If you kill him you'll be just like him!

>if you kill him you'll be just like him!
>he comes back and kills all your beloved ones

>if you kill him you'll be just like him!
>guess you're right

Best girl.



>refuse to kill final boss
>party member does it for you

>listen to final bosses monologue
>party member shoots him dead in the middle of it

Shanoa murdering Dracula.jpg

>game won't let you kill them

>ally is a traitor at the end
>replay game
>fail mission if you kill them at the start



Goddamn Fable 2

The Jews fear the samurai

Who dis
Askin for rule 34 purposes

Why doesn't batman just kill the joker?

Symphon Filter 2

>you must kill 100+ enemies along the game and you still are the "good guy"
>you can't kill the final boss, because that would make you a monster

Weebs are the biggest shitposters on this site

Why isn't weebshit a bannable offense yet?

Advance Wars: Days of Ruin

It's not about the crime. It's about who they are.
Batman is a symbol that admnisters justice regardless of circumstance. He does not kill, because that is not proper due process or a fitting punishment. The Joker himself isn't interested in crime, he's interested in destroying the symbol. He wants to prove that the Batman is just another man, who can and will fail or make a mistake. It's why unmasking Bruce isn't an option; the identity doesn't matter. Gordon, Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing can all continue the legacy, the symbol.
It's a battle of attrition between the two to prove that the other is wrong. Batman sends criminals into the justice system, the Joker sets Batman up for failure. With the failure, Batman is no longer the hero he is written to be. He is just another vigilante in a mask.
It's not about shooting him user, it's about putting Joker into the slammer so Batman can slam into that tight little white clown ass.

>if you kill your enemies, they win

>hating anime on Sup Forums

t. goon kike shill

Perhaps reddit would be a more agreeable no-anime safespace for you?

>being this nu
Not even a weeb but even I know how retarded your statement is

>WAIT SWORD HERO if you kill him you'll be just like him!
>sword hero stabs him in the dick
>he grabs sword hero by the arm and transfers his being into the sword hero, possessing sword hero entirely
Should have sub-weaponed bows, fucknut.

What's the most recent game to actually do this? I remember it from rpgs a lot when I was younger, like lunar star story and such.

Mmmmaybe borderlands 2?

The 'kikes' love it when you goyim watch anime. It decreases the white mans chance at procreation

>If you kill him, he wins.

>o-offtopic shitposting is acceptabe!

No. Fuck off. Read the rules

But weebs belong on reddit.

I hate weebcunts as much as the next guy, but technically the Op is video game related, just with some stupid loli bait shit as the image

But jews RUN anime. Only fucking retards would fall for the garbage

>this happens
>MC goes nuclear
>kills ruthlessly to reach the man who killed his loved ones
>but by the time he gets there, the villain has already died of old age'
>third game MC becomes the new villain and the cycle repeats

Anime images attached to on topic posts are not offtopic.
>anime belongs on a website that majority hates it
Caused me expend energy on increased brain function...

>thinly veiled pedo thread
>vidya related


Nice try, Shlomo.

>he doesn't even know how to use the reply function

Hi leddit!

I'm sure that the half million reddit anime fans miss you. You should go back
>Geentexting to a reply chain
Holy shit anime fags are retarded

>good little goy! look how kawaii the cartoon child is! Oy vey! Doesn't it make you wanna buy the merchandise! Give up your shekels, goy!

Anime is for retards

>Why won't you kill me?
>I won't allow you to run away

I simply don't want to give you any more satisfaction than you already get from people taking your shitpost bait "seriously," redditor.

>STILL doesn't know how to use the reply function

Fuck off redditor. You don't belong here

Good goyim!
Keep watching those 2d waifus, wouldn't want you having any dealings with 3DPD!

>facts are now shitposts

Are you retarded?

Weeb garbage doesn't belong here, you stupid fucking cunt

Redditroaches shouldn't be telling anyone to leave the place they've infested.

>If you kill him you'll be just like him!
>Expansion after
>He comes back and can be redeemed

dragon cunny

What a bad Ben Garrison rip off

Is mistyping the reply a new meme, I'm on board

>Alt facts are now facts


>Implying waifus are why I watch shows

>Why did you do this?
>Because I could

>FUCK! I didn't reply correctly
>M-Maybe replying works like twitter? FUCK I need to figure this out or they'll know I'm from reddit!

