Recommend me some dreamcast games to emulate, I only have marvel vs capcom 2 and power stone

Recommend me some dreamcast games to emulate, I only have marvel vs capcom 2 and power stone.

Jet Set Radio, Shenmue Soul Calibur

>Soul Calibur
>Dead or Alive 2
>Le Mans

Shenmue seems the obvious answer to me.

D, Illbleed, Crazy Taxi

Skies of Arcadia

Cannon Spike
Project Justice

ready 2 rumble boxing

gears of war 2

Vigilante 8

came here to post this

That and Time Stalkers, OP

The fuck is a dreamcast?

sonic adventure


Evolution - World of Sacred Device

Hold the fucking phone, Dreamcast emulation works now?

Already played skies of arcadia, sonic adventure 2, soul calibur, and jet set radio

trying out crazy taxi right now and it feels a lot slower than i remember, is there a certain way to go faster or is it just the way the game is?

might try shemue next


Shenmue, senpai.

if by now you mean the last 10 years

Crimson Death OX, Confidential Mission

if only people knew about powerstone nowadays

immensely fun but you need 4 people to get the full experience

So i went on a crazy burning spree today and so far i have:
Powerstone 1&2
Project justice
Tech Romancer
Skies of Arcadia
Dynamite Cop
Plasma sword
Virtual on
Cannon spike
I also have physcial copies of:
Jet grind radio
Sonic adventure
Soul Calibur
Is there anything else that i'm missing? Dreamcast has so many good fighting games

If you are big into dreamcast shit, think about getting a gdemu. I got one. Have every US game and a buch of jap shooters and 6 sd cards. Fucking love it.

It's likely that you've never heard of it, and it's hardly stellar by modern standards, but it was impressive for its time in what it tried to do

I also vaguely remember its VMU minigames being decent, which is a plus if you're playing it on actual hardware

I've heard about gdemu from /vr/ but haven't read up on it.Whats the deal with it?
I have to branch out to some DC JP SHMUPS.Any recommendations?
I honestly love the dreamcast,it's one of my favorite consoles.I just wish it was easy to find games in the wild.

I was on the fence with downloading this one.I've seen it in the wild quite a few times before but never pulled the trigger.The dreamcast isn't a rpg haven so i'll give it a shot.Thanks,user.

Its basically a plug and play chip that completely replaces the disc laser with a sd card slot. No other modding required.


invest in a thumb glove

space channel 5

Damn,thats pretty sexy user.I am a bit worried about my disc drive wearing out.Is this an expensive mod? Sd cards are dirt cheap now so that shouldn't be an issue.

Shenmue 2

Canon Spike has been said to be good.

Yogurt Ring is OP

No thanks necessary, your predicament is a common one and I've never seen anybody get that final push and end up not enjoying it thus far

It's a non-difficulty-heavy dungeon crawler with a side of monster collecting sim and some lite roguelike elements, but where it really shines is in its worldbuilding, where every NPC has a name and routine (somewhat in the vein of Majora's Mask or Radiata Stories, though not quite real-time) where after every dungeon delve you can check on them and see scenes where they interact with each other, including playable party members, and whoever you're playing as has their own reaction to all of said scenes
I figured this out when it became my regular ritual to replay the whole game every few years, using a different "main" character to go through the scenes and story every time, and it's always impressed me just how different they each are in that regard

It helps that the NPCs you get to interact with are completely nutty, like a tribesman from not!Native America who discovers a not!Japanese city and tries to make a living as a businessman, the crossdressing pro wrestler who forgot he wasn't a homosexual dress salesman after suffering a concussion (so he became one), the detective who tells lame marriage jokes and has a new one every time you visit him, and so on and so forth
And they also have detailed bios that get filled in every time you see their scenes

I'm pretty sure I still haven't seen 100% of the scenes even after all these replays, which is the most exciting part to me, but that's just how much effort they put into making the world colorful, I guess
Just doing my part user

it still makes my heart tingle to see him in anything other than Shining Force
RIP Climax

Just google GDEMU. First page should be everything you need. There is only 1 guy making these by hand. Process is slow and once he gets orders up they are gone within hours. Sign up for a newsletter. Forget what i payed..think it was around 150.

Mega huge retard here.

How to use demul? i have all the roms but i can't get it to work.

Cool,i'll definitely do some research on the subject.I think I would miss the mechanical disc grinding sound though.Thats part of the experience.

Totally sold me on TimeStalkers,bro.I had no idea the world had so many complex nuances.One of my favorite aspects of older rpgs is talking to NPC's after major story events and seeing what they have to say.Also,i totally need to get Radiata stories.

Disc lens isnt auppise to "grind" like that. The factory grease they put on the lens rails wore off so damn fast cause they went cheap. Take it apart and get some lithium grease on the rails. It becomes quiet as fuck. Did it to my 2 dreamcasts before i for a 3rd with the gdemu.

You probably just need to install the bios. Just look it up on YouTube, I just set up Dreamcast emulation myself a couple days ago, and I'm loving it so far.