Persuade me not to

Persuade me not to.


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DotA is better.

If you're russian and like balance patches twice a year

or if you want a game that has an actual demo and doesn't paywall you content or lock it behind a grind

also free cosmetics
actual competitive scene
custom games
the ability to even sell your cosmetics back for some return

Do you enjoy having playstyles you enjoy intentionally kept garbage and 1/4 of the cast having a ridiculous advantage over the other 3/4th? Then this is the game for you.

>Trying to spin Valve's jew market as a benefit

yeah nice try, this is bait

Which Champs have that advantage? You sound like a liar.

go ahead
it will suck all life out of you since it's a huge time waster

game is actually well balanced and fair to all champs RECENTLY unless you like playing Mordekaiser or don't ban Graves

Don't do it mate

There's a reason you uninstalled it

There are so many other casual/meta as you want to make it games out there


Not to start, or not to come back?

There's over 130 champs and you're expected to learn how to effectively play each of them. It takes years to grind enough IP for all champs and runes. You will need 20 runepages. It's too much of a grindfest and everyone hates you if you're not perfect. If you're playing ranked or a PVP game and you run into a computer issue you get put on Lever Buster and that status doesn't go away until you play 100 games without disconnecting.

>I'd rather have to grind or pay for game content than have it all for free on day one

>actual competitive scene
besides the international dota's competitive scene has been trash.

Don't expect to 'main' a role or champ. There's going to be a situation where someone or a group of friends lock in before you can even call a role and force you to Fill in for the remaining role. If you're going to play you should learn how to play every lane and how to counter every team comp and how to adjust your build.

It's now under a dev team that's less concerned with ripping off Dota but casual and more concerned with adding a bunch of retarded imbalanced clutter to pretend like they're earning their paycheques.

RNG dragons, plants, rift herald, overloaded kits, etc.

Bronze/silver/gold babies shitting their diapers wondering why they're not getting better.

Watch Leaguecraft or watch your own replays and find out what you're doing wrong.

The grind is 100% bs, I give you that. But you don't need to learn all the champs to climb in ranked. There are many 1-tricks in Challenger.

I've never playe3d it.

Found the Darius main.

>Lucian's score
>Kalista's score
>+51 IP

You will need to put a stupid amount of time in order to reach a competitive level. If you're trying to get into it solo don't waste your time, if your friends are doing it that's a different story.

If you're going to play something super casual, just play HotS. If you're actually looking for a MOBA with substance, go play Dota 2. It's not hard.

What is this image trying to convey
Why you lost? Nocturne is fed as shit and Kalista is too, plus your MF and Lucian fed their asses off.
>Jungle Lucian
Oh I see.

Is this image saying that teammates suck? I agree with this notion, but if you really wanna win, then play a jungle champion like Vi.

I've played this for 5 years now. Do not start playing this. It'll drain you, for good, until you break off it's chains

You think you only need to main 1 or 3 different champs, then comes the situation where every 6 of your mains get banned and everyone is already 9 of your back up champs. Players should learn at least a dozen champs for each role.

Silver and Gold is filled with smurfs and boosters. You're not going to be reaching Plat by just playing Tyrn , Yi, or some other hypercarry.

-Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite

>until you break off it is chains

>Lucian is jungler

I just played my first match of this and I have to say it's about as little fun as I've ever had. Everything about it just seems to be trying to put me to sleep.

It gets fun once you get a handle on how the game works and you play with a competent team.

Heroes of Newerth is better.

>until you break off you're faggotry

And then you're trapped because you've most likely spent money on the game.

Just go with Dota, then you don't accidentally make any financial investments.

A dozen champs for each role? That is absolutely insane. You only need about 2-3 for 2 roles (and the occasional support fill, which sucks, but thats the solo q special).

Smurfs in silver and gold eventually make it past that, and if they keep winning, their MMR would put them beyond their current rank, so that doesn't excuse you for every game. You just need to have a win rate above 50% to climb.

And yes, you can make it to plat with those champs, but its tougher in this meta and you need to have your macro play down (which translates to all the roles).

It was more a shitty attempt of mine to show op that the game is not fun because people will actively ruin it for you by being the worst people imaginable. Also Lucian spent the whole game blaming everyone else for his awful decision making.

>what are the majors
>what is DAC
>what is BTS
>what is anything by ESL
I'd agree with you 4 years ago, when everyone had their own tournament and teams were just declining tournaments, but now the scene's actually pretty high quality, though post international everythings dead as fuck

Heroes of the Storm is better in every way


Feels good when dota players arent owned by Valve, and while the start was rocky, most orgs are pretty great.

