Do you talk to yourself while gaming?

Do you talk to yourself while gaming?

Yes, you fucking degenerate weeb.

i do not

tell akari i like her

Not really. Depends I suppose.


yes but i like to pretend its satan

also its tehcnically not talking to myself if the CIA is always slitening lmao xd

Yes, and I also talk to myself while I shitpost on Sup Forums

Yeah, unfortunate side effect of watching too many Lets Players when I was younger

Only when playing cards. Helps me focus and plan.

yeah i commentate to myself

i guess its from all the youtubes

Besides the rare "What the fuck?" from being surprised or pissed off by a game, not really.

not any more than i talk to myself in day to day life

>wait, where was i going?

All the fucking time
It's embarrassing really
>tfw you pretend to stream to a non-existent audience

No, I do talk to the game though, and occasionally the devs about their families.

I talk to myself in stream of consciousness constantly, all day. I can keep it in if i try but every "kill me" and "i want to die" will be heard audibly. I also cant stop spelling common words in ny head.

I'll talk to NPCs or comment on random shit. Not constantly like a Let's Play faggot would, though.

Lots of cussing, too.

Yes I talk like I have a friend watching me play.


No I don't and I'd be surprised if anyone did

I talk to myself a lot, even.
I sometimes pretend other people are watching.

I need help.

I have a really weird habit of talking to myself when I'm alone. The weird part is all I do is yell at myself and tell myself how much of a failure and piece of shit I am. I can't even stop it from coming out either.

How insane am i?

Sometimes when I'm mad. Most of the time I'm thinking about how stupid some people are for not seeing the obvious, or why other people are so stupid in general. Some of them I hate, some of them I can't even comprehend. I spend a lot of my time thinking about how much I hate certain people.

I'm the same way. Humans are fucking weird. You're not insane until you think ze Germans are trying to annex your eyelids or some shit

yeah it's usually a lot of cursing

As a child, I did.

Nowadays its only stuff like "Oh, come on" or "What the fuck?"


you're fucking retarded

Same way, but in singleplayer. I wonder who could've hated fun so much to program whatever part I'm currently stuck on.



>that pic

Anyway, you definitely have issues, user. Sort yourself out.

and my waifu

because you weren't retarded
that post made me completely change my mind though



I get that way more in multiplayer. I've almost stopped playing multiplayer in favor of co-op or single player over the past few years. It's not worth it to play against real people when they play like cheap asses or when your team acts like they eat dirt when they're bored. When playing single player, I get random thoughts about people I can't stand. I have a LOT of stored hatred for some people, and it literally interferes with my life even when I'm not playing video games or on Sup Forums. I could be at the store and if I'm reminded of them, my time out is basically ruined. Luckily, I only hold this extreme hatred for a few certain types of people.

Sometimes I self-troll by imagining someone obnoxious I used to know is commenting on my mistakes

Only when I browse Sup Forums.

No, but towards the characters.

>Zelda BotW, Hateno village
>Kid shows me the horned angel
>Yare yare~ Look what you have gotten me into... Go home so I can deal with this situation.
Sigh... =3

When I'm working through particularly complex puzzles or plotting out character builds, etc. Anything that involves planning far ahead and keeping track of a large number of variables I find myself speaking out loud as a way of organizing the information.

Also when I get caught particularly off guard by an amazing moment or unexpected twist, I sometimes take a moment to let it sink in, and start saying inconsequential statements reflecting my surprise.

Yes but only when I see something interesting or when I'm playing card games because talking to myself helps me focus and I like to predict what the enemy is going to play or what deck they are running.

I don't, but my autistic niece does. It's fucking annoying.

Glad I'm not the only one that does this.

Does cursing whenever I or my team fuck up counts?

>I'm not the only one

>game has jellybeans
>you can't eat them

If thinking out loud while playing counts yeah, but even then it's rarely actual sentences mostly just a few words of confusion, joy, or anger.


its called failure streamers
sad, 0 watcher basterds who just talk and talk not knowing anyone is even watching

or will even watch

day in and day out

they have a grand total of 2 watchers after 3 years of just playing what they love, hoping that they can show others fun games.

make sure you sub,like, hit that tipjar, etc etc
its their job and they are doing it for free
why aren't they getting paid for working?
are you all that heartless of monsters?

I started to talk to myself a lot as I got older, it's worrying

I talk to an imaginary therapist on long drives, my car knows all of my deepest fears and secrets

Occasionally, just thinking out loud.

Your car is bugged, retard.

I ocassionally say things like "what the fuck?" or laugh Idk if that counts


Well then the CIA knows that I have mommy issues and a fear of being alone

Just posted this in another thread

You technically aren't alone if the cia is listening to you.

Not usually. I only talk to myself when playing RPGs or any slow-paced games that let me take my time and think things out.

I do, however, talk to myself when working on personal projects and fanfictions to see if a scnario I thought up sounds just as good as it did in my head. And also I like to act out scenes in shows and movies while watching them, like any movie with Jim Carry in it.

