask first?

Seems I'll have to replay that portion of the game to make sure.

But for the important question

Is it as bad as Futaba's treasure seeker?

>On what I assume is the last dungeon
>Goes on forever
>Back to back boss fights
>Shadow has 3 fucking forms
>Yet another dungeon
>Even longer than the previous one
>Mobs have no weaknesses and have tons of HP
>Finally beat it
>Mobs are even more annoying and have even more HP, even my lvl 80 persona can't oneshot them
At this point I just swapped to Easy Mode, I just wanted it to be over.

I'm pretty sure the pictures he showed were meant to be from Okumura palace. He brought up the pictures in the same conversation where he showed them the pics of them entering Okumura palace

He did, but Goro only ever showed them pictures from outside Okumura's dungeon. Madarame's comment on the black mask didn't mean anything until pancakes.

Hmm, then it's possible I was just misremembering. By the way, when was the pancake incident chronologically in terms of the okumura incident? It would have to have been before the palace for the plot to make sense, right?

What does Ryuji's existence negate:
>battle advantage
>Hifumis $ boost
>Chihaya's $ boost
>Shinya's half HP ambush chance
>fucking battle exp and cash

Pancake happened in between 2nd and 3rd palace.

>Not riding hers