You NEED to go back

For fucks sakes user click the reply chain.

At least you have good tastes

Dear Post Number 374109000,

No. It is not a "new meme." Only redditors are obsessed with memes like that. It is simply a result of not giving you the exclamation mark on the favicon and (You) you so desperately crave.



It's not that he doesn't know how to reply, he's doing it on purpose to get a reply out of you retards. Or maybe he messed up and it trying to hide it but who knows.

F91 is ok taste


>It wasn't always like this. One win led into another win, but as they kept coming the praise started to die. Before too long, nobody was cheering. Before I knew it, I became the bad guy.

someone post the webm

>He actually thinks that people want to collect literal (You)s

Are you functionally retarded? It's just text on a screen. Your dumb reddit reply method is exactly the same thing.

Now go back, please

Dear Mr or Ms 374109162
I much appreciate the (you) and would present one back to you, but my inexperience with the in site economy here does not allow me to open the trade menu with you. Please accept my regards and open a private chat with me so I cna learn from your valued knowledge


>he doesn't understand the joke because it's not recorded by know your meme
maybe u need 2 go back

It has come to my attention that the account named "Anonymous" has been baiting for replies. You can see him do it in so please don't give him any.

>I-It's just a joke! T-That'll be my cover

Enjoy your ban, leddit

>"Clackity clack! Get in the sack!"

Kobayashi would never own something that like. Where would she even find one to try on?

>Explaining how to use the reply function
>baiting for replies

uh.... wut?


I mean, if you're learning to reply surely the first one you reply to would be the one that taught you how.

Can anyone give me examples of this? This feels common in movies but I can't think of any game equivalent, most games encourage killing evil.

Enjoy your ban, pedophile

I still cannot get my head round the idea of people coming to an anime site and complaining about anime images.

Reply to >374109561
>waahhh this is different from anything r/Sup Forums told me about Sup Forums meta
>it must be reddit

>to an anime site

Sup Forums isn't an anime site

I mostly remember it from older RPGs, i think breath of fire did it. The "Tales of" series did it at least once as well I think. Its more seen in badly written TV i think though

>Shit! /r/Sup Forums didn't teach me how to reply correctly!

Fuck off leddit

The goddamn mascot is anime, the homepage shows anime, and the site's core boards were for anime fans. How is this not an anime website?

Vesperia did it twice.

what does this board think of

Please stop replying to him.

>The goddamn mascot is anime

Because Sup Forums was, at first, an anime board. Thus it's obvious that the mascot would be related to anime. Throwing away the mascot just because Sup Forums has changed would be retarded and pointless

>the homepage shows anime

And all the other interests that users have. Anime is just another board equal to everyone else

> and the site's core boards were for anime fans

all boards are equal. There's no such thing as a core board

It's not an anime site. It's a multimedia site

>Should we really stop him?
>Is methods may be extreme, but is his goal really that bad?

>It's another "I hate anime and weebs on an inherently weebshit website" episode
I hate reruns.

>on an inherently weebshit website

But we aren't on reddit

what is best in life, 2D or 3D?

>No, Hero-kun.. YOU are the monster!

It feels like lazy writing now. There are way to many big bads whos whole thought process can be boiled down to "the ends justify the means"

2D, why would you even ask


Face it. We were the pre-reddit. Sup Forums was weebshit before reddit was a twinkle in its creators dick.

Any time a game hints at the big bad thinking this or anybody supporting what the big bad is doing despite the obvious dictatorship and frail "peace" my mind just shuts off and I stop paying attention to the story. It's stupid as fuck.

>Sup Forums was weebshit

Exactly. WAS weebshit.

the one with thigh gap

When are you proposing that this changed?

reddit is weeb? I thought it was full of normal fags


When the website expanded into topics that aren't related to anime

When Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums became the biggest boards on the site.

When the website stopped calling itself an anime imageboard

What else do you need?

That dumb cunt couldn't even be bothered to buy the right legwear...