What game lets me be a big ole bitch?
What game lets me be a big ole bitch?
>sister is 5'4" and 350 pounds
>literally fucking multiple guys
>Some are fit as fuck
It's not fucking fair, bros
Why is this photoshopped picture being posted on every board all of a sudden? Is someone trying to force a mem?
Fucking how is she that fat and that small? My wife is that hieght but only 98 lbs.
>and 350 pounds
>350 pounds
>fucking multiple guys
arent you ashamed?
it's called efficiency, with that many folds you could also be fucking multiple guys.
it's not shooped, cuckbutt.
Would suck
>It's common on Sup Forums to have a not video games related thread on Sup Forums by starting one of the following threads.
>1. Post a not video games related image on Sup Forums and post the text "what is a video game that let's me [insert not video games here] ?"
>2. Ask "what is the [insert not video games thing here] of video games?"
>3. Make a vaguely video games related topic yet post a not video games OP image with the intent on making the OP image the topic, rather than the text. This is typically followed by the OP samefagging asking about the OP image to direct the topic into talking about the image rather than the text.
At least the kid is white
I am not man enough to handle that.
Petite or tall women, Sup Forums?
Petite girls > tall girls
>tfw holding a petite girl
>Their head rests on your chest
Great feeling.
dear lord
This is a good thing. The rest of the boards move too slowly.
What's sad is some sad fuck with a decent job will match with her and jump at the first chance to see a vagina. These crazy cunts with kids on tinder have literally no problem finding dudes. If I was a woman, I'd be such a slut on Tinder. It'd be so easy to be.
Skinny tall girls.
>350 pounds
Are you sure they arent just trying to lift her?
Is there an optical illusion happening here or does she have an ass the size of a beanbag chair?
I'm 5'8. Any girl 5'9 or over is unattainable to me by the rules of today's society. Or at least it'd just look goofy.
Nice cancer thread.
im divorced with two kids. I'm not man enough to handle 5
>falling for the fairness meme
Women undeniably live easier lives. Get over it or cut off your balls and become a trap.
I'm 6'4, any girl over 5'9 is an insecure & awkward freak, nice legs thou.
>when feminism goes too far
Don't be a beta, wreck amazons.