Some people are cyberbullies or reveal a person's personal info on streams. Not everyone wants to be in a stream :)

play warcraft 3

I don't know if thats the case most of the time for me user, but whatever. Some people are just bad.
Also it's not a ranked game. Let it go.

>balance patch twice a year

This year we've gotten 5 balance patches so far., what the fuck are you talking about.

Get good and you wont see them in your games too often, or at least not the bad kind.

HotS is definetly the better choice if you don't want to go "hardcore" with dota 2. Not only is it less grindy than LoL, they are adding a loot system in a week that will make getting all the heroes even easier and you get some random shit like skins too

>"I just bought a champ and want to pratice them in a game of normals"
>"oh someone ended up taking my desired role even though I called it, maybe next game"
>"even though I called the role and locked in, someone else locked in and called the role I picked"
>"Okay I'm just going to play Draft and learn how to play my new champ there"
>"oh, someone banned the champ I wanted to play"
>"Oh someone picked the champ I wanted to play"
>"oh someone got a role they didn't want so they swapped roles with someone now I can't play my new champ"



Regardless of what game you play, you should find a reason why you think it's fun (champ mechanics, getting better, etc.). If you can't, you should drop it and find something else that you find fun, because, in the end, you don't need to git gud for the sake of getting better, despite what people say.



Just dont

I just lost an hour game that we had just about won because some idiot tried to split push and take bot tower, as thresh fucking support not less

Enemy wiped us in the ensuing 4v5 and won the fucking game despite our baron buff and 15 kill lead.

Its not fucking worth it

>ITT: Dotatards try to defend their shit MOBA

Nice 2011 meme

Feels good not being shit at the most complex game in existence

More images like these?

Kled mid is so fun it's almost illegal.

>lose game because someone wants to try pushing lanes while all 3 of our inhibitors are down

This image is more than 5 years old at this point. Just get rid of it already, there's plenty of shit to hate on the game as is.

I played the game for 5 years before I finally realized how much of a waste of time it is. It's addictive cancer. At the start it's fun and new and fresh, then you start playing it more and more. Eventually you end up in a situation where winning a game feels like "eh, this shoulda happened anyway" but losing ruins your mood and makes you hate everything.

And all the retards in here are posting "kek, play DotA it's so much different!". It's not. It's the same cancer under a different name and with less P2W shit.

This image was confirmed false a long time ago and makes no fucking sense. "LoL is only as popular as it is because it earned a lot of money from being popular".

MOBAS are cancer in general, and they should be eliminated. Too time consuming, too frustrating, and too dependent on unfun mechanics to properly work.
That sounds stupid. How is it?

Don't play a game that forces you to play with strangers for an hour. Play a game that doesn't punish you hard for losing.

I ditched League of Legends when Starcraft II dropped in 2010. How the fuck are people still playing that shit 7 years later?

>for an hour
That's why he should play HotS, the games are 20 minutes on average. Longest game I've had is 30 minutes

It's a game that demands a significant time commitment, but does not reward it.

Really, after you're done with it (which will inevitably happen), you will feel like you have wasted your time.

If you absolutely want to play one of those games, play Dota. Ideally, play none of them.

Absolutely nothing wrong with a low frequency of balance patches or content updates.

you retards complaining about lol are just teenagers who can't will yourselves to not get mad at a LITERAL video game. Once you grow up a little and realize there's more to life than league of legends, you'll be able to actually have fun with it

the worst mistake you can make in your life is to play league
the worst mistake you can make in the infinite multiverse of bad decisions is to play dota 2
do what a few other anons have suggested and just play hots instead, it's way better

Content updates keep the game fresh.
No, actually. Season 7 has added some good stuff so far, like jungle plants that are pretty useful, and support items like Redemption and Knights Vow that have helped out support. Jhin, Kled, New Warwick and New Galio are all very fun to play, and in general the game is still pretty fun, despite what I said

However this is all negated because Riot are lunatics who can't balance for shit, and we're heading back INTO a tank meta after just getting out of one.

People will get mad if they put a lot of time into something that ultimately they fail at. For example people get mad and disappointed if they lose a baseball game.

Play heroes of newerth instead

>if you're good at the game you'll inspire your teammates to do better
>if you're good at the game your teammates will listen to your advice

HotS is a game all about slapping people with wet noodles. Not sure what the fun in that game is, 2bh. Their hero prices are absurd, as well.

For about a year or two after, the game kinda reached a golden age. Balance patch every week, content patch every 2 weeks. This kept the game in flux and interesting. One week you'd see a certain champion everywhere and then the next week it would be a different one. Riot was actually ambitious and created new maps and shit. I mean they had planned out a map like 4 times the size of the standard DotA mapsize called Magma Chamber. The games lore was interesting and the characters were charming.