I talk to myself no matter what I'm doing.

I get caught all the time and look autistic as fuck

All the time.

I live alone so it's not like anyone will hear me talking to myself at a normal volume. I laugh pretty loud though, and sometimes I worry that my downstairs neighbors will hear me laughing.

I actually repeat what the characters are saying, out loud, in my voices for them, if they aren't dubbed.

>I do, however, talk to myself when working on personal projects and fanfictions to see if a scnario I thought up sounds just as good as it did in my head. And also I like to act out scenes in shows and movies while watching them, like any movie with Jim Carry in it.

Only when playing RPGs.

There are occasions when I want to say a line in-game but can't, so I say it aloud.

I occasionally make motions with my hands. I hope there isn't a hidden camera in my room.

Nobody cares about you, so why would there be?

Everyone can tell you're a virgin.

Be kind.


Did anyone else ever go long periods of time not talking to anyone? During summer breaks in high school when WoW came out I was so addicted I would usually be playing that or watching anime every waking hour. Sleep really weird hours so I was often asleep for much of the normals hours of the day during weekends. Probably went 2 weeks on some occasions without speaking a word to anyone.

I don't feel less autistic about doing this, but I feel better knowing I'm not alone.

I only talk to myself to voice how incredulous I am about something or think out loud about a puzzle.

If I'm alone for prolonged periods of time I'll start singing to avoid the crushing self reflection.

what the fuck is wrong with all of you

Only if I'm alone

Nothing other than the usual "What the fuck" whenever some bullshit happens.

Has anyone else been so mad about something, that they couldn't play properly? Like you know you could usually do better, but you can't at that time?

I talk to myself all the time. Probably because I spend so much time alone, my only source of socializing is at work Monday-Friday.

I've been livestreaming for the past few weeks with no viewers
so yeah i guess

Nice job, retard.

Yeah, but only real life shit. If I'm in a bad mood, I suck dick at vidya. I'll go to sleep instead.

I play on Extreme and enable permadeath when possible, so fuck it. I'm not gonna get anywhere if I'm pissed off and salty.

Every now and then. Did it a bit more often than usual while putting the car together in my summer car though.

mostly just cursing when i lose

Mostly ill say "Ouch" when I get hit, but most sometimes ill actually reply to an NPC out loud.
Is this odd?

I have something like this.

Keep trying user.

Sometimes i laugh, worry, react to something (Say no way, curse, get surprised, make faces, etc).

Not him but that's actually recommended for writing. Dialogue especially. Star Wars is what happens when you read that shit out loud to test it.

when you DON'T read out loud. Fuck me, I'm going to bed.

all the time

seriously I should stream I talk more than 90% of them

Only when I get angry with something in game.

Better to say it out loud to myself than type it out to other people in-game, since I generally realize I'm being overly emotional about half a minute later.

Watch those wrist rockets!

I sometimes talk out when something dumb happens. Mostly whispers. But when something dumb happens I say fuck or bullshit. This is what happens when you watch AVGN for years. Need to get rid of the habit.

Stop saying you should and start doing.

If you seriously want to do it just do it, there is no barrier to entry for this shit. Just go buy half decent microphone and go. If you suck nothing happens if you're good you get a life filled with NEETbux.

same i get caught talking to myself outside all the time. I dont really care if a normalfag ''thinks im weird''

Had a moment like that not too long ago
>Xcom 2
>Favorite Squad is ready to roll out
>i had two soldiers who shared last names, liked to think they were brothers
>Oh good.Png
>Shen's last gift mission
>first time playing it, no idea what the hell is going on
>we made it to the third floor, one of the brothers is really hurt
>belived for a second Evac was right round the corner
>then pic related shows up
>oh fuck.Jpg
>After a few turns 2 soldiers go down
>only brothers and shen + spark remain
>We are almost done with him
>bot i forgot about comes from around the corner and detonates
>Spark is almost done for
>we really need him to win
>out of an autistic moment, i send the injured brother Sword first to hit the final blow
>98% of hit
>tought for a sec he is dead
>Big bot turns instead and Exterminates the other brother
After that, i actually talked like the Commander trying to Tell him his brother was a great man
Waste an hour trying to come up with the right words

I call myself bad names if I fuck up in vidya. I do this very loud and I think I might be causing inconveniences to my neighbors, since I like to game at night.

>resume game
>try to explain the plot up to that point to someone that isn't there

No, I just talk to my girlfriend.

Psychology major here. Talking to yourself is completely normal and provides sanity. Humans need interaction even if it's fabricated in their own minds, so everyone who is worried about thinking they're doing a let's play are only reliving what they know, and are stimulating themselves so they don't feel as lonely.

This. I talk to the girlfriend in my head every night as well, bro.

Yes, not having friends for a long time really fucks you up.

No, I'm not a youtuber/streamer.

If I get frustrated I might mutter a jesus christ, God dammit, wtf or something similar

I feel better talking to myself now