User I was playing with that new Nintendo console of yours and I accidentally dropped the Zelda cartridge...

>user I was playing with that new Nintendo console of yours and I accidentally dropped the Zelda cartridge. I can't find it, help your father out and look for it with me

wat do


*Looks behind*
*Turns to the camera*
Like father like son?
*laugh track*

Well the first thing you do is ask them how they managed to play the game with the cartridge outside of the console.

dad dont be mad i want to fucc ur steam hot boipucci

why does Sup Forums get cunny threads and Sup Forums gets old men


because Sup Forums is gay ass fuck

That is one nice fucking suit.

dad, how did you lost the cartridge so easily? check under it


Because they're running the world

>t. someone who never wore a suit


who /wouldfucktheirdad/ here?

>is still up
>they are all daddies
why you do this to me Sup Forums?

I would fuck (You).


Is this the ultimate form of degeneracy?

I'd fuck both my foster parents.

let me guess, you were adopted by 2 dads and """""coincidentally"""" turned up gay


I'd like to think I'd say no and be disgusted but deep down I'm into it