Why the fuck does she squat so god damn much?


russian genes


It's comfortable.

This triggers the American.

Too easy.

To air out that STINKY NEET PUSSY


Maybe her butt hurts

She's so short that she's at risk of being stuck on the chair if she sits normally

wish she'd squat on my dick

From what?

Shes part slav

you fucked up the meme user

Where the fuck is the image, you degenerate?

>russians hacked her moms womb

How well a girl can squat tells you how good of a woman she is

im never going to play this game but does it actually say that she has a smelly twat or is tyhat just a meme?

she goes on a long tangent about how it smells like a barnyard animal

There's a part of the game where Sojiro makes you sniff her to make sure she's not infected with the plague that's spreading dangerously towards the end and the MC makes a remark that she smells very strongly of fish so yes

she feels unsafe and vulnerable all the time and has a reflex of shielding her chest with her legs to try and alleviate that feeling

because muh Death Note

Because she is a squid, then a kid.
