Would you be interested in a 3d arena game between bugs?
Would you be interested in a 3d arena game between bugs?
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I've been harassing Bandai Namco about it for a decade now.
i watched a chinese stream where the dude made snakes and scorpions and rats and shit fight each other to the death. it had its ups and downs, and when shit went down it went down real quick
How can other arthropods compete?
did you know that bug fights are actually an ancient asian tradition
Don't know.
Are you going to ask every day?
seriously, fuck off you bug type faggot.
What did he mean by this?
Like Deadly Creatures?
Was it on panda tv?
>tfw itll never ever happen
That was a fun game
It depends really
On a lot of factors
>mantisfags will defend this
Predation isn't fighting.
Defend what?
Would you call it a massacre?
Heinous mantis crimes against bugs
is it that time of the night already? hell yeah bug thread
How did the chameleon end up here
>tarantula hawks
Sleepwalking, during a coma. Or comawalking if you will
>applying human morality to animals
Mantises are scum
>descendants of the first apex predator
>one of the first land animal
>first land animal on Gondwana
>spans every continent except Antarctica
>most expensive animal by value (Scorpion Venom is worth $39,000,000 per gallon)
>Ancient ancestors were 2.5 metres and 70-90 cm and were the largest of arthropods
>sleek and cool with armor plating like a knight that glows in uv light allowing them to use their entire shell as an eye along with already light sensitive eyes and vibration sensing hairs (could quite literally pull off shades during a night operation from their vision being augmented and the JC Denton of animals)
>has three armor piercing or crushing weapons naturally built in to fuck any animal's shit up
>while other arthropods have goliaths and kings scorpions have glorious EMPERORS
>best monstergirl, wife and mother
Why are they so perfect? How can other animals even compete?
>not applying human morality to animals
I wonder who could be behind these threads
Anyone here own a spooder or other invert?
everyday, multiple threads a day about bug fighting game.
Either fucking make it already or just play SimAnt
>ei guise who would win a SHEEP or a LION
spiders look like they're shit if they can't ambush
besides scorpions are fucking overpowered
>armored to the teeth
>pincers can cut and grapple
>fast as shit
>mother fucking poison on top of all that
for what purpose?
Why would I?
coding and art is hard mate
>pincers can cut
in those videos they look like they can apply enough force on the other insects to rip legs apart
SimAnt was so damn satisfying.
Creative Assembly should make a spiritual successor.
more like crush for the low armored arthropods
Why wouldn't you?
Is that a?
Because morality only exists in our heads and only serves to regulate our society. It has no meaning or relevance in nature, most animals have no concept of morality, in fact it would be detrimental for them in most cases.
aren't most arthropods low armored anyways
and the sting is agile enough to scan for a weak point on armored ones
who ever designed this shit and thought it was okay, can even kill huge animals almost effortlessly, including humans
what a joke of a power balance
>eating your own mate
>eating animals alive and struggling with no way of putting them down except by eating
>not detrimental
*teleports behind yuo*
Not at all. In what way does eating other animals alive hurt the mantis?
If they have some sort of stabbing appendage or a deterrent then they could escape the grasp of the mantis or potentially injure it
As opposed to not eating the animal at all? That's way more detrimental.
Or have a way of killing them besides eating them to death so they have less chance of getting injured or letting go of the animal.
If that way of hunting and eating wasn't viable mantises would have evolved out of it or stopped existing altogether. They've been doing it for millennia, proving that it's ideal for them.
Besides, this has nothing to do with morality.
Cannibalism does.
Anyone got that webm of a stag beetle doing a german suplex on the other?
What the fuck Japan. Pretty entertaining though
Cannibalism is also ideal for them since the female requires nutrients to carry and lay eggs.
Insects have been eating each other long before humans lived on land and thanks to it they're some of the most successful creatures on this planet.
Getting eaten while mating is sorta detrimental to passing as much of your genes as possible. It's putting your eggs in one basket.
Getting eaten is not immoral.
Cannibalism is.
Does that bug fighting stream still exist?
I've been wanting a realistic wildlife fighting game forever.
If the female had a moral code and allowed the male to live instead of eating him her chances of survival would be lower. Morality would be detrimental for her.
Is it this one?
>if the female had a moral code and allowed the male to live
>Morality would be detrimental for her
Somehow I feel like this would be taken out of context by people who linked to whoever got quads.
Also, it would be detrimental for mantises as a species to cannibalize while mating
>that counter
Holy shit that was beautiful
Please stop making these threads. You've made 3 in the past 24 hours.
>Also, it would be detrimental for mantises as a species to cannibalize while mating
When dinosaurs were alive mantises were eating their males during reproduction and they're still around in great numbers.
But they could be in even greater numbers.
Only if I can main Chrysalis.
>calling upon the beast
well nourished female = higher chances of survival for the offspring
adults only live a few weeks anyway, they're not as important as the babies
It's better for a male to impregnate a bunch of females and have a lower chance of those females living long enough to give birth to offspring than for a male to impregnate one female and have a higher chance of those females living long enough to give birth to offspring
It truly was
More bug webms please
Would all the Bugs win against all the Cryptids?
I want to like those empty sockets
How does he breathe?
Through his skin.
wow 34 posters and 86 posts, what a fucking surprise
That's around 2.5:1 post to poster ratio
Yes, it's definetely always an even half every time there are shitpost garbage threads like this
fuck off already and go back to whatever shithole you come from
Why do beetles naturally german suplex?
Beetles invented it.
The real question is why did germans steal it.
the fact that it has claws kind of makes me less scared of it
haha le bug meme every day until its forced xD
Why do you assume he's mad? Because he used curse words? Maybe he's just telling it like it is, bucko.
Why do you assume he's not mad?
Why do you miss the inherit point of the picture?
>all these people assmad about bug thread
in terms of contribution to offtopic cancer on this board i'd say bug threads pale in comparison to waifu and porn threads