Then, their e-sports garbage got popular and that came to a screeching fucking halt. New champions now release every few months. Balance patches once a month. Game has to stay stale for weeks on end so their precious professional scene can practice. They've completely given up on new maps, going so far as to fucking REMOVE maps that were already in the game rather than balance them properly. The lore went from 2-3 solid paragraphs of 1000 words to 4 sentence long trash (This one might have changed since I quit. They seemed to be putting some effort back in, but the few stories I read were shit compared to the old world they created). Pic related, it's what they shrunk one characters background to. There was a huge purge of the original minds behind Riot back around season 3-4. Not a coincidence at all that's when the game went to shit.

Do it and throw your paycheck to your new Chinese overlords you pathetic waste. Or just play a regular game and don't be a chink loving faggot, it's up to you really.

I'll never forgive them for the story gimp

>They seemed to be putting some effort back in
Anthony Burch is a head writer now.

this can't be real
it's not even a new champion or a reworked one, did they just delete his fucking lore?

Stupid fun.

Once you realize there is more to life than League of Legends, why the fuck would you waste your time playing it?

So? It's the same deal. Unless this game is your life there's no need to get mad at it. I could understand a baseball pro or a league pro getting upset at losing since the game is their livelihood. But if it's just a hobby, as it is for most people who play the fame, and most people here, there is literally no need to be upset.
Why did you quote me?

>HotS is a game all about slapping people with wet noodles
When was the last time you played? There are heroes who can burst down some of the low hp heroes in one second

>Their hero prices are absurd, as well.
While this is true, you don't really have to buy any for real money. They are also adding in a new loot system next week that will be giving out heroes so it will be even easier to unlock heroes

they did in fact just delete it, for a couple reasons
they got it in their heads that having their lore and background in game is bad for some reason
and they also have a systematic effort ongoing to purge all the half-assed "lore" from the early years and rewrite it in their modern style
it's why shit continually gets retconned in every hero update

>why would you play video games?
>Sup Forums - video games

Playing good video games is perfectly understandable. I asked about LoL.

Shit, I didn't hear about that one. When I quit, it was some guy who did warhammer books or something. Not like it matters, not even Anthony Burch can make the lore any more shit than it already is. In fact, he might be able to make it funny. Not because he's funny or his writing is funny, but because we can laugh at how fucking awful his writing is.

Like I said, this was back before I quit so they might have finally filled it back in. But him and Rammus got SO fucking shit on for absolutely no fucking reason. This was back when they made the stupid as fuck decision to completely retcon and remove all references to summoners and the League in-universe. They completely killed Trundle's unique design and background and turned him into a generic ice troll seeking power. He went from the ultimate good guy who absorbed his entire tribe's fatal disease in order to save them all to "grr me troll king, me strong". They argued that something like this was necessary since nobody played him as "he was so ugly". When really, it was because he was outdated gameplaywise and needed new upgrades. When he was released he was played for a while, then they nerfed him and nobody played him again.

Here's the text for Rammus's redone lore:

>The mysteries that surround Rammus are numerous. How did a simple creature of the desert suddenly become able to reason? How did he craft his vaunted suit of armor? What is he searching for as he crosses the Shuriman desert? One thing is for certain: trying to stop the inexorable Rammus is a fool's mission.

I'll never forgive them for a lot of things. See above for Trundle. He used to be one of my favorites.

It was around the time I quit League 3 years or so ago, so fair enough.

Games that are much more enjoyable to jerk off to than to actually play:
>League of Legends
What's missing from this list?

The Neptunia games.

Dota if you have a 5-man premade ready to go
League if you can only solo/duo constantly.

I feel dirty playing as Nidalee knowing that she has a fully rendered ass and pussy under that loincloth. There's a reason there you can't rotate the camera in LoL.


Because it's fun.


> less P2W shit.
Dota has NO P2W shit stop being retarded


Smite is better for casual MOBA.
HotS is better casual MOBA if you want top-down view.
Dota is better for hardcore MOBA.

LoL is obsolete.

Hey stupid fuck who is still posting really outdated images, 0 is still LESS than some.



there's a reason riot uses stylized splash art instead of models

>still uses a client made in flash despite having thousands of developers working on the game

No, it's a chink cash-grab.

>Lists mana as a positive
Fuck magic and their influence making every card Game unplayable

>blaming the fault of card games on MTG


League isn't shy about not being original. Characters have always taken inspiration from Dota or some other mythical archetype.